
Saturday, November 29, 2014

What Makes a Leader - Tanadi Santoso

By Tanadi Santoso

KUNCI menjadi

1. Kemampuan TEKNIK KHUSUS.
2. Kemampuan ANALISA dan pemBUATan KEPUTUSAN.
3. Kemampuan EMOTIONAL.

bisnis disebut
# HARDSKILLs (1 dan 2)
# SOFT-SKILLs (3),

dimana seMAKIN keATAS JABATAN seseorang semakin banyak PORSI SOFTSKILLs yang diBUTUHkan.

Daniel Goleman
sukses dengan bukunya
"Emotional Intelligence",

berawal pada
tulisan di Harvard
Business Review edisi Nov-Dec 1998, dengan judul "What Makes a Leader."

Banyak tahun yang lalu saya membaca bukunya, dan kemarin saya baca artikel HBR nya pada buku "10 must read from HBR."

menunjukkan :
jauh lebih banyak memberikan kontribusi pada sukses atau tidaknya sebuah kepemimpinan.

harus dimiliki seorang pemimpin,

emotional jauh
lebih penting dan
kritikal dalam sukses tidaknya kepemimpinan perusahaan tersebut.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) merupakan hasil campuran antara
# bakat lahir,
# lingkungan
# dan pendidikan pelatihan yang dialami seseorang.

calon pemimpin
yang baik, haruslah
difokuskan pertama pada karyawan yang memiliki
# kekayaan emotional intelligence yang baik
# disertai dengan kemampuan teknis dan analisa yang cukup.

Emotional ini dapat :
- di pelajari,
- kembangkan
- dan diperbaiki
dalam setiap orang, walaupun tidak mudah.

Ada 5 kelompok "EI" yang dibutuhkan dalam kepemimpinan.

A. Self Awareness.

kesadaran akan diri sendiri, yang merupakan kemampuan untuk mengetahui diri sendiri secara realistik:
- kelebihan,
- kekurangan,
- mood dan value
yang dianut,apa yang memotivasi dirinya, dan bagaimana emosi2nya.

Kesadaran secara jujur akan kelemahan dan pemahaman akan kelebihan diri sendiri, harus dicocokkan dengan pendapat orang lain tentang dirinya, karena bisa saja kita salah menilai diri sendiri.

Berani mengaku
* tidak bisa untuk hal2 yang memang tidak terlalu dipahaminya
* dan berkeras untuk hal2 yang dia sadari menjadi kelebihannya.

B. Self Regulation,

diri sendiri, merupakan
kemampuan untuk menjaga
a. amarah dan emosi2 negatip,
b. mengkontrol keputusan saat emosional,
c, menjaga integritas diri,
d. terbuka untuk perubahan,
d. komfortable dengan ketidak pastian.

Kontrol ini semakin penting pada saat krisis, tekanan pekerjaan yang menindas, dan ketidak pastian dalam kehidupan bisnis kita.

C. Motivation

yang mendorong
diri sendiri untuk memiliki passion dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan.

Tidak mengejar hasil tapi cinta pada proses pengejaran tujuan itu.
- Optimis,
- komit,
- punya internal drive yang kuat dalam setiap tindakannya.

Persistensi untuk menghadapi kesulitan dan punya energi emotional yang tegar dalam tekanan.

Ketiga "EI" ini, yaitu :
- Self Awareness
- Self Regulation
- Motivation
merupakan hal yang mengATUR INTERNAL DIRI KITA sendiri dan tidak berhubungan dengan orang lain,

kedua "EI" yang berikut
berurusan dengan orang lain.

D. Emphaty,

rasa turut merasakan perasaan orang lain. Kemampuan ini membuat pemimpin
a. mampu memahami perasaan orang lain,
b. bisa bergerak pada satu frekwensi yang sama dengan bawahannya.

akan membuat
pemimpin mampu
# mempertahankan karyawan terbaiknya,
# memiliki sensitivitas dalam kerja,
# memberikan service yang terbaik.

Emphaty sering tidak cukup dihargai ketika kita menilai kelebihan seseorang, padahal sangat kritikal dalam kepemimpinan yang sukses.

