
Saturday, January 18, 2014

5 cara selesaikan masalah

math problem

5 Out of the Box Approaches to Problem Solving

A problem is a subjective perspective. What some people see as major problems others see as intricate puzzles, challenges or even exciting opportunities. Camber and I don’t really like the word problems because it admits a degree of difficulty. Again difficulty is subjective…an opinion we don’t like to accept. We prefer to think of problems as opportunities to grow. Having experienced our fair share of these ‘opportunities’ on our journey through life we have become accustomed to approaching these events using these following 5 out of the box approaches.
Don’t see a problem, see a challenge.
If you want to overcome an obstacle you cannot see the obstacle as impossible. You cannot even see it as very hard. You have to see it as possible. Our mind is our greatest defense mechanism, so when we use the word difficult, our subconscious tries to protect us from pain by activating our surrender system. If you think of problems as difficult, you are increasing your odds of failure right out of the gate because your mind is telling to give up. Pick a work that keeps you motivated and tells the inner you that it is possible.
Take it to a mastermind
There are times when challenges can best be solved with multiple minds and multiple perspectives collaborating together. This is especially important if you are particularly close to the challenge. An outside perspective can offer your unbiased advice. A mastermind group, or a group of creative minded individuals are a great source of out of the box advice and solutions.
Force is bad, very bad
Don’t think on a challenge so hard you have an aneurism. Think about it for a little bit and then take a rest. You subconscious mind will continue to work on it. Sometimes it may take a few days before a solution pops into your mind, but it more often then not, it will come. Employ the power of your subconscious mind.
Limited minds produce limited results
Don’t share your challenges with people who are not creative thinkers. Most people follow the path of least resistance and would only love to tell you that your challenge is impossible. Stay away from these limited minds with your obstacles.
Defeat is not an option.
Never give up and never surrender. You can do it if you keep at it. Tenacity is a characteristic of high achievers. If you give up, you are certainly won’t accomplish your goals, if you never give up you are keeping the doors open.
Every mind has the capability to be a creative thinker, most people simply enjoy the sense of ease that quitting offers. Don’t be fooled into thinking ease is progress. You can overcome any obstacle if you try.
These are 5 out of the box approaches to problem solving.