
Sunday, December 31, 2017



(Catatan akhir tahun 2017)

Tahun 2017 sebentar lagi akan kita tutup. Dan dinamika business pada tahun ini banyak sekali diwarnai oleh perubahan, innovations dan disruption.
Tetapi sebenarnya apakah arti disruption dalam context pengembangan diri dan karier kita? 
Kita ikuti cerita di bawah ini ...

Pantai East Coast di Singapore adalah tempat favorite kami untuk bersepeda bersama keluarga. Apalagi sekarang kami sudah bisa menyewa sepeda melalui apps, dan bisa mengambil sepeda yang tersedia dan meninggalkannya di manapun kami mau. Hari itu kami bersepeda bersama istri dan anak-anak saya, menelusuri jalur sepeda di pantai itu.
Di tengah jalan, Adrian, anak saya yang ketiga minta makan roti kaya toast dan telur setengah matang untuk sarapan.
Kami pun berhenti di caffe langganan kami di sana.
Sambil menunggu pesanan, tanpa saya duga, datanglah menyapa seorang teman lama, sebut saja namanya Joey.
Dengan senang hati saya pun mengajaknya breakfast bersama kami.

Joey sekarang bekerja di sebuah perusahaan IT di Singapore dengan coverage meliputi Asia Pacific. Dia bertanggungjawab untuk Customer experience untuk para usernya, yang biasanya adalah para IT director.
Yang Joey keluhkan adalah seringnya organisasinya berubah seolah-olah tanpa di plan.
Joey bilang,"Saya sudah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan sebelumnya. Dan memang di tempat kerja saya sebelumnya kami iuga melakukan perubahan organisasi. Tetapi semuanya terplanning dengan baik, dan tidak terkesan terbirit-birit seperti ini.
Di perusahaan saya yang sekarang semuanya kelihatan tidak terplanning dengan baik, dan seolah olah kita panik dan selalu berubah dalam waktu cepatz Sebelum sebuah perubahan selesai, perubahan berikutnya sudah dimulai. Bagaimana kami mau mengikuti atau beradaptasi? What do you think?"

Kejadian yang dialami Joey memang sering kali terjadi saat ini. Bisnis bergerak begitu cepat, akibatnya perubahan juga harus berjalan lebih cepat lagi. Kita hanya punya dua pilihan, berubah atau mati.

Dan kita semua seringkali gagal mengantisipasi perubahan itu, baik kita sebagai individu dalam karier kita, maupun perusahaan dalam mengantisipasi perubahan bisnis.
Seorang penulis terkenal dari Inggris bernama Rene Carayol, pada tahun 2015 mengumpulkan 25 CEO ternama di Inggris dan mengajak mereka menuliskan prediksi bisnis individual mereka untuk lima tahun ke depan (tahun 2020).

Apa hasilnya ? Hampir separuh prediksi mereka sudah terjadi sekarang, hanya dua tahun setelah mereka meramalkan (dan bukan lima tahun lagi).
Jadi mereka mampu memprediksi apa yang terjadi di dunia bisnis (ya iyalah, mereka kan expertnya). Cuma mereka gagal meramal bahwa perubahan itu ternyata akan terjadi jauh lebih cepat.

Dan memang itulah perubahan, seringkali kita tidak mampu melakukan perubahan tepat pada waktunya (ya iyalah, siapa yang mampu meramalkan masa depan dengan tepat? Gak ada kan). 
Makanya perubahan itu hanya bisa dilakukan ternyata dengan dua cara ini :  terlalu lambat atau terlalu cepat.
Kalau terlalu lambat, konsekwensinya fatal, lihat saja apa yang terjadi pada Xerox, Kodak dan Nokia.
Kalau terlalu cepat, kita mungkin terasa terbirit birit atau tim kita susah mengikuti, tetapi ternyata itu akan membuat kita survive di masa depan.

Jadi apa kuncinya? 
Kita seringkali mendengar kata disruption, seolah olah kata disruption itu hanya berlaku untuk bisnis perusahaan kita.
Padahal Mahatma Gandhi pernah berkata,"Be the change you want to see in this world"
Berarti kalau kita mah disrupt the business, kita harus berani disrupt our team and sebelumnya kita harus berani disrupt ourselves.
Apa sih artinya ? Artinya mengganggu diri kita sendiri, keluar dari kestabilan dan keluar dari zona nyaman!
Baru setelah itu kita bisa ready dan lebih agile terhadap perubahan bisnis yang akan terjadi di masa depan.

How to disrupt ourselves?
Kita ikuti lima langkah di bawah ini ...

0. LEARN from UNDER 25

Jadi ingat ya, untuk mempersiapkan kita agar selalu siap dengan perubahan di masa depan, lakukan kelima langkah ini ...


Dunia terus berputar dan berubah. Satu satunya cara untuk mengikuti adalah dengan menganggap gelas (pikiran dan ilmu) kita masih belum penuh dan kita haus pengetahuan (yang ada di luar sana).
Baca (buku, majalah, internet).
Dengarkan dan lihat (TV, radio dan YouTube yanv bermutu).
Belajar , belajar dan belajar lagi.
Seraplah ilmu sebanyak mungkin.
Hauslah pada pengetahuan yang ada di luar sana.

0. LEARN from UNDER 25

Kenapa kita biasanya hanya belajar dari  yang lebih senior (atau yang lebih tua)? Mereka itu memang hebat pada jamannya. Mereka memang berprestasi pada masa lalu.
Tetapi perusahaan yang hebat di masa lalu iuga belum tentu sukses di masa depan kan?
Orang orang tua yang dulunya sukses di masa lalu juga belum tentu mengerti dan memahami apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan kan?
Tentu saja kita harus  belajar dari mereka dan dari apa yang mereka lakukan.

But They are all oriented to the past! You also need to understand the future!
Dari siapa lagi kita harus belajar? Dari anak anak muda yang berusia di bawah 25 tahun.
Mereka menyuarakan suara consumer di masa depan
Mereka yang akan mengubah dunia di masa depan
Mereka selalu "connected" (gak ada wifie 5 menit saja sudah kelimpungan), berarti mereka selalu connect dengan apa yang terjadi di dunia ....
Learn from them, learn from what they know, and apply in your business ...


Kuncinya disruption adalah menyadari bahwa kekuatan yang kita punya sekarang belum tentu berguna di masa depan. 
Jadi meskipun anda sudah hebat di suatu bidang, jangan merasa sombong, jangan merasa bahwa kekuatan anda akan mampu membuat anda sukses seterusnya!
Dunia akan berubah cepat, dan ada kemungkinan bahwa strength yang anda punya mungkin tidak relevant lagi, lihat saja apa yang terjadi pada beberapa profesi atau beberapa industri yang sedang mengalami krisis saat ini ....


