The 7 (New) Habits Of Effective Entrepreneurs
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This week I appeared on the Entrepreneur on Fire podcast with John Lee Dumas, the 34-year-old entrepreneur at the helm of the daily iTunes podcast show that has garnered nearly $2 million in net incometo date as I reported this Spring. Two years in and with more than 700 interviews under his belt Dumas has observed some recurring themes among the successful entrepreneurs who’ve been on his program.
With all respect to the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (of which I am a fan), Dumas and his content manager and partner in life and business, Kate Erickson, compiled the seven newest habits they hear about most on EOFire. With Dumas’ permission I am sharing them here, as they likely apply to us all:
1. Don’t keep your email tab open (or your cell phone volume on)
Distractions are the bane of entrepreneurial existence, and the greatest culprits are cell phones and email. Have you ever thought to yourself, “Oh yeah, let me just check real fast to see if that email come through,” or “Just making sure there are no emergencies” and then discovered 30 minutes later you’re still in your email? (Worse still are the times you forget why you came.)
Practice putting aside specific times during the day to check your email and phone, even if the time you set aside to begin with is once every 30 minutes or hour. Having the mail and phone open and on right next to you is far too big of a temptation for most. Remove the temptation, and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to set the distractions aside once you’re fully focused on the project at hand.
EOFire host and entrepreneur John Lee Dumas
2. Prepare for the week ahead (or day, if you prefer)
Yes, this habit harks back to Stephen R. Covey’s 7 Habits, however, the ability to plot out the things you most want to accomplish over the next week or day continues to be one of the top success habits of thriving modern-day entrepreneurs. Be sure that you are not just creating a list, but that your game includes priorities and timelines as well.
“I can guarantee that if you plan out your schedule, you will get a lot more done in a lot less time than if you leave the process at simply asking yourself, ‘What should I work on next?’” says Dumas.
3. Celebrate the little successes
Too often we get wrapped up in the craziness of entrepreneurship and we forget to celebrate the incremental successes we have during each week, each month, and each quarter and year. These little successes can strengthen us for the big goals that are exceeding difficult to come by, and by doing so can make it easier to abide the life of an entrepreneur.
Make time for hard work, but also make sufficient time for relaxation and play. By allowing for relaxation and celebrating your successes you allow yourself to recognize progress, which is key for continued inspiration and growth. Entrepreneurs seldom fully retire, so enjoy your journey.
4. Don’t stress the small stuff
As easy as it is to think that our lives and our current businesses are the end-all of the world, they aren’t. Some days are difficult. Not every entrepreneur is meant to save the day every day, and humans make mistakes. Everything will be okay.
5. Throw fear (and frustration) to the wind
Fear and frustration are two of the biggest roadblocks to success as an entrepreneur. Get rid of them!
Practice telling yourself that it’s not that scary to experience fear. You’ve felt it before, and you’ve found your way through. Remind yourself that frustration is only playing a game with your head, and it wants to win really bad.
Practice telling yourself that it’s not that scary to experience fear. You’ve felt it before, and you’ve found your way through. Remind yourself that frustration is only playing a game with your head, and it wants to win really bad.
6. Learn to focus on the task at hand
“I love this word, focus, and it’s for good reason,” says Dumas. “Without focus, we find it difficult to take a step forward, and being able to start and complete an accomplishment–whether it be a huge project or a simple task–is integral to our success.”
The next time you find yourself getting distracted, Dumas says, remind yourself that FOCUS stands for this: Follow One Course Until Success.
7. Ask for help
No entrepreneur has all of the answers, and this is a good thing. But there are other people we can collaborate with who can help us move forward in all of the ways we have need. Don’t hesitate to reach out to others and ask for help. You’re an entrepreneur in your own niche for a reason. No one expects you to know everything beyond your area of specialization, so there’s not need to act like you do.
None of these habits are overly difficult. They simply require a bit of motivation, dedication and passion for your overall goal, along with a bit of practice each day.
“Practicing these simple habits will propel your business forward,” Dumas says.
And for a diet of daily reminders, you can find all 700-plus of the EOFire podcasts on iTunes or via the Entrepreneur On Fire website here.