Saya hanya seorang yang berpikiran sederhana, mencoba memahami dunia penuh kerumitan, mensyukuri setiap langkah yang diberkati, mendoakan harapan dan berharap hidup saya membuat banyak orang merasa sungguh hidup..
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Musa saja tidak PeDe
Friday, October 30, 2020
Belenggu ketakutan
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
APA TREN DAN STRATEGI SMART CITY DI 2021 , kami akan membahasnya bersama para nara sumber:
1. Bapak Thomas Pati Umbu, Direktur Kawasan, Perkotaan dan Batas Negara, Kemendagri
2. Bapak Setiaji, Kepala Dinas Kominfo, Propinsi Jawa Barat
3. Bapak Eddy S. Jaya, CTO PT Mitra Security Asia
Mari dengar dan lihat bersama, segera daftarkan diri anda di :
Bila ada kendala, silahkan kontak Putri 0857-7415-4495
Monday, October 26, 2020
Today is where your book begins, The rest is still unwritten
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Virtual Event TREN2021 di sepanjang November 2020
Kembali APTIKNAS & ASISINDO membuat rangkaian virtual event yang akan membantu PERUSAHAAN, INSTANSI menyiapkan diri, baik dukungan teknologi dan SDM untuk memasuki tahun 2021. Meskipun kita saat ini mengalami pandemi, tetapi tetap semangat berbagi dan diskusi dalam rangkaian webinar dengan tema sebagai berikut :
Teknologi dan SDM apa yang harus dipersiapkan banyak kota di Indonesia untuk menyambut tahun 2021, khususnya dalam implementasi smart city yang selama ini sudah banyak dilakukan. Apa strategi para pemimpin smart city Indonesia. Apa strategi implementasi smartcity di tengah pandemi Covid19 yang mengakibatkan banyak konsentrasi dana smartcity diarahkan ke sosialisasi dan bantuan pandemi.
Beberapa teknologi terkait: Cloud, Chatbot, AI, Bigdata, FaceRecog, Temperature Monitoring
Target kehadiran peserta: INSTANSI & PERUSAHAAN
2. SOCIETY 5.0 - 12 NOVKecepatan akses sangat diperlukan saat ini, ketersediaan bandwidth memegang peranan penting, apakah 5G dan konektifitas lainnya telah siap?
Beberapa teknologi terkait: 5G, provider, perangkat jaringan dan hardware, WIFI 6
Silahkan daftar diri anda sebagai peserta di EVENTCERDAS.COMFriday, October 23, 2020
Virtual Event StartSMEup - November 2020 - BANTU IKM & UKM NAIK KELAS
Program ini berisikan pelatihan dan pendampingan untuk IKM / UKM. Dan dalam kesempatan di bulan November ini, mengundang para praktisi yang sebagian besar anggota APTIKNAS dan ASISINDO untuk berbagi ilmu, dengan topik bahasan:
1. startSMEup - 6 November 2020 - IKM - membahas STRATEGI DIGITAL MARKETING IKM
2. startSMEup - 13 November 2020 - UKM - ATURTOKO bantu UKM
3. startSMEup - IKM - 20 Nov 2020
4. startSMEup - UKM - 27 Nov 2020
Pastikan kehadiran anda dengan mendaftar di EVENTCERDAS.COM
Monday, October 19, 2020
Saya baru saja melihat beberapa episode dari sebuah serie baru di NetFlix. Emily in Paris.
Tadinya saya nonton karena kangen dengan suasana di Paris (dan lama belum bisa ke sana karena COVID). Meskipun sebenarnya kangen sama yang mirip sama Emily juga (tapi ssssst, jangan bilang-bilang).
Serie itu menceritakan tokok bernama Emily, seorang talent muda yang cantik, bekerja di sebuah perusahaan marketing di Amerika.
Emily dikirim ke Paris karena perusahaannya melakukan Merger & Acquisition dan Emily harus pergi ke sana untuk bekerja di perusahaan yang baru saja dibeli.
Maka dengan penuh percaya diri Emily pun masuk ke perusahaan itu pada hari pertamanya.
Ternyata ... seringkali dunia tidak seindah yang kita harapkan...
Bulan bulan pertama di perusahaan itu terasa sangat berat bagi Emily.
Hampir semua orang di perusahaan itu seolah olah memandang sebelah mata ke Emily.
Pengalamannya di perusahaan yang sama selama bertahun- tahun seolah olah tidak ada artinya.