Kemudian, anda juga harus berani disrupt anda sendiri ....
Belajarlah dan tekunilah sebuah kompetensi baru (atau ambillah sertifikat baru, atau kuliah lagi) , setiap tahun anda harus mempelajari sesuatu yang baru!
Apakah itu project management, HR, finance, marketing ...atau apapun, asalkan anda mempelajari hal baru yang belum pernah anda pelajari dan akan menambah portfolio kompetensi anda.


Teori itu bagus untuk dipelajari, tetapi sebaiknya anda praktekkan kan? Salah satu cara untuk mempraktekkan adalah dengan mencari challenge baru. 
Cari pekerjaan yang baru.
Sebaiknya di perusahaan yang sama dan mengerjakan hal yang berbeda (dari finance ke marketing, dari sales ke HR, dari HR ke function lain ...etc).
Kalau anda mengerjakan langkah 1-4 kan anda sudah mempunyai kompetensi pelengkap untuk mencari challenge baru kan?
Kalau anda tidak mendapatkan peluang di perusahaan yang sama, ya cari peluang di perusahaan lain.
You have to look for new challenges, inside or outside, masa depan anda dipertaruhkan di sini ....
Something has to change in your job or your life, differenf job, different company , different country or different industry.
That s how you build your agility, by disrupting yourself!

Jadi ingat ya, untuk mempersiapkan kita agar selalu siap dengan perubahan di masa depan, lakukan kelima langkah ini ...
0. LEARN from UNDER 25

Selamat Tahun Baru 2018.

Hope you will really disrupt yourself this year.

Salam Hangat

Pambudi Sunarsihanto

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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2018

Gartner Top 10 StrategicTechnology Trends for 2018

Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2018 AI, intelligent apps, intelligent things
Artificial intelligence, immersive experiences, digital twins, event-thinking and continuous adaptive security create a foundation for the next generation of digital business models and ecosystems.
LiveSYM_bugHow do designers make cars safer? They treat them like a school of fish. Safe Swarm, recently unveiled by Honda, uses vehicle-to-vehicle communication to allow cars to pass information on to other cars in the vicinity. For example, alerts about an accident miles up the road could be relayed to cars miles back, enabling them to operate collaboratively and intelligently to avoid accidents and mitigate traffic.
The evolution of intelligent things, such as collective thinking car swarms, is one of 10 strategic trends with broad industry impact and significant potential for disruption.
“The continuing digital business evolution exploits new digital models to align more closely the physical and digital worlds for employees, partners and customers,” says David Cearley, vice president and Gartner Fellow, at Gartner 2017 Symposium/ITxpo in Orlando, Florida. “Technology will be embedded in everything in the digital business of the future.”

The Intelligent Digital Mesh

Gartner calls the entwining of people, devices, content and services the intelligent digital mesh. It’s enabled by digital models, business platforms and a rich, intelligent set of services to support digital business.
Intelligent: How AI is seeping into virtually every technology and with a defined, well-scoped focus can allow more dynamic, flexible and potentially autonomous systems.
Digital: Blending the virtual and real worlds to create an immersive digitally enhanced and connected environment.
Mesh: The connections between an expanding set of people, business, devices, content and services to deliver digital outcomes.
Trend No. 1: AI Foundation
The ability to use AI to enhance decision making, reinvent business models and ecosystems, and remake the customer experience will drive the payoff for digital initiatives through 2025.
Given the steady increase in inquiry calls, it’s clear that interest is growing. A recent Gartner survey showed that 59% of organizations are still gathering information to build their AI strategies, while the remainder have already made progress in piloting or adopting AI solutions.
Although using AI correctly will result in a big digital business payoff, the promise (and pitfalls) of general AI where systems magically perform any intellectual task that a human can do and dynamically learn much as humans do is speculative at best. Narrow AI, consisting of highly scoped machine-learning solutions that target a specific task (such as understanding language or driving a vehicle in a controlled environment) with algorithms chosen that are optimized for that task, is where the action is today. “Enterprises should focus on business results enabled by applications that exploit narrow AI technologies and leave general AI to the researchers and science fiction writers,” says Cearley.
Trend No. 2: Intelligent Apps and AnalyticsOver the next few years every app, application and service will incorporate AI at some level. AI will run unobtrusively in the background of many familiar application categories while giving rise to entirely new ones. AI has become the next major battleground in a wide range of software and service markets, including aspects of ERP. “Challenge your packaged software and service providers to outline how they’ll be using AI to add business value in new versions in the form of advanced analytics, intelligent processes and advanced user experiences,” notes Cearley.
Intelligent apps also create a new intelligent intermediary layer between people and systems and have the potential to transform the nature of work and the structure of the workplace, as seen in virtual customer assistants and enterprise advisors and assistants.  
“Explore intelligent apps as a way of augmenting human activity, and not simply as a way of replacing people,” says Cearley. Augmented analytics is a particularly strategic growing area that uses machine learning for automating data preparation, insight discovery and insight sharing for a broad range of business users, operational workers and citizen data scientists.
Trend No. 3: Intelligent ThingsIntelligent things use AI and machine learning to interact in a more intelligent way with people and surroundings. Some intelligent things wouldn’t exist without AI, but others are existing things (i.e., a camera) that AI makes intelligent (i.e., a smart camera.) These things operate semiautonomously or autonomously in an unsupervised environment for a set amount of time to complete a particular task. Examples include a self-directing vacuum or autonomous farming vehicle. As the technology develops, AI and machine learning will increasingly appear in a variety of objects ranging from smart healthcare equipment to autonomous harvesting robots for farms.
As intelligent things proliferate, expect a shift from stand-alone intelligent things to a swarm of collaborative intelligent things. In this model, multiple devices will work together, either independently or with human input. The leading edge of this area is being used by the military, which is studying the use of drone swarms to attack or defend military targets. It’s evident in the consumer world in the opening example showcased at CES, the consumer electronics event.


