
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ingin Ekonomi Digital Jadi Tumpuan Pertumbuhan, Inklusivitas Harus Ditingkatkan

Pemerintah meluncurkan Buku Putih (White Book) bertajuk “Indonesia Digital for Future Economy & Inclusive Urban Transformation” sebagai panduan untuk mengakselarasi perkembangan ekonomi digital., JAKARTA — Perekonomian digital yang inklusif dapat menjadi salah satu penopang pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. 
Guna mencapai hal ini, Kedeputian Bidang Percepatan Infrastruktur dan Pengembangan Wilayah Kementerian Koordinator (Kemenko) Bidang Perekonomian merilis Buku Putih (White Book) bertajuk “Indonesia Digital for Future Economy & Inclusive Urban Transformation”.
Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Percepatan Infrastruktur dan Pengembangan Wilayah Kemenko Perekonomian Wahyu Utomo mengatakan penyusunan buku putih merupakan wujud keseriusan pemerintah dalam sebuah sinergi yang diharapkan akan menjadi dasar dalam mengarahkan kebijakan pemerintah untuk mendorong pemerataan dan seluruh manfaat dalam pembangunan, khususnya ekonomi digital yang inklusif, adil, dan merata bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat.
Buku ini juga merefleksikan potensi dan tantangan, status terkini, serta usulan langkah-langkah strategis dalam mewujudkan Indonesia Digital menuju suksesnya transformasi ekonomi bangsa dan inklusivitas urban di masa depan.
“Digitalisasi telah menimbulkan perubahan signifikan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari, sejalan dengan perkembangan internet yang pesat,” paparnya dalam acara peluncuran Buku Putih di Jakarta, Senin (23/12/2019).
Wahyu menuturkan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) yang andal dengan kecepatan tinggi dibutuhkan untuk menghubungkan infrastruktur ke Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK), Kawasan Industri (KI) dan kawasan pariwisata, serta pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Utilisasi TIK akan menghasilkan efisiensi tinggi dalam menghubungkan Sabang sampai Merauke.
Sebagai negara dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi digital terbesar di kawasan Asia Tengara, Indonesia diperkirakan mampu meraup pemasukan dari ekonomi digital hingga US$40 miliar pada 2019, dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan diperkirakan mencapai 49 persen per tahunnya.
Survei APJII Indonesian Internet 2019 menyebutkan dengan jumlah pengguna internet yang mencapai 171 juta jiwa pada tahun ini, Indonesia juga menjadi negara terdepan dalam hal penetrasi digital di kawasan Asia Tenggara 
"Digitalisasi telah memberikan dampak transformasi ekonomi terhadap model bisnis masyarakat, dan peningkatan ekonomi keseluruhan. Untuk melanjutkannya infrastruktur TIK yang andal dari segi kecepatan dan perangkat teknologi sangat diperlukan," lanjut Wahyu. 
Asisten Deputi Telematika dan Utilitas Kemenko Perekonomian Eddy Satriya menambahkan arah kebijakan strategis yang disampaikan dalam buku putih tersebut menekankan pada pembangunan dan pemerataan infrastruktur digital. Hal tersebut perlu dilakukan guna memacu pertumbuhan inovasi pada industri vertikal kreatif serta pengembangan sumber daya di bidang TIK yang andal.
Kebutuhan konektivitas teknologi broadband terkini seperti 5G, layanan wireless broadband di rumah-rumah dan UMKM, serta penggelaran optik fiber teknologi yang kokoh menjadi fondasi paling esensial dalam merancang pembangunan infrastruktur digital.
“Ini juga akan menjadi motor penggerak utama terjadinya digitalisasi yang mendorong tumbuhnya inklusivitas dan memupus kesenjangan digital di Indonesia, efisiensi di segala sektor, serta inovasi-inovasi baru, sesuai dengan visi Presiden Joko Widodo untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan,” jelasnya. 
Buku putih diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam mempercepat tersusunnya kebijakan dan regulasi yang efektif dan efisien seperti dalam menyiapkan penggantian Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor 36 Tahun 1999 tentang Telekomunikasi dan beberapa Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) yang sudah ketinggalan zaman.