Semuanya seperti memandang mata dan seolah olah berkata,"Emily bukan dari Perancis ya? You are new in this country and in this market?"
Bahkan ada yang terang terangan mengatakan itu kepada Emily,”Bagaimana kamu bisa bekerja di sini, kalau tidak bisa berbicara bahasa Perancis”
By the way, sering kali cerita tentang Emily ini bukan hanya fiction. Ini kejadian yang sering terjadi pada saat kita pindah dari sebuah perusahaan ke perusahaan lain. Semua leader yang pindah perusahaan pasti pernah mengalami hal ini.
Mengapa demikian? Banyak yang tidak open mind, terjebak dalam paradigma kita sendiri. Kita sangat menghargai "our own world", product kita, orang orang kita, proses kita, brand kita, sampai memandang sebelah mata ke dunia luar.
Dan pada saat trend ini terus menerus berjalan, tentu saja sebuah organisasi akan berhenti belajar dan lambat laun akan tergilas oleh kompetisi yang buas.
Xerox hancur karena mereka sangat percaya kepada mesin photocopy, dan ketika ada yang menawarkan early prototype of Graphic Interface, mereka memandang sebelah mata.
Kodak bangkrut karena terlalu percaya pada foto analog, dan pada saat engineer nya sendiri menciptakan kamera digital pertama di dunia, malah dicuekin.
Dan Nokia mobile phone tenggelam karena terlalu percaya pada Symbian, sehingga saat Google menawarkan kerjasama untuk mengembangkan Android bersama sama, malah ditolak dengan arogan.
Arogancy, over confidence, ignorance, complacency, sleeping beauty ... atau apapun istilahnya.
Intinya begitu banyak organisasi yang terlalu focus pada internalnya (internal objective, internal solo, internal politic, internal competition...etc) dan itu membuat mereka lupa untuk belajar dari external environment.
Sangat menutup diri dan tidak open mind terhadap ide ide dari luar atau ide ide dari talent yang baru masuk.
Akibatnya organizational knowledge dan organizational learning tidak bertambah dari waktu ke waktu.
And what is the worst thing you can do? Induction program.
Semua perusahaan melakukan Induction Program.
Apa yang dilakukan di Induction program. Kita kumpulkan 40 orang karyawan baru di dalam satu ruangan. Disuruh duduk manis selama satu hari.
And we tell them,"Shut up and listen"
(Diam dan dengarkan saja, D and D)
Kemudian seolah olah akan ada satu orang yang bilang (meskipun tidak explisit),"Forget whatever you did or you know in the past, this is how we do things here"
What a waste!
Sayang banget knowledge dan experience yang dibuang buang?
Knowledge yang mana?
Experience yang mana?
Di ruang kelas di mana anda melakukan induction program itu ada 40 orang peserta.
Mungkin ada yang fresh graduate. Mungkin ada yang sudah 10 tahun pengalaman kerja.
Anggaplah rata ratanya (to be on the conservative side) adalah 2.5 tahun.
Berarti di ruang itu ada 100 tahun pengalaman kerja yang anda buang begitu saja.
Kenapa.? Karena perusahaan anda tidak mau belajar dari 100 tahun pengalaman kerja.
Terus anda bilang? Tapi kan pengalaman mereka mungkin tidak relevant?
Banyak yang datang dari perusahaan kompetitor anda.
Banyak yang datang dari bidang profesionalism yang sejenis.
Berarti banyak yang pernah melakukan kesalahan.
Pelajari itu supaya perusahaan anda tidak mengulang hal yang sana.
Banyak yang melakukan hal hal baru yang ternyata sukses berat.
Pelajari itu supaya anda bisa meniru (dan memodifikasi) di tempat anda.
Vous comprenez? Do you understand?
Sebuah perusahaan telekomunikasi di Korea Selatan mengharamkan induction program (beranikah anda? I dare you).
And instead ... mereka melakukan reverse induction program.
Karyawan karyawan baru mengajarkan hal hal baru ke karyawan karyawan lama.
Akibatnya karyawan lama pun belajar.
Karyawan baru jadi membina network dan memupuk self confidence.
Win Win.
Banyak improvement terjadi karena ide ide baru yang datang dari luar.
Perusahaan bertambah maju.
Dan profit meningkat pesat.
See the diffetence?
What is experience?
A collection of repeated action.
Jadi seorang trainer yang punya pengalaman 10 tahun itu berarti selama 10 tahun mengulang-ulang sebuah action yang sama (conduct a training).