Trend No. 4: Digital TwinsA digital twin is a digital representation of a real-world entity or system. In the context of IoT, digital twins are linked to real-world objects and offer information on the state of the counterparts, respond to changes, improve operations and add value. With an estimated 21 billion connected sensors and endpoints by 2020, digital twins will exist for billions of things in the near future. Potentially billions of dollars of savings in maintenance repair and operation (MRO) and optimized IoT asset performance are on the table, says Cearley.
In the short term, digital twins offer help with asset management, but will eventually offer value in operational efficiency and insights into how products are used and how they can be improved.
Outside of the IoT, there is a growing potential to link digital twins to entities that are not simply “things.” “Over time, digital representations of virtually every aspect of our world will be connected dynamically with their real-world counterparts and with one another and infused with AI-based capabilities to enable advanced simulation, operation and analysis,” says Cearley. “City planners, digital marketers, healthcare professionals and industrial planners will all benefit from this long-term shift to the integrated digital twin world.” For example, future models of humans could offer biometric and medical data, and digital twins for entire cities will allow for advanced simulations.
Trend No. 5: Cloud to the Edge
Edge computing describes a computing topology in which information processing and content collection and delivery are placed closer to the sources of this information. Connectivity and latency challenges, bandwidth constraints and greater functionality embedded at the edge favors distributed models. Enterprises should begin using edge design patterns in their infrastructure architectures  particularly for those with significant IoT elements. A good starting point could be using colocation and edge-specific networking capabilities.
While it’s common to assume that cloud and edge computing are competing approaches, it’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the concepts. Edge computing speaks to a computing topology that places content, computing and processing closer to the user/things or “edge” of the networking. Cloud is a system where technology services are delivered using internet technologies, but it does not dictate centralized or decentralized service delivering services. When implemented together, cloud is used to create the service-oriented model and edge computing offers a delivery style that allows for executions of disconnected aspects of cloud service.
Trend No. 6: Conversational Platforms
Conversational platforms will drive a paradigm shift in which the burden of translating intent shifts from user to computer. These systems are capable of simple answers (How’s the weather?) or more complicated interactions (book a reservation at the Italian restaurant on Parker Ave.) These platforms will continue to evolve to even more complex actions, such as collecting oral testimony from crime witnesses and acting on that information by creating a sketch of the suspect’s face based on the testimony. The challenge that conversational platforms face is that users must communicate in a very structured way, and this is often a frustrating experience. A primary differentiator among conversational platforms will be the robustness of their conversational models and the API and event models used to access, invoke and orchestrate third-party services to deliver complex outcomes.
Trend No. 7: Immersive ExperienceAugmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality are changing the way that people perceive and interact with the digital world. Combined with conversational platforms, a fundamental shift in the user experience to an invisible and immersive experience will emerge. Application vendors, system software vendors and development platform vendors will all compete to deliver this model.
Over the next five years the focus will be on mixed reality, which is emerging as the immersive experience of choice, where the user interacts with digital and real-world objects while maintaining a presence in the physical world. Mixed reality exists along a spectrum and includes head-mounted displays (HMD) for AR or VR, as well as smartphone- and tablet-based AR. Given the ubiquity of mobile devices, Apple’s release of ARkit and iPhone X, Google’s Tango and ARCore, and the availability of cross-platform AR software development kits such as Wikitude, we expect the battles for smartphone-based AR and MR to heat up in 2018.

avid Cearley, vice president and Gartner Fellow, at Gartner 2017 Symposium/ITxpo in Orlando, Florida.
David Cearley, vice president and Gartner Fellow, discusses the Top Strategic Technology Trends 2018 at Gartner 2017 Symposium/ITxpo in Orlando, Florida.


Trend No. 8: BlockchainBlockchain is a shared, distributed, decentralized and tokenized ledger that removes business friction by being independent of individual applications or participants. It allows untrusted parties to exchange commercial transactions. The technology holds the promise to change industries, and although the conversation often surrounds financial opportunities, blockchain has many potential applications in government, healthcare, content distribution, supply chain and more. However, many blockchain technologies are immature and unproven, and are largely unregulated.
A practical approach to blockchain demands a clear understanding of the business opportunity, the capabilities and limitations of blockchain, a trust architecture and the necessary implementation skills. Before embarking on a distributed-ledger project, ensure your team has the cryptographic skills to understand what is and isn’t possible. Identify the integration points with existing infrastructures, and monitor the platform evolution and maturation. Use extreme caution when interacting with vendors, and ensure you are clearly identifying how the term “blockchain” is being used.
Trend No. 9: Event-DrivenDigital businesses rely on the ability to sense and be ready to exploit new digital business moments. Business events reflect the discovery of notable states or state changes, such as completion of a purchase order. Some business events or combinations of events constitute business moments — a detected situation that calls for some specific business action. The most consequential business moments are those that have implications for multiple parties, such as separate applications, lines of business or partners.  
With the advent of AI, the IoT, and other technologies, business events can be detected more quickly and analyzed in greater detail. Enterprises should embrace “event thinking” as part of a digital business strategy. By 2020, event-sourced, real-time situational awareness will be a required characteristic for 80% of digital business solutions, and 80% of new business ecosystems will require support for event processing.
Trend No. 10: Continuous Adaptive Risk and TrustDigital business creates a complex, evolving security environment. The use of increasingly sophisticated tools increases the threat potential. Continuous adaptive risk and trust assessment (CARTA) allows for real-time, risk and trust-based decision making with adaptive responses to security-enable digital business. Traditional security techniques using ownership and control rather than trust will not work in the digital world. Infrastructure and perimeter protection won’t ensure accurate detection and can’t protect against behind-the-perimeter insider attacks. This requires embracing people-centric security and empowering developers to take responsibility for security measures. Integrating security into your DevOps efforts to deliver a continuous “DevSecOps” process and exploring deception technologies (e.g., adaptive honeypots) to catch bad guys that have penetrated your network are two of the new techniques that should be explored to make CARTA a reality.

Fokuslah pada apa yang bisa kita kendalikan dalam Hidup kita

"Fokuslah pada apa yang bisa kita kendalikan dalam Hidup kita"

Menetapkan strategi dan langkah baru untuk mencapai tujuan kedepan tentunya dimulai dari evaluasi dan perbaikan atas apa yang kita capai/hasilkan saat ini karena dengan evaluasi itu kita menjadi tau apa saja potensi dan apa saja masalah yang kita hadapi. Evaluasi haruslah menyeluruh meliputi evaluasi faktor internal dan faktor eksternal atas keseluruhan proses hidup yang sudah terjadi. Evaluasi ini sangat memerlukan kesadaran kita akan tanggung jawab kita sebagai salah satu "pelaksana" dalam proses yang kita ikuti sekaligus kebesaran hati untuk menerima evaluasi dalam bentuk apapun.

Faktor eksternal seringkali menjadi kambing hitam atas pencapaian yang kurang dalam masa tertentu, seringkali dianggap sebagai penyebab kegagalan tertentu tapi kita lupa ada faktor internal kita yang justru harus jadi prioritas evaluasi dan perbaikan, internal kita berkaitan dengan kapasitas kita atas target tertentu yang ditetapkan dan itu adalah tanggung jawab bersama seluruh tim dalam organisasi yang ada, kita terlalu banyak menyorot faktor eksternal yang justru kita tidak memiliki banyak kemampuan untuk memperbaiki dan mengendalikannya.

Mari kita petakan apa saja dalam proses hidup kita atau dalam proses organisasi kita yang mampu kita kendalikan dan yang tidak mampu kita kendalikan dan kalo kita sadari semua yang mampu kita kendalikan adalah bagian faktor internal yang melekat pada kita atau tim kerja kita, kita sangat berkuasa dengan aktor itu dan kita bisa melakukan apapun untuk menjadikan kita lebih mampu meningkatkan kapasitas diri/tim kita, lalu kenapa kita harus fokus pada kapasitas sesuatu diluar sana yang jelas-jelas bukan urusan kita sepenuhnya???jangan buang waktu kita untuk melihat apa yang ada di luar kita tetapi Fokuslah dan rangkul apa yang ada di dalam kita/tim kerja karena itu jauh lebih bermanfaat.