Kadang empati malah dipandang sebagai kelemahan karena kurang "tegas", tapi sebenarnya keduanya tetap dibutuhkan berbarengan.


kemampuan dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain.

"NETWORK" yang
# menguntungkan, bermitra dengan supplier dan customers,
# menciptakan kenyamanan ketika bersama orang lain.

yang sukses selalu
butuh social skill yang efektip untuk
* melakukan perubahan, mempersuasi anak buah,
* dan tahu cara tepat efektip dalam berinteraksi dengan orang.

Kelima kelompok Emotional Intelligence inilah yang menjadi kunci untuk menjadikan seorang pemimpin menjadi "hebat".

Kemampuan teknis dan kemampuan analisa memang penting dan harus dibentuk,

Emotional Intelligence,
yang sering dilupakan ketika kita membina atau mencari pimpinan, justru merupakan kunci sukses kepemimpinan.

Diri. Mejadi Pemimpin

"Kita hanya berhak memimpin sejauh kita mampu dan mau melayani"

Semoga sukses sejahtera

Pin  23B79025
Feel very BLESSED to BE BORN as "GM" \=D/ 
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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Big Data, pakai open source atau Splunk ya??

Big Data: Open Source Tools vs Splunk

When it comes to dealing with huge amounts of syslog data, there are few good options available to a system administrator. Large environments composed of hundreds, if not thousands of servers, routers, switches, applications and users generate an immense amount of log data, and sorting through it is not a task for the weak hearted. How are you supposed to manage 10 gigabytes, 20 gigabytes or more of syslog data? And how are you supposed to present this data to users in ways that make sense and provide a tangible benefit?
I have recently compared the main commercially available solution, Splunk, with a couple of the more popular open source products, Google’s Enterprise Log Search and Archive and Graylog. Over the next few minutes, I’ll share my results and a provide a good analysis of the pros and cons of each that just might help you tackle this problem on your own network.

Splunk: Excellent Product, High Price

The first product most IT professionals think of when they hear the buzz words ‘Big Data’ is probably Splunk. Splunk is the largest and most successful of the commercially available data indexing products, and performs its job very well. Messages can be sent directly to Splunk from hosts or a forwarder, or Splunk can be set up to read straight from your syslog files. This information is indexed into ‘Buckets’ and stored for easy recall. Hot buckets store the most current messages, warm buckets the less current, and cold buckets for the older, soon to be erased messages.
Searching and alerting are very well implemented, allowing users to conduct real time searches or schedule searches that are either recurring or happen at a specified time each day. These searches results can be used to create alerts for things such as security issues or messages indicating potential problems. Correct use of saved searches and alerts greatly decreases downtime.
Splunk’s configuration is easy enough to customize and based upon a series of *.conf files. To make a change, you just have to navigate to the appropriate configuration file and edit or insert the correct line. The primary programming language used in Splunk is Python, which counts as another positive due to Python’s widespread use. Their are two major downsides to Splunk that may keep some away: High cost and slow support ticket resolution. Splunk licenses for large environments easily climb above low 5 figures. Support wise, while they have always solved my issues, it has sometimes taken longer than expected to receive updates.

Graylog 2

Graylog is an open source package that claims to perform the same functions as Splunk. I was somewhat skeptical of this, and while my skepticism was well warranted, Graylog did have some pleasant surprises to offer. As far as behind the scenes is concerned, Graylog is written in Java and its web interface is written in Ruby on Rails. I am not a huge fan of Java, but your opinion may differ, but Ruby on Rails works well enough. Graylog does not have the ability to read directly from syslog files, instead you need to send your messages directly to Graylog. Again, this is not a show stopper, but is less convenient.
Also, Graylog relies upon elasticsearch and mongodb, two services that I use sparingly. Dependence on other servers leave Graylog subject not only to its own possible issues, but also to problems originating from elasticsearch and mongodb.
Graylog does have a very friendly and fairly intuitive web interface. You can perform searches of your data just as in Splunk and with similar search functions. Alerting is also a possibility in Graylog, but the alert emails were less than informative on their own, providing only a reference to search results contained on Graylog’s web interface. Overall, Graylog is a fine Splunk alternative if you are willing to give up some minor functionality for a drastic cost savings.