Seorang maintenance engineer yang punya pegalaman 15 tahun berarti pernah melakukan pengulangan selama 15 tahun terhadap action yang sama (maintenance sebuah mesin atau sebuah sistem).
Which is great and the organization need them.
Remember your customer pay for what they deliver.
But.... if your organization stop learning from others, it is only a matter of time before you follow Kodak and Xerox (Rest in Peace).
What is the message here ...
- Learn from the outsiders!
- Learn from the new talents joining your organization
- Learn even from the fresh graduates that you hired.
(I am sure they interesting knowledge that you can learn, you just need to be open mind about that).
Why .... ?
Because your organization need to improve, to answer to the challenging competition outside.
And people who keep doing it over and over again for the past 15 years may not be the best person to ask , most likely they will not be self critical about it.
This where the inexperienced brings values.
They will be critical, bring self perspective, ask challenging questions, that will foster the improvement and the innovations from within.
The experienced outsiders (but inexperienced in internal process and policy) can share how they did things in their previous organization.
Some will work and some will not be relevant, but you would not know unless you listen and learn from them.
The fresh graduates represents the future of the company (both in term future generation of employees and customers).
Learn from them if you want to understand your future.
Terus bagaimana dong untuk membuat suasana agar semua orang di organisasi itu menjadi open mind?
Cobalah langkah langkah di bawah ini ....
1. Practice Your Listening Skills
Mendengar, mendengar, mendengar.
Mendengar dari boss, dari peers dan dari anak buah.
Mendengar dari yang sudah lama di perusahaan itu, dari yang baru join, maupun yang masih fresh graduates.
2. Exchange ideas
Mari saling bertukar ide.
Saling belajar satu dengan yang lain.
Berdiskusi dan mencoba mencari solusi bersama dengan saling mendengarkan idea orang lain.
3. Recognize empoyee's achievement
Ketika seseorang melakukan hal yang bagus, pujilah, give reward and celebrate.
4. Get new ideas from all employees
Bukalah channel di mana semua karyawan boleh menyumbangkan ide tentang apapun.
Beri penghargaan kepada semua ide yang masuk.
Dan bentuklah komite untuk menyeleksi ide mana yang akan diimplementasikan.
5. Get feedbacks from customers
Untuk tidak terlalu berfokus pada internal, tanyakanlah feedback dari customer anda secara teratur.
6. Encourage open minded work environment
Buatlah suasana kerja yang demokratis. Jangan bikin kasta kasta. Jangan terlalu hierarchical. Buatlah agar semua orang merasa pada level yang sama.
Dengan demikian semuanya akan confident untuk contribute and share the new ideas.
Jadi ingat baik baik.
The message is that we have to respect and learn from all the employees, both the veteran and the newcomers (and even the fresh graduates).
You will learn the cuture and way of working from the veterans.
You will get the new perspective and new ideas from the new comers and the fresh graduates.
In order to do that, you need to create an open minded working environmeng.
And you could do that by implementing the 6 steps below...
1. Practice your listening skills
2. Exchange ideas
3. Recognize employee achievement
4. Get new ideas from all employees
5. Get feedback fron customers
6. Create democratic working relations encourage the open mind environment.
Selamat mencoba.
Salam Hangat
Pambudi Sunarsihanto
Mengelola Kekuasaan Dalam Keluarga
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Perbandingan Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365
Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) vs Microsoft 365 – Which one is better for your business?
- Post author:Reshmi Menon
- Post published:October 8, 2020
- Post category:General / Technology
- Post comments:0 Comments
2020 has been a year of surprises. And now Google has thrown a bomb by announcing about the “Google Workspace”. Google Workspace is not just the new name of G Suite. It is a complete revamp of the company’s product offerings. In the wake of COVID-19, we saw that there were many changes in the Google Offerings to ease up work from home and increase productivity. The offerings have evolved in the last few months and that has again made us think which one is better for your business – Google Workspace or Microsoft 365?
As Javier Soltoro, the Google Workspace head points out that G Suite and Microsoft 365 suggest the traditional way of working from office buildings. But now as more people prefer working from home, this has led to the need for a virtual workspace. The virtual office teams are in the lookout for cloud storage options and easy and affordable ways to collaborate and discuss. And thus we are here to help you out in choosing a better option for your business, by comparing Google Workspace and Microsoft 365.
Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365 – Which one is better for your business?
Google Workspace – Google Workspace, formerly known as G Suite, is an integrated suite of cloud-native, secure collaboration and productivity apps that are powered by Google AI.