Mari rekans, apa yang sudah terjadi kita jadikan pembelajaran yang hebat bahwa kapasitas kita sangat bisa kita kendalikan, kita ubah atau kita bentuk lagi, mari kita evaluasi semuanya dan menetapkan strategi yang lebih tepat untuk kedepannya.

Fajar Riadi DS
(Human Capital Specialist)

Friday, December 29, 2017

Bisnis yang IN di 2018

*Menyongsong tahun baru 2018, siapkah anda dengan tantangan baru di dunia bisnis?*

Hari ini adalah tanggal 28 Desember 2018, dan 4 hari lagi kita akan menyongsong tahun yang baru. Lalu, bagaimana dengan perkembangan bisnis kita selama ini di tahun 2017?

Menurut Tempo, berikut ini beberapa peristiwa penting dunis bisnis di tahun 2017:

*1.* Tahun 2017 ini bisa dikatakan sebagai masa terburuk untuk bisnis ritel sejak kriris 1998. Dimulai dari bubarnya 7- Eleven, yang selama ini menjadi tempat nongkrong generasi milenial pada Juni, disusul tiga gerai Lotus, lalu sejumlah gerai Matahari, Hipermart, Ramayana, sampai Debenhams.
Biaya tinggi dan kecilnya pemasukan menjadi alasan penutupan gerai-gerai tersebut, Jaringan 7-Eleven misalnya, menangguk rugi lebih dari Rp 400 miliar.Setidaknya ada dua hal yang dianggap ikut menjadi penyebab gulung tikarnya sejumlah gerai ini, yakni daya beli masyarakat menurun dan gempuran toko online yang makin masif.

*2.* Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) mencatat rekor tertingginya sepanjang masa dengan menembus level 6.025, pada sesi perdagangan Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017. Direktur Utama PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Tito Sulistio mengatakan, rekor itu bisa diraih karena kuatnya pasar domestik. Pada 2016, terdapat 110 ribu investor baru yang membeli saham di BEI. Sedangkan tahun ini, kata dia, ada 64 ribu investor baru dari Januari sampai September. Sebanyak 45 persen investor baru merupakan investor domestik.

*3.* Majalah Forbes pada 29 November 2017, merilis daftar 50 orang terkaya di Indonesia 2017. Ada dua nama baru yang masuk dalam daftar itu, yakni Arini Subianto dan Hartono Kweefanus. Arini Subianto, menggantikan ayahnya, Benny Subianto, yang meninggal pada Januari 2017. Salah satu pemilik toko buku Aksara ini, sekarang memegang kendali Persada Capital Investama dengan jumlah harta US$820 juta.

*4.* Registrasi Kartu SIM Prabayar, yang dicanangkan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi, Rudiantara, sempat menuai kontroversi. Sebenarnya, registrasi yang dilaksanakan mulai 31 Oktober 2017 sampai 28 Februari 2018 ini, bertujuan untuk mencegah pihak tak bertanggung jawab melakukan penipuan menggunakan telepon selular dengan identitas palsu. Sampai akhir tahun ini, sudah lebih 110 juta orang melakukan registrasi.

*5.* Hari Belanja Online Nasional (Harbolnas) 2017 mencatat *rekor baru nilai transaksi dengan menembus Rp 4,7 triliun*. Jumlah itu naik sekitar Rp 1,4 triliun dibanding 2016. Harbolnas 2017 diikuti 254 e-commerce dan digelar sepanjang tiga hari pada 11-13 Desember 2017.

*6.* Taksi online akhirnya diakui keberadaannya. Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi menerbitkan Peraturan Menhub Nomor 108 Tahun 2017 pada November 2017 untuk mengatur taksi online. Alasan pemerintah menerbitkan aturan itu adalah untuk menciptakan persaingan yang sehat antara taksi online dan taksi konvensional.

*7.* Pada 30 November 2017, Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani melantik Robert Pakpahan menjadi Direktur Jenderal Pajak. Robert menggantikan Ken Dwijugiasteadi yang pensiun. Robert Pakpahan sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur Jenderal Pengelolaan Pembiayaan Risiko sejak 2015.

*8.* Rencana Lippo Group membangun kawasan perumahan Meikarta di Cikarang seluas 2 ribu hektar menarik perhatian publik. Pembangunan ini sempat dipertanyakan karena belum ada rekomendasi dari Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Namun pada Desember 2017, rekomendasi turun untuk pembangunan kawasan seluas 84,6 hektare.

*9.* Pendaftaran Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) 2017 mendapat perhatian besar dari masyarakat. Terbukanya cara perekrutan, sehingga menjamin kejujuran dan keadilan proses rekruitmen, membuat banyak pihak menaruh kepercayaan. Pada tahun ini, pemerintah membuka dua tahap, pertama untuk Mahmakah Agung sebanyak 1684 formasi dan kedua untuk 61 kementerian dan lembaga sebanyak 17.526 formasi. Tidak kurang dari 1,1 juta pelamar mengikuti seleksi ini.

Bila kita perhatikan, beberapa peristiwa penting di atas berkaitan dengan E-Commerce/Online Business. No 1 terjadi karena maraknya Penjualan Online (lazada, tokopedia, bli2, dst.). No. 2 bisa terjadi karena penjualan saham semakin dimudahkan melalui platform online, sehingga masyarakat semakin mudah berinvestasi saham. No. 4 terjadi karena banyak penipuan yang dilakukan di dunia maya (internet), sehingga pendaftaran nomor handphone dengan kartu keluarga bisa meminimalkan tindakan penipuan tsb. No 5 adalah rekor total belanja online tahun 2017. No 6 berkatian dengan aplikasi taksi online di Indonesia. No 9 dilakukan dengan menggunakan internet, sehingga transparansi nya jauh lebih terjamin. 

*Lalu, apakah bisnis yang akan "IN" atau tetap bertahan di tahun 2018? Berikut ini hasil prediksi para ahli:*
1. Usaha produk kreatif
2. Youtuber
3. Kuliner
4. Online Service
5. Online Shop
6. Coworking Space

Bill Gates (Founder Microsoft) pernah berujar, _"If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business"._ Siapkah anda dengan tantangan baru di dunia bisnis pada tahun 2018? Apakah anda sudah memanfaatkan internet sebagai alat anda dalam memajukan usaha anda? Apakah anda sudah menjangkau pelanggan anda secara online? Apakah bisnis anda bisa ditemukan di Internet?

Marilah kita bersama2 menyongsong tahun 2018 di depan mata kita dengan sikap yang penuh optimisme, dan beradaptasi dengan perubahan teknologi yang ada.