Enterprise Log Search and Archive

ELSA is offered by Google, so already most IT professionals will have an opinion one way or the other. ELSA is heavily based upon Splunk, but is focused on speed more than fancy dashboards. Depending on the average skill of the users that will be interacting with ELSA this is either a huge positive or a large downside. Installation is handled by a shell script, and running this script gets you from zero to accessing ELSA’s web interface in less than 30 minutes. Speed and functionality over design is exactly what you get with Enterprise Log Search and Archive, and there is little to no design flair to be found.
Scheduled reports, searches and alerting are some of the basic features, and ELSA works with Syslog-NG, MySQL, and LDAP/AD for authentication. There is also a plugin architecture available, but overall its best quality is the ability to handle huge numbers of logs, over 30,000 per second to be exact. There were two drawbacks that may keep you from considering this as a solution to your data processing needs. For one, the community surrounding this product is much smaller than that of Graylog and Splunk. Also, I did have to use a cleanly installed CentOS machine in order to get the ELSA installation script to run without extra package installation and configuration. Lastly, users who want or need extensive dashboard functionality will be slightly disappointed, as ELSA’s dashboards are not quite up to par with Splunk.


Overall, the product that offers the most functionality and best support is Splunk. Splunk is easy to use, has lots of available plugins and customizations, and impressive dashboard functionality.
Commercial support is also a huge bonus to many IT professionals who do not wish to add another application to their list of managed services. Graylog and Enterprise Log Search and Archive are both viable alternatives, and each have their own positives. There are three factors that should be weighed heavily before deciding which product will handle your syslog data: If you have the time and are willing to provide support, or have a knowledgeable and skilled user base, Enterprise Log Search and
Archive or Graylog are worth a look. However, if you want something that comes with minimal support responsibilities and can be unleashed on relatively unskilled user bases, Splunk is the product for you.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Apakah Cloud perlu proteksi policy ?

Companies in all business verticals are using cloud computing and its hosted virtualized methods for supplying software applications along with data processing power and storage. This basic axiom we know to be true, so what factors are changing?
Somewhere around ten years ago it was a case of ‘cloud is a security concern’. Five years ago it was ‘maybe let’s consider cloud for some use cases’. Now as we close 2014 it is increasingly ‘cloud first’, or ‘born on the cloud’ if you will. This means that applications and data sets are being architected and structured for a hosted virtualized existence from the start.
In turn then, this means that a new operational layer has sprung up i.e. firms are exchanging cloud-based information around the world and some of it is sensitive as it comes under the purview of regulatory controls. The United Nations isn’t overseeing what we all do; the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) is too busy maintaining international peace and security on the ground after all.
Nobody ever got fired for buying an IBM cloud data privacy engine solution, yet — photo credit: Wikimedia Commons
Privacy Patent Engine
IBM is aiming to use its global breadth in this regard and help organizations keep pace with changing information regulations in terms of how customer and employee data can be moved from one country to the next. The firm’s newly announced Privacy Patent Engine claims to be able to address cross-border compliance by flagging regulation changes so companies can avoid sharing data (across both public and private clouds) that could put their business at risk.
By this use of the term ‘software engine’ the company is suggesting that it has created an operational tool to improve upon manual privacy management techniques, which are typically executed on an ad hoc basis.
According to IBM, “The ability to manage data flows between cloud data centers while remaining in accordance with organizational and local laws becomes even more imperative today. Increasingly, governments are establishing rules that regulate how data may be transmitted from one country to another.”
Solving cross-border cloud data conflicts
IBM’s tastefully named new U.S. Patent #8,695,101 is intended to aggregate international requirements for data transfers around distinct individual projects. Users can then see what restrictions have been put in place for different types of protected information when transferring it between two countries. The engine also flags any cross-border privacy issues and provides recommendations on how to resolve each based on the information the business has input into the engine. In the event that underlying privacy requirements change, the engine can be updated to reflect these rules.
“Global businesses today face significant challenges in protecting personal data and keeping up with regulations in an environment where information is moving at record speeds across borders,” said Christina Peters, chief privacy officer, IBM. “Our new invention provides a privacy technique that helps businesses navigate an increasingly complex compliance landscape of regulations to help companies avoid unknowingly sharing data that could put their business at risk.”
A clouded marketplace, that’s cloud for you
Not quite a privacy police task force for international cloud data movements then, but certainly a service of some use if the shoe fits. The trouble may be that even as large as IBM obviously is, the cloud marketplace is beleaguered with so many standards, protocols and conventions that this tool may (even if it is unfairly) be classified as yet another cloud control layer that serves to clutter the toolbox.
For 21 consecutive years, IBM has topped the list of U.S. patent recipients — but does this mean that there is a just a constant stream of re-invention to be witnessed here? Yes this is playing devil’s advocate, but perhaps we do need the UN to step in and create a level playing field for cloud standards before we go any further.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014