Omnibus Law Perpajakan Atur Pemajakan Transaksi Digital

Dalam draf awal RUU tersebut pemerintah menyebut pengenaan pajak transaksi digital dikenakan atas transaksi barang atau jasa dari luar negeri kepada pembeli Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh subjek pajak luar negeri secara langsung atau platform luar negeri., JAKARTA - Pemerintah tengah merancang Undang-Undang Ketentuan dan Fasilitas Perpajakan untuk Penguatan Perekonomian atau Omnibus Law Perpajakan yang rencananya bakal segera diserahkan ke DPR.
Salah satu substansi pembahasan RUU ini mencakup perlakukan perpajakan terhadap transaksi digital.
Dalam draf awal RUU tersebut pemerintah menyebut pengenaan pajak transaksi digital dikenakan atas transaksi barang atau jasa dari luar negeri kepada pembeli Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh subjek pajak luar negeri secara langsung atau platform luar negeri.
Rancangan beleid yang diterima ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa mekanisme pentarifan atas transaksi luar negeri itu akan diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah atau PP.
Direktur Jenderal Pajak Suryo Utomo saat dikonfirmasi belum lama ini tak menampik substansi soal pemajakan atas transaksi digital. Hanya saja, kemungkinan perubahan masih ada apalagi waktu itu pembahasan RUU terus dimatangkan.
"Ya enggak tahu itu tergantung nanti," kata Suryo singkat.
Suryo mengungkapkan dalam pemajakan pajak penghasilan, pemerintah dalam posisi menunggu solusi jangka panjang dari OECD yang kalau sesuai dengan rencana akan ditetapkan pada 2020.
"Ya nanti kita lihat seperti apa, katanya sih kalau menunggu long term solution pada 2020," imbuhnya.
Suryo mengatakan sebagai kompensasi dari langkah tersebut, pemerintah saat ini tengah menyiapkan omnibus law perpajakan.
Omnibus perpajakan meski belum menjangkau ketentuan penghasilan (PPh) bagi perusahaan digital, tetapi dengan substansi yang ada saat ini akan mampu mengoptimalkan penerimaan dari aspek PPN-nya.
"Jadi untuk PPh belum bisa dipastikan. Yang jelas kami bagian yang menunggu long term solution itu," tegasnya.

Sementara itu, Partner DDTC Fiscal Research Bawono Kristiaji mencatat setidaknya ada tiga catatan untuk omnibus terkait PPh digital. Pertama, walau proposal OECD terkait 2 pilar akan menguntungkan Indonesia namun perlu diwaspadai konsensus tidak akan tercapai.
Kedua, dalam konteks aksi unilateral di mana sistem pajak internasional masih merujuk pada status BUT yang berbasis kehadiran fisik, perluasan definisi BUT dalam omnibus law pada dasarnya juga menjadi salah satu cara untuk menghindari adanya benturan dengan P3B.
"Karena pada umumnya scope P3B hanya terkait terkait UU PPh. Artinya pengaturan melalui PPh rentan untuk 'dibatalkan' oleh P3B," ungkapnya.
Ketiga, pengaturan PPh atas digital dalam omnibus law seharusnya tidak hanya memperluas status BUT tetapi juga bagaimana menjamin tax base yang merefleksikan alokasi laba yang lebih adil.
Seperti diketahui, di tengah waktu yang makin mepet, sejumlah pihak mengaku pesimis jika konsesus terkait pemajakan ekonomi digital bisa dihasilkan tahun depan.
Organisasi untuk Kerja Sama Ekonomi dan Pembangunan (OECD) akhir Juni 2020 bisa memberikan solusi terkait masa depan pemajakan ekonomi digital.
Organisasi tersebut telah berkirim surat ke Menkeu Amerika Serikat untuk mengagendakan pertemuan guna membahas ekonomi digital. Sekretaris Jenderal OECD Angel Gurria berharap dengan adanya pertemuan tersebut, kedua negara bisa mencari solusi di tengah pesimisme dan aksi unilateralisme yang marak terjadi.
Di satu Wakil Direktur Pusat Kebijakan dan Administrasi Pajak OECD Grace Perez Navaro mengakui upaya menciptakan konsesus global terkait pemajakan digital memang bukan perkara yang mudah. Apalagi, dengan komposisi negara yang memiliki posisi yang berbeda-beda.
Namun demikian, dia menyadari tanpa adanya konsesus ada beberapa risiko yang bakal dihadapi. Oleh karena itu, untuk menghindari kondisi yang tidak diinginkan, OECD melalui Task Force on Digital Economy (TFDE) bakal segera membuat solusi paling tidak sampai dengan akhir Juni 2020.
"Jika sampai kita tidak mencapai konsensus, ruang tindakan sepihak ini terus menyebar. Dan itulah mengapa kami bekerja sekeras mungkin supaya bisa memberikan solusi secepat mungkin,” kata Grace.