*Salam Sukses dan Sejahtera Untuk Kita Semua!*

~Written by: Daniel Sastraamidjaja
Ikuti Digital marketing Agency
_-Social Media Content Management, Strategy, and Awareness_
_-Facebook and Instagram Ads Manager_
_-Raise Your Instagram REAL Followers & Likers!_
_-Non E-commerce Website Creation_
_-SEO & SEM (Google & Bing Ads)_

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Dua cerita

Saya ingin berbagi dua cerita lama dan melihat bagaimana Anda akan memilih 

"Cerita Pertama" 
Sebuah Perusahaan memiliki tradisi mengadakan pesta setiap malam pergantian Tahun (Old & New) dan mengadakan Undian berhadiah ...

Aturan Undian, setiap Karyawan menyetor 10 Dolar sebagai dana, hingga dari 300 Karyawan terkumpulah Tiga Ribu Dolar. Yg beruntung akan mendapat semua uang yg terkumpul ...

Pada hari Undian, kantor dipenuhi suasana yg semarak; semua orang menuliskan namany dikertas dan memasukkannya ke dalam Kotak Undian ... 

Seorang pemuda ragu² utk menuliskan nsmanya ; menurutnya, orang yg paling pantas mendapatkan Hadiah Undian tsb adalah seorang ibu pembersih di perusahaan tersebut, yg anaknya baru² ini didiagnosa mengalami bocor Jantung,  tapi dia tdk punya uang utk membayar biaya operasinya ... 

Meski mengetahui bahwa hanya ada 1/300 kemungkinan nama yg ditulisnya terpilih, pria itu menulis nama ibu pembersih itu pada  kertasnya ...

Ketika saat yg menegangkan akan tiba, kertas² di Kotak Undian di-aduk² dan kotaknya di-kocok². Pria ini terus berdo'a dalam hatinya : 'Saya berharap nama ibu ini yg terpilih' 
Boss perusahaan dg per-lahan² mengambil sebuah gulungan, membukanya dan dg suara yg lantang mengumumkan nama yg tertulis di kertas itu ... 
Nama si ibu pembersih !
Kontan seisi ruangan Kantor itupun meledak dngn sorak sorai, ibu tersebut dg cepat maju utk menerima Hadiah Undian tersebut sambil menangis : " Saya sangat  beruntung ! Saya sangat  beruntung ! Dg uang ini, anakku punya harapan! '' 

Pesta dimulai, pria itu memikirkan *"Keajaiban ini"*, sambil berjalan ke Kotak Undian di depan . Diambil dan dibukanya sebuah gulungan kertas; dia lihat tulisan di atas kertas itu adalah nama si ibu pembersih Kantor! Pria ini sangat terkejut, lalu dia ambil dan buka lagi beberapa gulungan, ternyata meskipun tulisan tangannya ber-beda², namun nama yg tertulis semuanya sama , yaitu nama ibu pembersih Kantor tsb!  Mata pria inipun berlinang air mata , disadarinya *bahwa di Dunia ini memang benar memiliki KEAJAIBAN, namun keajaiban itu bukan jatuh dari Langit, melainkan KITA JUGALAH  YG HARUS MENCIPTAKANNYA...*

"Cerita kedua"
Suatu Siang, ketika sedang ber-jalan² dg seorang teman di pinggiran Kota, kami melihat seorang pria tua dg pakaian yg kumal berusaha menawarkan sayuran, namun sayuran² itu tampaknya seperti daun² yg mulai mengering, warnanya ke-kuning²an dan ber-lubang² bekas gigitan serangga. Teman saya,  tanpa mengatakan apapun , membeli tiga ikat sayuran sekaligus . Orang tua itu dg sangat menyesal  menjelaskan : "Sayuran ini adalah tanaman saya sendiri, hujan tdk turun beberapa waktu yg lalu hingga sayurannya mulai menguning, saya sangat menyesal"

Setelah kami berlalu, saya tanya teman saya : ''Apa kamu akan memakan sayuran ini dirumah ? 

Teman saya berkata : Tidak, sayuran ini tdk bisa di makan lagi ... 

Lantas kenapa kamu beli ??? 

Karena sayuran itu tdk akan dibeli oleh siapa pun juga.  Jika saya tdk membelinya,  orang tua itu mungkin tdk akan mendapat penghasilan apapun hari ini. 

Sangat terkesan dg kebaikan hati teman ini, sayapun kembali ketempat orang tua itu dan membeli sisa sayurannya yg masih ada. Orang tua itu berkata dg  gembira,  "Saya menjual semua sayuran saya sampai tak bersisa hari ini ... ' Terima kasih atas pembelian Anda ... "

Walaupun sayur yg dibeli tdk bisa utk dimakan, saya memetik satu pelajaran yg berharga .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
*Ketika sedang berada di titik terendah dalam hidup ini, kita menginginkan sebuah KARUNIA, sebuah Keajaiban atas diri kita.*
Namun ketika kita *MAMPU,  apakah kita bersedia menjadi siPEMBUAT KARUNIA KEAJAIBAN ITU?*

Anda telah selesai membaca artikel ini. Anda memiliki dua pilihan :

1 ) Abaikan sama sekali , anggap Anda tdk pernah membaca artikel ini ... 

2 ) Teruskan ke Group dan teman Anda, dg demikian kita telah bantu menyalurkan berkat bagi orang yg sedang sangat membutuhkannya... 

Saya pilih utk meneruskan,  Anda juga bukan ?👌


(Because change is difficult)

Seorang bajak laut sedang ngobrol dengan temannya sesama bajak laut yang memakai kaki palsu, mata palsu dan memakai hook (besi tajam yang melengkung) di tangannya yang sudah putus.
Bajak laut pertama bertanya,"Mengapa kamu pakai kaki palsu?"
"Kaki disantap ikan hiu di samodra." (sambil membanggakan dirinya).
"Mengapa kamu memakai hook sebagai tangan palsu?"
"Saya bertarung dengan lima perompak, mereka mati semua. Tapi tangan saya putus" (masih dengan bangga banget)

"Terus mengapa kamu pakai mata palsu?"
"Mata saya Kejatuhan kotoran rajawali dari atas"
"Terus rajawalinya mencakar  mata kamu?"
"Bukan, waktu di mataku ada kotoran burung, reflesks tanganku membersihkannya, ternyata aku lupa aku sudah memakai hook yang tajam"

Joke di atas memang fiksi, tetapi menggambarkan betapa susahnya berubah. Si bajak laut yang sudah terbiasa menggaruk dengan tangannya, tetap saja menggaruk matanya dengan hook yang tajam.
Old habit never die.

Dan itu berlaku dalam kehidupan pribadi maupun dalam karier profesional kita.
Dalam kehidupan pribadi kita tahu betapa susahnya bapak-bapak yang ingin berhenti merokok, atau ibu-ibu yang ingin diet!
Di perusahaan juga, betapa susahnya kita mengimplementasikan proses baru atau menumbuhkan mindset baru.