Microsoft 365 – Microsoft 365, formerly known as Office 365, is an integrated solution that includes OneDrive Cloud Storage, Teams and Office Apps with advanced security options, available at one place.
Plug: TeamWave is an all-in-one, small business productivity platform that is fully integrated with Google Workspace. Manage your sales, contacts, projects & people in one place for just $39 /Month
Factors taken into consideration for Comparison
- Plans and Pricing
- Apps
- Word Processing: Google Docs vs Microsoft Word
- Spreadsheets: Google Sheets vs Microsoft Excel
- Presentations: Google Slides vs Microsoft PowerPoint
- Email: Gmail vs Microsoft Outlook
- Video Conferencing: Google Meet vs Microsoft Teams
- Collaboration features
- Cloud File Storage and Sharing
- Third-Party Integrations
- Ease of Use
- Customer Support
- Security
Plans and Pricing: Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365
Google Workspace Plans
The Business Plus Plan of Google Workspace is a new plan which targets SMBs which are on the lookout for more advanced capabilities but do not need entire enterprise-level offerings. For the teams and departments that need Drive, Meet or Docs but also want to use their current calendar and email system can subscribe for the Essentials Plan($8/user/month). Large companies will benefit from their enterprise-grade administrative controls, additional productivity features and advanced security and compliance capabilities.
Microsoft 365 Plans
The pricing is different for yearly basis and month to month basis which makes it a bit complicated. Although, they have many good features like 250 participants can join the video call irrespective of which plan it is.
Takeaway: We will consider Google Workspace to be a winner here. Because Business Email, required by all businesses, is missing in the Basic plan of Microsoft 365. And also Google Workspace has an option of Unlimited Cloud storage which is missing in Microsoft 365. This clearly shows that Google Workspace is more prepared to take up the remote work environment compared to the latter.
Productivity Apps: Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365
#1 Word Processing: Google Docs vs Microsoft Word
Google Docs has made it easy to collaborate with teams as many people can work on the same file at the same time. Unlike the Microsoft counterpart – Microsoft Word, Google Docs does not create many versions of the same document and the editing and reviewing process is simpler. Google Workspace has also come up with a new feature for Google Docs. Now hovering over a linked Slides file will open an inline window. Thus opening the Slide file at the same place. And also we can use @mention to show contact details as well as suggested activities.
Now talking about Microsoft Word, every computer and now even mobile versions have Microsoft Word and almost everyone is familiar with features of Microsoft Word. It gives more control over text formatting and image positioning. It can easily and smoothly integrate with other Microsoft apps. They have many customizable templates. Businesses can use this for reporting or creating flyers and brochures.
Takeaway: If we talk about working remotely, businesses presently use tools through which they can collaborate and the ones which are accessible anytime anywhere. And Google Docs fits the bill. Not only can the users select whom to collaborate with, but they can also give different levels of accessibility to different users. If the businesses are planning to integrate with other Microsoft apps or if the users are on the lookout for extensive formatting and layout work then Microsoft Word is the goto App. Also, Google Docs does not have a desktop version and has to rely on the internet for editing and collaborating.
#2 Spreadsheets: Google Sheets vs Microsoft Excel
Google Sheets allows for real-time collaboration. Many people can work on the same file at the same time. The work by each user is shown in a different colour. Google Sheets can be accessed from anywhere, all it needs is an internet connection. Cloud storage eliminates the need to store the file in a desktop or hard drive. Revision history is available and you need not save all the new versions with a new name. Google Sheets also has a built-in chat option and users can leave comments for the others to see.
Microsoft Excel is extremely popular, thus, the knowledge bases are extensive. Excel documents that belong to the older versions of Excel may not open properly with Google Sheets. It also integrates more easily with other Microsoft Apps such as Powerpoint and word. It has a range of 60+ templates. This can be used for different business purposes. Also, it has a variety of bars, charts and graph options which can be used for reports and presentations.
Takeaway: Both of them are great spreadsheet tools. It totally depends on what are the needs of the businesses. If the businesses are in need of basic features and real-time collaboration then Google Sheets is the best go-to tool. Even if another user does not have access to a business’s Google Workspace, all they need is a Google account to collaborate on the Google Sheets but this is quite difficult with Excel and the external user must have access to Microsoft 365 Apps. If businesses have the need to extensively integrate with other Microsoft apps, high-end data analytics and computational features, then they need to go for Microsoft Excel.