Pada 2030 Indonesia Diperkirakan Kekurangan 1,2 Juta Tenaga Ahli TMT, JAKARTA – Ekonomi digital diperkirakan bakal menjadi masa depan Indonesia sehingga menciptakan generasi tenaga kerja yang memiliki keterampilan teknologi berkualitas tinggi merupakan prioritas yang harus diutamakan.
Pasalnya, saat ini saja Indonesia masih kekurangan tenaga ahli teknologi yang berpotensi membatasi pertumbuhan industri teknologi yang memiliki dampak ekonomi diperkirakan sebesar $21,8 milliar dari hasil yang belum terealisasi.
Selain itu, berdasarkan data dari Mastercard, pada 2030 Indonesia akan kekurangan tenaga ahli teknologi, media, dan telekomunikasi (TMT) sekitar 600.000 hingga 1.200.000 pekerja. Untuk itu, sangat penting membekali masyarakat dengan keterampilan yang tepat agar dapat menjadi pemain dan pendorong ekonomi digital masa depan.
Johnny G. Plate, Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika mengatakan, potensi ekonomi digital Indonesia sangat besar, akan tetapi tidak dapat terwujud tanpa adanya ketersediaan sumber daya manusia yang terampil dan berpengetahuan luas.
“Menyadari kebutuhan akan tenaga kerja yang memiliki keterampilan digital sangat besar, Kominfo telah menunjukkan perhatiannya terhadap masalah ini sejak awal dan telah berkolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak dalam program Digital Talent, Siber Creation, Digital Talent Scholarship, dan Digital Leadership Academy,” tuturnya, dalam siaran pers yang diterima Bisnis, Rabu (11/12/2019).
Johnny juga sangat mengapresiasi kontribusi semua pihak melalui berbagai program yang dijalankan.
Mastercard merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang ikut memberi perhatian khusus pada fenomena tersebut dengan meluncurkan Mastercard Academy 2.0, sebuah flagship program yang dirancang untuk memberikan pengetahuan serta keterampilan digital yang penting kepada berbagai segmen masyarakat Indonesia.
Mastercard Academy 2.0 menghadirkan empat program sekaligus, yang menargetkan berbagai segmen populasi Indonesia, sehingga memungkinkan mereka untuk mendapatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan untuk berhasil dalam dunia digital yang semakin berkembang.
Mike Froman, Vice Chairman and President Strategic Growth, Mastercard mengatakan program ini diharapkan dapat membekali 100.000 masyarakat dengan keterampilan digital yang mereka perlukan untuk berkembang dan secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam perjalanan transformasi digital Indonesia, hingga tahun 2022.
"Mastercard berkomitmen membantu para pemimpin perkotaan dengan teknologi kami, data dan kemitraan untuk mengembangkan berbagai solusi yang dapat memberdayakan lebih banyak orang untuk berpartisipasi dalam ekonomi formal dan membantu para pekerja menavigasi perubahan cara kerja,” ujarnya.