Padahal sebagai leader kita selalu bilang mari kita berubah.
Seolah olah berubah itu mudah!
Padahal berubah itu sangat susah!

We need to build the habbit. Seperti halnya orangtua kita  yang harus ngomel-ngomel setiap malam agar kita sikat  gigi (thanks to Mr Stephen Covey for the analogy). 
Kita males banget sikat gigi, sampai harus disuruh, dirayu atau dibentak setiap hari (padahal itu gigi kita sendiri!)
Tetapi setelah kita melakukannya bertahun tahun, lama lama kita terbiasa sikat gigi, dan akhirnya kita merasa morning tidak nyaman kalau belum sikat gigi!

That s how you build a habit!
Dan kita juga harus bisa mempengaruhi tim kita untuk melakukan perubahan.
Bukan dengan cara instan.
Bukan dengan mengirimkan email.
Bukan dengan menyampaikan pidato.
Bukan dengan menempelkan poster.

How to do it?
Ikuti keempat langkah di bawah ini .....


Tetapkan  bersama objective yang akan dicapai dengan perubahan tersebut.
Apa yang harus dicapai? Dan mengapa kita harus mencapai objective itu?


Visualisasikan ... gambarkan kalau kita semua sukses mencapai perubahan itu, situasi apa yang bisa kita gambarkan?
Angka penjualannya berapa?
Kepuasan pelanggannya berapa?
Employee engagement berapa?
Komposisi penjualan dari product baru dan product lama berapa?
Jumlah karyawan yang mendapatkan sertifikasi untunk kompetensi baru berapa ?

... dst ... dst

Describe how the success will look like ...

Motivasilah team anda agar dapat bekerj keras bersama sama.
Mereka harus mengerti apa yang akan dapatkan (secara perusahaan, team dan diri mereka sendiri), apa yang akan mereka dapatkan kalau mereka berhasil mengimplementasikan perubahan ini.

Implementasikan perubahan dengan disiplin. Jadilah role-model untuk apa yang harus dilakukan bersama.
Ingat, sebelum anda merubah bisnis anda, anda harus merubah tim anda.
Dan sebelum anda merubah tim anda, seringkali anda harus terlebih dahulu merubah diri anda sendiri.
Dan ini yang selalu paling sulit untuk dilakukan.

Now I am asking you.
Are you ready to change yourself? Before you even think of changing your team and changing your business!

Jadi ingat keempat langkah untuk menerapkan perubahan bisnis di tempat anda ...
0. O: Tetapkan OBJECTIVE nya apa
0. V: VISUALISASI kan , suksesnya seperti apa?
0. M: MOTIVASI, Motivasilah team anda agar dapat bekerj keras bersama sama
0. I: IMPLEMENTASI kan perunahan itu sesuai jadwal dan millestone yang disepakati beraama

Salam Hangat

Pambudi Sunarsihanto

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Gaji 300 juta

Bekerja Selama 15 Tahun, Seketaris "Li Ka Shing" Menerima Gaji 300 Juta Perbulan! Setelah Mengundurkan Diri, Ini "23 Prinsip" yang Dia Bongkarkan! (Boleh Disimpan)

1. Jika tidak melihat dengan mata kepala sendiri, maka tak perlu gunakan mulut untuk membuktikannya.

2. Untuk hal yang tidak diketahui, langsung katakan "tidak tahu" adalah hal yang paling mudah.

3. Jika orang lain melemparimu batu, jangan melemparkannya balik. Simpan dan kumpulkan untuk membangun pondasi kerajaan mu kelak.

4. Yang dapat ditahan, tahanlah. Yang tidak dapat ditahan, berubahlah. Jika tidak dapat berubah, mengakulah.

5. Hadapilah masalah secara perlahan. Jangan lupa berhenti sejenak saat berbicara. Segala hal akan menjadi lebih jelas.

6. Nyalakanlah cahaya-mu, namun jangan sampai menganggu cahaya orang lain.

7. Setiap orang pasti punya rahasia yang tidak mau dibuka. Jangan pernah memaksa.

8. Banyak orang yang mengerjakan hal yang sama di saat kamu tidak. Tidak berarti kamu salah.

9. Buah yang matang boleh dipetik. Pemikiran yang matang boleh disampaikan.

10. Jika kamu menyadari bahwa kamu salah, maka kamu benar.

11. Lebih baik diam seperti orang bodoh, daripada sekali bicara langsung ketahuan bodoh.

12.  Jangan menganggap diri Anda selalu salah, jangan juga menganggap diri Anda selalu benar.

13. Anda tidak dapat menentukan baik buruknya seseorang. Namun Anda dapat menjadi orang baik.

14. Daripada mengatakan orang lain menyakitimu, lebih baik mengatakan diri sendiri harus diperbaiki.

15. Jangan pernah membohongi orang. Karena orang yang bisa Anda bohongi adalah orang yang percaya pada Anda.

16. Hati orang yang dipenuhi dengan pemikirian dan pendapat diri sendiri, selamanya tidak akan mendengar suara orang lain.

17. Orang yang mengerti Anda, belum tentu adalah orang yang perhatian pada Anda. Mungkin dia hanyalah orang yang pintar.

18. Mereka yang menyakitimu, jika bukan lebih kuat darimu, maka lebih lemah darimu. Untuk orang yang lebih lemah darimu, maafkanlah mereka. Untuk orang yang lebih kuat darimu, maafkanlah diri sendiri.

19. Jika Anda ingin mendaki ke tempat yang paling tinggi, gunakanlah kedua kakimu. Jangan menaiki punggung orang, jika tidak, akan mudah dijatuhkan.

20. Jadi orang harus percaya diri, namun jangan berlebihan hingga menjadi arogan. Jadi orang harus rendah hati, namun jangan berlebihan hingga kehilangan kepercayaan diri.

21. Hidup di dunia ini sangat melelahkan, karena banyak orang yang ingin memamerkan hal yang sebenarnya dia tak miliki.

22. Hal yang sederhana tak perlu dipeributkan, hal yang rumit tak usah dikhawatirkan, saat emosi janganlah berbicara, saat marah janganlah membuat keputusan.