#3 Presentations: Google Slides vs Microsoft PowerPoint
Google Slides is easily accessible as all it needs is an internet connection and a Google account to run. While working online, the data gets automatically saved to Google Drive. Real-time collaborations can be done with ease. The teams can chat, comment and edit at the same time when working for presentations. It has access to only limited animation and transition features.
Microsoft Powerpoint is designed to work on a PC. Its offline version has a diversity of features and cool animations which help to create advanced presentations. But Powerpoint online lacks these advanced features. Collaboration is possible through 2010 and higher versions of Powerpoint but it is not as smooth as in Google Slides. It has a huge gallery of ready to use templates which can be used for different business purposes such as marketing plans, reports or event invites. There are a lot of opportunities to embed or create visual content in Powerpoint.
Takeaway: Both these apps have their own unique advantage. If the businesses are on the lookout for advanced presentations with cool animations and extensive features then Powerpoint presentation is a good choice. But if businesses are looking for easy collaborations with basic features so that the files are available anytime, anywhere then Google Slides is the tool.
#4 Business Email: Gmail vs Microsoft Outlook
Business Email of Google Workspace is also Gmail, which is the most popular online tool to send and receive emails. The users of the Basic plan have 30GB Storage for the Drive and Gmail combined. The users can send only file sizes less than 25MB but they can also attach Drive links without taking into consideration the size limit. There is a sending limit of 2000 emails and 86400 emails can be received a day.
Business Email for Microsoft 365 is Microsoft Outlook. The business mails are hosted with a 50GB mailbox storage. 5000 Emails can be sent per day. They have offline access to email accounts. Sorting options are available to find emails easily by date, size or sender name. It can also easily collaborate with other Microsoft Apps.
Takeaway: Gmail is a winner when it comes to using time-saving and productivity tools but in case of large companies where there is a need to manage others’ calendars or inboxes then Outlook is a better option. Also appointment booking tools are available in Outlook which is missing in Gmail. But Gmail has a more user-friendly interface. And also unlimited storage option is not available for any Microsoft 365 Plans.
#5 Video Conferencing: Google Meet vs Microsoft Teams
Google Meet was earlier known as Google Hangouts Meet. Google Meets easily integrates with Google Workspace. Thus it is easy to set up meetings when using other Google Tools. With the latest update Google Meet Icon appears in Gmail itself thus there is no need to change apps to make a call. With Google Meet the businesses can support up to 250 participants and up to 100000 viewers. The calls can also be set up via the Google Calendar. Meet conferences or materials, shared during the call, can be recorded and saved in Google Drive.
Microsoft Teams allows 250 participants irrespective of the plan. Just like Google Meets, Microsoft Teams can also be integrated with Microsoft 365 apps. The users can share screens to show real-time demonstrations or videos. Documents can be uploaded using the Teams chat feature. Teams lets the user create a breakout room. And the meetings are encrypted such that uninvited guests cannot jump in to disrupt the meeting.
Takeaway: If planning for collaborations and video conferencing then Google Meets is much easier to use than Microsoft Teams. It is easier to schedule meetings and send links to users who don’t have a Google Account. If the Google Account users accept the meeting link, it automatically gets added to their Calendar. In Microsoft Teams, to add the call-in feature, the user needs to have a Microsoft 365 subscription. The cost required to use Microsoft Teams as a part of Microsoft 365 is much higher than that for Google Teams as a part of Google Workspace with more or less the same capabilities.
Collaboration features: Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365
Google Workspace allows for easy and real-time collaboration. Be it working on the same Google Doc, Sheet or Slide deck, multiple users can work at the same time. It is easy to add other users or email them the link. The revision of the files happens in real-time. Thus, the team is updated as to what changes were made, by whom and at what time.
People and businesses all over the world widely use Microsoft 365. When a document is sent to other users, chances that the document will be compatible with Microsoft Apps is higher. Also as the Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint offer advanced features as compared to Google Workspace Apps, if someone wants to create more polished documents then this is the best option.
Takeaway: Google Workspace as well as Microsoft 365 both have their pros and cons. One has to determine the better tool based on their business needs. For advanced features and functionalities, Microsoft 365 is a better option. On the other hand, for easy collaboration and basic functions, Google Workspace is the best option.
Third-Party Integrations: Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365
The businesses can easily integrate third-party apps to Google Workspace to increase the efficiency of the teams. Google Workspace Marketplace offers 750+ third-party apps that help users to enhance their productivity with Google Workspace. The apps belong to categories such as CRM, Project Management, Administering domain etc. For Example, integrating Google Workspace with TeamWave CRM allows users to sync events, milestones, contacts, and files with ease to Google Platforms like Google Calendar, Google Drive, Gmail etc.