Indonesia Belum Siap Manfaatkan Potensi Ekonomi Digital

Berdasarkan laporan tersebut, pemanfaatan ekonomi digital yang mumpuni akan menghasilkan nilai tambah yang signifikan. Laporan itu mencontohkan, pemanfaatan Industri 4.0 di seluruh value chain dapat meningkatkan efisiensi hulu-hilir serta berkontribusi terhadap nilai tambah industri pengolahan., JAKARTA - Indonesia memiliki potensi besar dalam pemanfaatan ekonomi digital pada masa depan. Meski demikian, pemerintah masih dihadapkan pada kendala ketidaksiapan dari berbagai sisi.
Hal tersebut tertuang dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2020-2024 yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) pada Senin (16/11/2019).
Berdasarkan laporan tersebut, pemanfaatan ekonomi digital yang mumpuni akan menghasilkan nilai tambah yang signifikan. Laporan itu mencontohkan, pemanfaatan Industri 4.0 di seluruh value chain dapat meningkatkan efisiensi hulu-hilir serta berkontribusi terhadap nilai tambah industri pengolahan.
Meski demikian, Indonesia dinilai belum siap memanfaatkan potensi tersebut secara maksimal. Pada Network Readiness Index, yang mengukur kesiapan dalam berinovasi menghadapi revolusi digital, Indonesia berada pada peringkat 73 dari 139 negara. Perolehan ini jauh di bawah negara tetangga seperti Malaysia yang bertengger di peringkat ke-31 ataupun Thailand di posisi ke-62.
"Indonesia memiliki keunggulan dalam harga, tetapi jauh tertinggal dalam infrastruktur dan pemanfaatan oleh masyarakat," tulis laporan tersebut.
Selain itu, kesiapan Indonesia dalam mengeksplorasi teknologi digital juga masih kurang baik. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh data World Digital Competitiveness Ranking tahun 2019. Indonesia menempati peringkat ke 56 dari 63 negara.
Laporan itu menyebutkan, cara beradaptasi, pendidikan dan pelatihan, ekosistem teknologi serta integrasi informasi teknologi menjadi isu yang perlu diperbaiki agar Indonesia dapat memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi digital bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi dan peningkatan kualitas hidup.
Kendala lain yang dihadapi terkait dengan pengembangan SDM dan persaingan usaha. Era digitalisasi membawa dampak pada perubahan pola bekerja dan berpotensi menghilangkan pekerjaan yang bersifat sederhana dan repetitif.
Di sisi lain, pola perdagangan dan penyediaan layanan berbasis daring serta penggunaan pembayaran nontunai menjadikan banyak model usaha konvensional tidak lagi relevan. Kondisi ini mengharuskan adanya kebijakan dan pola adaptasi yang menyeluruh dalam pemanfaataan transformasi digital bagi keberlanjutan dan pemerataan pertumbuhan ekonomi, serta perbaikan kualitas kehidupan sosial dan lingkungan.

8 Dimensions of Business Ecosystems - GARTNER

CIOs need to think about strategy, relationships and value exchange when considering digital ecosystems.
Your dynamic business ecosystems may sometimes create partners from competitors, at least for a little while. When BMW and Toyota need to develop key technologies, such as batteries, they may join together and then later go on to compete in the marketplace. Apple, Fitbit and Garmin created an ecosystem focused on fitness and apps. In a less-competitive ecosystem, groups such as a government, charity and a community group might collaborate on health or public policy because each entity has a shared interest and goal.
“Digital business drives dramatic changes in organizations’ business ecosystems, making them larger, more complex and essential to strategy,” says Betsy Burton, vice president and distinguished analyst. “CIOs and IT leaders must shift and expand their mindset and approach to focus on their organization’s strategy and execution within their business ecosystems from an outside-in perspective.”
Ecosystems enable organizations to respond and exist in an increasingly digital world, assuming that CIOs and senior IT leaders consider the eight dimensions when making strategic decisions about how to participate and when to change tactics.
infographic depicting information about digital ecosystems

Dimension 1: Ecosystem Strategy

Bottom line: Every organization exists in multiple business ecosystems. These business ecosystems are dynamic networks of entities interacting with each other to create and exchange sustainable value for participants. The challenge is deciding how your organization will survive and thrive in its ecosystem.
Know that ecosystems can emerge organically or deliberately. Organic business ecosystems are created based on evolving industry, government and market trends. Deliberate business ecosystems might emerge in a more planned manner — for example, Amazon’s ecosystem of sellers, buyers, advertisers and collaborators.
Decide what role your organization will play in these ecosystems: Leader, disruptor, niche player, orchestrator, or something else.

Dimension 2: Degree of Openness

The degree of openness within ecosystems is driven by strategies, common goals and shared interest. An ecosystem may be public, private or a hybrid. Many organizations actually participate in a hybrid of public and private ecosystems.
The openness of an ecosystem has two implications. The degree of change is dependent upon the possibility of new entrants and disruption to relationships and value. It will also define the nature of the relationships in the ecosystems and how they are formed and maintained. It will define the nature of collaboration and competitions.
Dimension 3: Engagement of Diverse Participants
With increased connectivity, organizations will need to figure out how to integrate things like smart advisors and artificial intelligence into their ecosystems.
CIOs need to understand that the diversity of an ecosystem and the roles that people, businesses and things play will change and evolve depending on the situation. For example, the primary person in an ecosystem may be a business customer, and then, suddenly, a smart advisor will take over the roll. This constant situational change will determine how solutions are defined and supported.