23. Jika salah pilih barang, mendapat rugi sesaat. Jika salah pilih orang, menyesal selamanya.

Renungkanlah dan lakukanlah jika anda setuju.
Semangat pagi, selamat menikmati hiburan yang asyik dan berkesan. 
 Happy always 😘😘😘

Sunday, December 24, 2017

7 Habits Of Highly Productive People

7 Habits Of Highly Productive People

Completed Checklist
There are some days when we get our work done, and there are other days when we do not get any work done. While most people go through not getting their work for a majority of the time, others are able to get their work done on most days. These are the highly productive people. Those are the people who others envy when they can’t finish a project on time. Productive people come in many shapes and forms, but they all share these seven habits that allow them to be more productive than the average person.
  1. They plan their day out the night before. Remember when it was bad in high school to start the big project the night before it is due? That problem does not apply to productive people when they plan out their days. Most productive people plan out their days right before they go to bed. If you plan your day in the afternoon, then you are losing time that you can be productive in. Your productivity wanes as the day goes by, and since productivity is at its lowest at nighttime, productive people use this time to write down their goals for the next time.
  2. They give themselves closer deadlines. Highly productive people give themselves 1 week to accomplish the same goals that take a month or two for the typical person to accomplish. A closer deadline gives these people less time to procrastinate and make mistakes. This allows highly productive people to realize how valuable time truly is. You may have read on this blog before that time is our most valuable resource or heard it from someone else. Giving yourself closer deadlines will allow you to fully understand why time is our most valuable resource, and with less time there is less fooling around.
  3. They write down their goals for the week. Highly productive people take one week at a time. They write down the goals they need to accomplish for the week and then use a tally/checkmark system to indicate how close they got to accomplishing everything on the list.
  4. They give themselves bigger goals. As the goals on the list become easier to accomplish, highly productive people challenge themselves by giving themselves bigger goals and less time to get those goals accomplished. The bigger goals further establish how time is their most valuable resource and gives them less time to procrastinate.
  5. They barely watch TV. Television is productivity’s greatest villain. The average American spends 32 hours every week watching TV. There’s so many things that can be done in those 32 hours other than watch TV shows (and some can be very depressing or teaching immoral lessons), and highly productive people know that very well. They take full advantage by limiting the amount of time they spend watching TV every week so they are able to find more time in their days.
  6. They wake up early. In a sense, productive people start their work “before life happens.” There are not nearly as many things to do at 7 pm as there are things to do at 7 am (other than work). In addition, the earlier someone wakes up, the more willpower that person has. Willpower is a big source of productivity that wanes as the day progresses. Waking up earlier allows you to tap into your full willpower and get the best of it.
  7. They don’t think they have enough time. Highly productive people do not think they have enough time to get their goals accomplished. Highly productive people are continuously raising the bar higher and making it harder for them to accomplish all of the weekly goals. As a result, when something unexpected happens to the time schedule, these highly productive people feel uncomfortable losing all of that time. These highly productive people may be doing seven or more hours of productive work every day, but they feel as if they never have enough time to accomplish all of their goals.
Those are the seven habits of highly productive people. By learning to implement and develop these habits overtime, you will become a highly productive person. What are your thoughts on the habits? Do you have any additional habits you have that keep you productive? 

9 IoT Projects That Will Change the World

9 IoT Projects That Will Change the World

9 IoT Projects That Will Change the World
In this article I decided to write about IoT projects that will have a big influence on our world. 
Remember fantasy movies with smart houses and cars? That your alarm rings at 7 am you wake up, you switch it off, it conveys to the geyser to heat water at a temperature you prefer and also the coffee maker starts brewing coffee ? That your fridge can identify that you have run out of milk, it contacts the supermarket and orders the quantity you usually need, and also informs you by sending a message on your phone?
Well, now these movies are not fantasy movies anymore, we are this lucky generation which experiences tremendous and radical changes in the way we live and work. We have all opportunities now to make the world better!
Internet of Things is one of the most emerging technologies nowadays and it is starting to be clear for everyone that we move towards smart cities, smart houses, smart houses, smart living! Everything on earth will be connected to each other and we would be living in the world of IoT. 
The main questions now are: how well IoT would make our lives smarter and easier? What would be the innovations be like and how will they help us? Are those innovations really feasible ? Will it help the planet ? Are there more advantages than disadvantages working on this trend ?

IoT: Software Eats the World. Where Everything Gets Connected

In order to stay on the same page, let’s see what IoT is. The internet of things is the network of physical objects, devices, vehicles, buildings, etc connected to software, sensors, and network connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange data, contributing to our big dataworld.
In other words, the Internet of Things is about the transformation of any physical object into a digital data product. Once you attach a sensor to it, a physical object starts functioning a lot like any other digital product, it gives data about its usage, location and state. It can be tracked, controlled, personalized and upgraded remotely.
Cloud-based applications are the key to using leveraged data. The Internet of Things doesn’t work without cloud-based applications to interpret and transmit the data coming from all these sensors. The cloud is what enables the apps to work anytime and anywhere. When it is smartly done together with Big Data and artificial intelligence, it can become very intelligent, predictive, collaborative and even autonomous.
I don’t know if you recognize it or not, but it is a completely new way of interacting with our world! With our things! Your house will know that you are coming and it will switch on the air-conditioning automatically during the summer, knowing your temperature preferences. No more manual switch off, switch on air-conditioning, it will know when to do it by itself.
The Internet of Things is next technology mega-trend, which gives outstanding opportunities and challenges for companies, governments, and consumers.
For example, do you remember how bridge collapsed in Minnesota ? Killing many people, because of the emergency conditions of the steel plates ? Now, we can avoid it! Now, we can use smart cement, cement equipped with sensors to monitor cracks, and emergency situations. It would alert us to fix problems before they cause a catastrophe.
Or think about your car and driving conditions! If there’s an ice on the road, sensors could detect it and communicate the information via the wireless internet to your car. Once your car knows there’s a dangerous situation, it will instruct you to slow down, and if you don’t do it, then the car will do it for you by itself.

IoT Growth: Key Statistics & Facts

  • By 2020, 50 billion devices will be connected.
  • By 2020, the global smart home market is forecast to grow to nearly 60 billion U.S. dollars.
  • Nearly $6 trillion will be spent on IoT solutions by 20201.
  • Internet-connected clothing is coming. Experts predict that 10.2 million units of smart clothing will ship by 2020.
  • The IoT will connect many of the devices we have at home, from smart microwaves to smart fridges.
  • According to Forbes, Google bought smart thermostat maker, Nest Labs, for $3.2 billion, and
  • Samsung purchased connected home company SmartThings for $200 million.
  • A recent World Economic Forum survey showed that 88 percent of respondents were overwhelmed by the IoT’s impacts on their business models and long-term implications.
  • Barcelona has actively fostered its local technology industry. With $230 million in public funds, the city redeveloped an industrial area to create 22@Barcelona, where startups are putting public data to use in new applications and developing IoT technologies.
  • Gartner says that more than 40 percent of organizations expect the IoT to transform their business or offer significant new revenue or cost-savings opportunities over the next three years.
  • 28 percent of software developers say they are currently working on applications for IoT-connected devices.
  • High price is the #1 deterrent to adoption of consumer IoT products, according to a recent Accenture survey.
  • According to a recent survey, 200 business and IT leaders were asked how they predict the IoT to impact their businesses in the next five-year planning horizon. The respondents expected the IoT to:
64% – Create better user and customer experiences 
56% – Spark innovation
52% – Create new and more efficient working practices and business processes
50% – Create new revenue streams
36% – Increase ROI
35% – Create substantial cost savings and operational efficiencies