Microsoft 365 has embedded Power Apps which allow the users to build, customize and publish apps such as chatbots to Microsoft Teams to automate the workflow. But, Microsoft 365 does not have very popular productivity apps. One major reason is that developers consider Google to be more user-friendly and less restricting in terms of App policies as compared to Microsoft.
Takeaway: Third-party integrations can take the business to a whole new level by increasing the productivity of the employees. Integrations will help increase the collaboration and transparency between the businesses and their employees. So Google Workspace is a clear winner here as Microsoft 365 still needs to step up in this department and offer more integrations that suit different business needs.
Ease of Use: Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365
Google Workspace has a simple admin control panel thus helping users to easily add their team members to collaborate on Google Apps. One advantage is that the document automatically gets saved to Google Drive, even if the user hasn’t named the file. Thus, the documents are always up-to-date.
Microsoft 365 apps such as Word, Excel and Powerpoint are more familiar and used widely. One disadvantage is that it has a lot of features which might be confusing and overwhelming for someone who just requires the basic functions.
Takeaway: The design of Google Apps is not as eye-appealing as those of Microsoft 365. But if the businesses are looking for easy online collaboration, clean and simple interface and “work from any device” kind of an environment then Google Workspace is the best option. But at the end of the day, the learning curve is what matters. If the users are more familiar with any one of these, then that will be the best for the business.
Customer Support: Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365
Google Workspace has 24/7 customer support available through phone, chat and email. Phone support is available in 14 languages. Also, they have a help centre with lots of guides and documents to help the users manage their business at Google Workspace. Also, the users can reach out to other Google experts and administrators through the community forums. When a user seeks customer support from a real person, Google is quick to respond.
Microsoft 365 also provides support through email and phone. They have a huge searchable knowledge base with how-to- guides and self-help documentation. Thus helping the users to troubleshoot the issues by themselves. Microsoft values its customers a lot and the same customer support is visible in Microsoft 365.
Takeaway: In terms of customer support, both Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 do a great job. They help out the customers 24/7, through their guides, email, chat and in-person support.
Security: Google Workspace vs Microsoft 365
Google Workspace is built on Google’s cloud infrastructure. It uses the same security features as that of Google. Thus helping in automatic detection of phishing attempts, suspicious activity and other hacking attempts. The users can use Two-Factor authentication to secure their accounts. Google Workspace has built-in spam, malware and virus detection which constantly scans all files and attachments.
Microsoft 365 allows businesses to enable Multiple Factor Authentication for all user passwords. Using its AI tools, it keeps a track of the user activities and raises a flag if it detects suspicious activity. Microsoft 365 has a device management tool, which restricts user access to company-owned devices thus preventing the user from leaking information.
Takeaway: Both the platforms have deployed security infrastructures and strive to protect the user data.
What is our Final Verdict – Google Workspace or Microsoft 365?
Personally, we are partial towards Google Workspace and consider it to be the best choice for small businesses because of the following reasons:
- You can create Google as well as MS Documents while working with Google Workspace whereas this is not possible through Microsoft 365. Well, this point fits for basic level documents because when the functionality increases the compatibility between Google Documents and Microsoft counterparts will be less.
- Presently when “remote working” is the new normal, there is nothing better than Google Workspace that provides better real-time collaboration. Be it controlling the view or edit access to team members or working simultaneously on a document, this happens with a few clicks in Google Workspace.
- The cloud storage in the higher plans of Google Workspace gives it an extra edge over Microsoft 365, especially for the businesses who are on the lookout for more cloud storage. The Premium Plan of Google Workspace even has unlimited cloud storage.
- The easy to use interface and accessibility of all Google Apps at the same place makes it easier to switch from one Google App to another as long as one has a steady internet connection. This is never possible in the Microsoft Desktop versions.
- For businesses that use multiple devices and operating systems, Google Workspace is surely a blessing in disguise.
- Businesses can increase their productivity and scale up the business by integrating Google tools like Gmail and Google Drive with customer relationship management(CRM) and Project Management Tools.
Microsoft 365 is a good choice for companies that work extensively on desktop versions. And, if the businesses are looking for advanced features, then Microsoft 365 is more feature-rich than Google Apps.
Finally the businesses need to take a call depending on their requirements and the comfort of their employees.
If you are in search of the best CRM to enhance your experience with Google Workspace, then sign up for TeamWave’s free trial right away!