Dimension 4: Types of “Relationships”

With 7 billion people and more than 30 billion devices connected to the internet by 2020, interconnection will create an ecosystem challenge. Digital platforms — wherein participants with different goals and objectives are connected on a commission basis — are how most companies are mediating relationships in ecosystems. The platform provides the core integration, application and management services for participants. For example, Outdoorsy connects camper owners with those looking to rent campers.

Dimension 5: Form of Value Exchange

In addition to monetary-based value exchange, ecosystems may dynamically leverage information, reputation, services, and other non-monetary forms of value. For example, Boeing collaborated with 50 vendors to create the 777 aircraft. Ecosystems enable companies to exchange products and services for information or analytics. It’s important to understand the changing definition of “value” that ecosystems create.

Dimension 6: Diversity of “Industries”

Ecosystem expansion can result in unexpected partnerships for organizations. Partners could include organizations within the primary industry, adjacent industries or, most unexpectedly, far-neighbor industries outside of the business’s industry (i.e., travel and healthcare).

Dimension 7: Complexity of Multiple Ecosystems

Large organizations will most likely be involved in multiple ecosystems. The key is to understand how these ecosystems interact, identify potential fractures and overlaps, and acknowledge constraints and implications. Keep in mind that some overlapping ecosystems will create a new ecosystem, while other overlaps will highlight redundancy.

Dimension 8: Technologies

Discussions about ecosystems can be overwhelming, but CIOs should keep in mind that they are responsible for the technology that will enable the business ecosystem strategy now and in the future. Leverage a digital business platform (i.e., open APIs, analytics, security capabilities, etc.) Success will require a strategic integration of technology, information and business processes.
Organizations that do not work toward understanding their business ecosystems risk falling into a participatory role only, enabling other competitors or partners to take the leadership role and thus define the rules for engagement in that ecosystem.
Specifically, CIOs must:
  • Proactively reach out to collaborate with business counterparts on how and why to integrate ecosystems to improve the overall corporate strategy.
  • Ensure any customer-, partner-, employee- or supplier-focused applications or solutions being developed today are at least considering these future business ecosystems
  • Make sure to set aside development budget every year for the next five years for the most critical customer-, partner-, employee- or supplier-focused applications, solutions and supporting infrastructure to enable change to reflect evolving ecosystem strategies.

Pangsa Ekonomi Digital di Indonesia Capai US$240 Miliar

Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa menyatakan Indonesia berada pada posisi utama tren perkembangan ekonomi digital di Asia Tenggara yang pertumbuhannya terus meningkat setiap tahun.

Pangsa Ekonomi Digital di Indonesia Capai US$240 Miliar
Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional - Kepala Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa, JAKARTA – Pada 2025, pangsa ekonomi digital di Indonesia mencapai US$240 miliar atau tumbuh empat kali lipat.
Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa menyatakan Indonesia berada pada posisi utama tren perkembangan ekonomi digital di Asia Tenggara yang pertumbuhannya terus meningkat setiap tahun.
Dengan perkiraan, pada 2025 ekonomi digital Indonesia tumbuh empat kali lipat dengan nilai mencapai US$240 miliar maka akan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai pasar potensial ekonomi digital terbesar di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Dia menambahkan, posisi Indonesia akan diikuti Vietnam yang juga tumbuh hampir empat kali lipat sampai 2025.
“Ekonomi digital menyediakan potensi besar dalam penciptaan kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Sekitar 30 juta orang Indonesia bekerja terkait dengan sektor e-commerce dan memberdayakan potensi perempuan Indonesia,” ujarnya dikutip dari siaran pers, Kamis (26/12/2019).
Dia menambahkan, potensi lain perubahan teknologi yang membawa manfaat sangat besar datang dari sejumlah perusahaan berbasis aplikasi, seperti kontribusi perusahaan Tokopedia dan Gojek terhadap perekonomian nasional. Dia menyatakan kontribusi Tokopedia terhadap perekonomian Indonesia meningkat dari Rp58 triliun pada 2018, menjadi Rp170 triliun pada 2019.
“Hal itu beberapa contoh potensi ekonomi digital yang dimanfaatkan saat ini. Kemudian kontribusi mitra Gojek dari empat layanan seperti Go-Ride, Go-Car, Go-Food, Go-Life, kepada perekonomian Indonesia mencapai Rp44,2 triliun," ungkapnya.
Untuk menjadi pusat pengembangan ekonomi digital, Suharso juga menambahkan mulai 2020, Bappenas akan meningkatkan jam kerja dengan mengandalkan konsep kerja flexible working time sehingga pelayanan dan kinerja Bappenas tidak hanya terbatas 16 jam, tetapi juga mencaqpai 24 jam.
Deputi Sarana dan Prasarana Kementerian PPN/Bappenas Kennedy Simanjuntak menambahkan selama ini Bappenas memfokuskan perencanaan untuk pengembangan ekosistem digital di Indonesia. Dia berharap masyarakat tidak hanya menjadi penonton terhadap perkembangan teknologi yang terjadi.
Kennedy memerinci, masalah yang masih menjerat pengembangan ekonomi digital di Indonesia saat ini soal kemampuan SDM. Dia pun menjamin, per 2020, pemerintah semakin fokus pengembangan SDM agar memanfaatkan sejumlah sistem kerja digital yang sudah dibuat dan diterapkan. Salah satu langkah adalah menerapkan vocational training untuk manfaatkan infrastruktur yang sudah dibangun.
“Kami akan membuka kurikulumnya dengan kerja sama swasta. Ada jutaan SDM yang harus kita latih, makanya butuh sistem," pungkasnya.