1. Siapkan daftar hukuman
Untuk memudahkan Anda, kumpulkan daftar hukuman untuk keslahan yang sering dilakukan, misalnya jika ia memukul adiknya, berarti ia harus tidur 10 menit lebih awal malam ini.
2. Dengarkan penjelasannya
Berikan anak kesempatan untuk menjelaskan. Ia mungkin memiliki alasan yang jelas atas tingkah lakunya walaupun Anda tidak senang dengan apa yang dia lakukan.
3. Variasikan hukuman
Bersiaplah untuk memadupadankan hukuman yang telah Anda siapkan. Hukuman yang kelihatannya bisa membuat anak jera pada hari itu mungkin tidak akan memiliki efek yang sama seminggu kemudian.
4. Belajar dari orang tua lainnya
Setiap orang tua menggunakan sistem hukuman sendiri. Anda bisa mepelajari kemungkinan lain melalui diskusi dengan orang tua lain seputar pendekatan yang mereka gunakan.
5. Pastikan anak memahami
Ketika masa hukuman sudah dilalui, ajak anak bicara untuk memastikan ia mengerti bahwa masa hukuman sudah berakhir. Kembalikan suasana positf antara Anda berdua.
Konsistensi: Tentu saja, Anda harus lebih fleksibel dalam menghadapi tingkah laku anak. Situasi dan konteks setiap insiden sangatlah menentukan. Selain itu, sesekali Anda harus memberi sedikit kelonggaran, misalnya ketika tingkah laku buruk anak dipicu oleh tingkah laku temannya. Tetapi sebisa mungkin, cobalah untuk selalu menerapkan konsistensi dalam pendekatan yang Anda gunakan dalam pemberian hukuman.
Orang tua sering merasa kecewa melihat anak yang baru saja dihukum atas kesalahannya mengulangi tindakannya kembali beberapa menit kemudian. Ini dapat menimbulkan rasa tidak percaya diri dan membuat orang tua merasa bahwa pengajaran disiplinnya tidak berhasil. Mereka mulai berpikir bahwa anak tidak akan berkelakuan buruk apabila mereka sendiri adalah orang tua yang efektif. Akibatnya, keesokan harinya saat si anak mengulangi kesalahannya, mencoba cara baru. Ketika cara itu juga tidak berhasil seperti yang diinginkan, mereka beralih lagi ke cara lain.
Beralih dari satu strategi ke strategi yang lain akan menghancurkan konsistensi dan mengurangi manfaat yang mungkin diperoleh dari cara yang digunakan. Beri kesempatan agar pengajaran disiplin serta pemberian penghargaan dan hukuman yang Anda terapkan bekerja. Secara umum Anda harus terus berpegang pada strategi tertentu selama dua atau tiga minggu sebelum menyerah. Konsistensi adalah yang penting bagi anak dalam menumbuhkan pengendalian diri. Ia tidak akan mencapai pengendalian diri jika Anda terus-menerus mengganti pendekatan dari hari ke hari.