IoT allows us to live in a better world and make it even better!
For example, IoT environmental monitoring applications use sensors for environmental protection by monitoring air or water quality, atmospheric or soil conditions and movements of wildlife and their habitats. Also, It allows to have earthquake or tsunami early-warning systems to provide more effective aid.
Apart from that, businesses and governments want to optimize energy consumption and it is expected that IoT will be integrated into energy consuming devices, like switches, bulbs, televisions, etc. And utility supply companies will be able to effectively balance power generation and energy usage. It will allow users to to remotely control their devices, or centrally manage them via a cloud based interface, and enable advanced functions like scheduling, for example remotely powering on or off heating systems, controlling ovens, changing lighting conditions, etc. In fact, some systems that allow remote control of your things are already available in the market: Belkin’s WeMoBudderflyTelkonet’s EcoGuard.
Also, one of the key benefits of IoT devices is that they can be used to enable remote health monitoring and emergency notification systems. Nowadays people started to dedicate more time to their health and this feature of IoT is one of the favourite of the users and are highly in demand, for example, smart watches and fitness trackers – the PebbleFitbitBasis bands and many many more.
Self-driving cars have moved from fantasy movies into real life. Google and Apple are developing smart cars. Existing car manufacturers, like for example, Audi, which has already launched it’s Audi CES car to the market. There a lot of ideas about how IoT can be used to simplify our lives and make them better. Let’s look at some of them.

9 Innovative IoT Projects  

1. Nest Learning Thermostat

Nest Learning Thermostat is a revolutionary concept which is used for smart homes. Nest thermostat allows users to control their home’s temperature from their smartphone or tablet, while also helping customers save on their energy bills. Usually thermostats incur almost half of the energy bills, but with Nest you can save up to 15% on cooling bills as well as 12% on heating bills on average. It is releasing a suite of other home automation products like a fire alarm.

2. Philips Hue- Smart Home Lighting

Philips Hue lets you control your lights from your bedroom to your garden. You can automate your lights completely to make it seem like you’re home when you’re not. Your lights can even welcome you home or switch off automatically when you leave your home. 
What I really like about it is that you can program the bulbs to dim at night and there’s also an API that allows Netflix to dynamically change the lighting based on a movie scene’s color palette, extending the movie experience beyond the screen. I think it is very cool, you can hace your own cinema at home.

3. Jawbone UP2

Excellent IoT application example in healthcare as well as wearable. It comes with features like activity tracking, food logging and sleep patterns.

4. Bigbelly Smart Waste And Recycling System

It gives historical as well as real-time data collection capability via cloud-based service. It helps with smart trash picking, avoid overflows and generate notifications making waste management really smart.

5. CitySense- Smart Street Lighting

It is a smart and wireless outdoor lighting control system. With features like adaptive lighting it helps in saving electricity by intuitively adjusting brightness of streets lights based on presence of automobiles and pedestrians. It is smart enough to recognize people, animals and trees.

6. Libelium- Metiora Smart Parking Sigfox Kit

New Smart Parking solution for Smart Cities that allows citizens to detect available parking spots.

7. Future Path Medical’s UroSense

It is a smart fluid management solution. It automatically measures the CBT or Core Body Temperature and urine output of patients on catheterization. It helps to avoid infections as well as helps to start early care of diabetes, prostate cancer, heart failure, sepsis, etc. It can provide report data directly to nursing stations anywhere wirelessly.

8. Philips’ Medication Dispensing Service

It is mostly focused on elderly patients who find it difficult to maintain their medication dosage on their own, MDS dispenses pre-filled cups following scheduled dosage. It notifies automatically when it’s time to take medicine or when the patient missed the dosage.

9. Latest Locomotive From GE

The latest GE Locomotive is loaded with 250 sensors to measure 150,000 data points in a minute. This data combined with other incoming streams of data from informational and operating systems help to take driving decisions in real time.

Companies Use IoT to Create New Customer Experiences


Hilton always works on the services improvement and this time it came up with smartphone based check-ins and room key functionality. By doing that, it allows guests to easily save and set heating and lighting preferences.


Ford allows users to connect to apps through voice recognition, and what is more, it allows you to pre-order Starbucks or automatically pay for gas.


Tesla is passionate about innovation and customer experience. If a repair is needed, Tesla automatically downloads an update and if necessary, autonomously schedules an appointment to pick the vehicle up and bring it to a Tesla facility.

Ralph Lauren

Polo Tech Shirt streams athletic performance biometrics like heart rate, movement intensity and energy output to the cloud. Customer could easily integrate tech shirt with FitBit and Nike+ to have a unified experience of their athletic performance.


It has created a product system that puts sensors and connectivity into its tennis racquet. The Play Pure Drive system allows athletes to track and analyze ball speed, spin, and impact location to improve their game.


UPS has been using sensor data and big-data analytics to save money, improve efficiency, and lessen its environmental impact. UPS uses sensors on its delivery vehicles to monitor speed, miles per gallon, km, number of stops, and engine health.The sensors capture more than 200 data points for each vehicle and it results in more than 80,000 every day. These help the company reduce time delivery, fuel consumption, and harmful emissions.

IoT UX Challenges

Internet of Things is changing the way brands create experiences. Brands are facing the challenge of discovering the new world of connected devices and designing the ways users interact with them.
As UX people we need to know these challenges in order to build the right strategy and experience.

Connectivity issues

IoT is nothing without a network connection, because that is how data is transferred between devices without human intervention. It doesn’t really matter whether the connection is wireless or not, however most of the IoT devices work via WiFi.                         
The main issue here is that when we turn off the lights, for example, we expect an immediate response. But if the connection is poor at the moment and it takes a couple of minutes for the lights to go out, we won’t be patient about it and it can cause a negative emotions and poor experience.

The problem with multiple interfaces, simplicity

One of the main problems is that there are a lot of connected devices and individually they are smart and useful, but they don’t work together. You cannot control the whole collection of your IoT devices from a single place and make them sync the data. For example, if you have a smart car, a fitness tracker and a smart thermostat, you are going to have three different mobile apps for each of those. Nowadays you can’t adjust the temperature in the room according to your fitness tracker data and start your car as soon as the front door of your smart house is locked. This can make our lives more complicated, but the initial purpose of smart devices was to make the user’s life easier.


Take take the same example of lights. It takes just a single action to turn off the lights in a traditional, manual way, while , while with a smart lighting, you perform 2-3 extra steps: swipe to unlock the phone, open the app, tap the right icon to turn off the lights.


77 percent of U.S. IT and cybersecurity professionals say manufacturers are not implementing sufficient security in IoT devices. And more than 20 percent of enterprises will have digital security services devoted to protecting business initiatives using devices and services in IoT by year-end 2017.
Both startups and large companies work hard on IoT solutions. Progress may seem slow, but in fact it is happening very quickly, if you think about the magnitude of the change a fully connected world requires. What seemed like complete science fiction 20 years ago is now becoming a reality.