Three simple steps to becoming a successful ecosystem player

  • Ecosystems of connected organisations are emerging in a variety of industries and geographies to unlock new business value.
  • To stay relevant for tomorrow's business reality, organisations should embed this kind of engagement into their strategy.
  • Opportunities for new business ecosystems can be found in customer and market pain points.
Thanks to rapidly evolving technology, it has never been easier for organisations to cross traditional industry and geographic boundaries and capture new sources of revenue. Digital business ecosystems, networks of organisations that provide integrated services to consumers in a way they could not have done on their own, provide a win-win scenario for customer and business alike.
These ecosystems leverage digital technologies and customer data to offer personalised and frictionless services, and  are popping up in almost every industry and disrupting existing landscapes. In turn, customers are embracing the integrated services these ecosystem players are offering, and increasingly expecting their interactions with traditional companies to be just as personalised and frictionless.
As the Fourth Industrial Revolution exponentially increases technological innovation, customer expectations and changes the nature of scale and capability, going it alone is no longer an option for business. It's time for the individual company to think bigger — and make some new friends.

to start?

There are many examples of companies building and participating in expanding business ecosystems. Gaming company Tencent branched into the Chinese banking industry in 2014, launching WeBank, which combines new technology with innovative implementation, including using facial recognition to grant loans.1
Indonesia-based Gojek is another example. Starting off as a call centre connecting Indonesian consumers to courier and two-wheeled ride-hailing services, they expanded into e-wallet solutions, food delivery, car maintenance, video streaming, personal care, home cleaning, ticket selling and more.2 To do this, Gojek took steps to both acquire ventures and partner with other organisations. For instance, Google Maps enables the Gojek GPS services, while Singaporean DBS bank offers digital payment options to Gojek's ride-hailing users.3*
Considering the disruption ecosystems are generating, and the seemingly unlimited business value they are unlocking, ecosystem engagement should be on every organisation's agenda. But where do you start? Here are our top three recommendations.

1. Build ecosystems
into your strategy

Ecosystems need to be embedded into organisational strategy for the greatest chance at success. It should be an essential part of how you think about the future of your business and how you plan transformation programs. Employees in each layer of the organisation should be encouraged to think about partnerships, to be empowered to share ideas with higher management, and to put structures in place to transform those ideas into living partnerships.
Ping An is an example of an organisation that has built on its ecosystem strategy. Starting as an insurance business, the Chinese company has created five ecosystems: in financial services, healthcare, auto services, real estate services and smart city services. They even invest 1 percent of their revenue into new technologies (AI, blockchain and cloud computing) to further build up their focus areas.4

2. Find a
sweet spot

While you work on embedding ecosystem engagement in your corporate strategy, start brainstorming potential opportunities. Begin from the end user's perspective and ask yourself key questions, such as:
  • What customer pain points could be solved? In Singapore, the United Overseas Bank uncovered a problem in the car buying process: the amount of paperwork and time between salesperson and customer for a car loan application. Together with seven dealerships and a C2C marketplace, they launched a digital financing solution for car buyers.5 Once you've identified a problem area, consider how your customer data could be leveraged to offer personalised experiences and alleviate that issue. Mercedes-Benz, for example, is connecting all its new cars with Amazon Echo or Google Home, and once a user has driven away from home, the device performs a 'goodbye routine' to warn users of potential hazards (for example, if the iron was left on) or to provide convenience features (such as automatically adjusting the central heating).6
  • What market pain points could be addressed? When looking into joining or creating new ecosystems, it is important to look over the walls of your existing customer base. To assist the 3.6 million Americans who miss doctor appointments each year due to lack of reliable transportation, Uber introduced Uber Health, a collaboration with healthcare organisations designed to provide reliable, comfortable transportation for patients and allowing healthcare professionals to schedule rides for patients.7
  • Could the risk of digital transformation be mitigated? To anticipate potential change in demand for cars due to the popularity of ride sharing, Volkswagen engaged in a joint venture with ride-sharing app DiDi. The two companies are working together on a car-sharing service featuring environmentally friendly vehicles.8 DiDi is also collaborating with 31 other organisations in the DiDi Auto Alliance, which aims to transform the main business model in the Chinese automotive industry and shape the future of smart mobility.9

3. Select the right
business ecosystem model

Whether your purpose is to make the lives of your current customers easier, to tap into new customers or to anticipate new competition, there are three models that you can consider when it comes to the kind of ecosystem you are interested in.
Firstly, there is a takeover model where organisations buy another player to broaden their scope of activities. Swedish furniture business Ikea, for example, acquired TaskRabbit, an online platform that links users with trusted freelancers, to offer an easy furniture assembly service to shoppers.10 When buying furniture, Ikea customers can now choose a date and time for a TaskRabbit member to assemble their new furniture.
Next, there is the collaboration model, where companies join forces with partners to launch new service offerings. Ikea is collaborating with both UNYQ, an industry-leader in personalised prosthetic devices and Area Academy, an educational eSport company, to explore how personalisation and home furnishing can change gaming and life around it – addressing appearance, ergonomics and mobility.11
Finally, there is the investment model, in which an organisation invests in smaller players. This model is popular in the financial services industry in Australia, where organisations are buying a stake in smaller players in anticipation of future needs. Westpac bank, for example, is investing in startups through their Reinventure fund, with the ultimate goal to extend the scope of its current activities.12

in numbers

As companies face an ever-transforming business landscape, the ability to compete is becoming harder. Even companies that are digitally mature and able to get to market quickly face shifting economies of scale, ever increasing sophistication of technology and changing customer expectations. Being the 'one and only' to deliver a unique customer experience is becoming less and less realistic.
Instead, companies must now think about more than just themselves. Building out, investing in or joining greater ecosystems allows you to capitalise on the offerings that other organisations provide, and this combination of products and services — that could never be achieved by one company alone — becomes a welcome differentiator

Fanky Christian
IT Infrastructure Specialist
SmartCity, IoT and Robotic

Sekjen ACCI

Monday, December 30, 2019

Roundup Of Cloud Computing Forecasts And Market Estimates, 2018

Cloud computing platforms and applications are proliferating across enterprises today, serving as the IT infrastructure driving new digital businesses. The following roundup of cloud computing forecasts and market estimates reflect a maturing global market for cloud services, with proven scale, speed and security to support new business models. CIOs who are creating compelling business cases that rely on cloud platforms as a growth catalyst are the architects enabling these new business initiatives to succeed. The era of CIO strategist has arrived. Key takeaways include the following:
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounted for 55% of the company’s operating profit in Q2, 2018, despite contributing only 12% to the company's net sales. In Q1, 2018 services accounted for 40% of Amazon's revenue, up from 26% three years earlier. Source: Cloud Business Drives Amazon's Profits, Statista, July 27, 2018.

Today In: Innovation
  • 80% of enterprises are both running apps on or experimenting with Amazon Web Services (AWS) as their preferred cloud platform. 67% of enterprises are running apps on (45%) and experimenting on (22%) the Microsoft Azure platform. 18% of enterprises are using Google’s Cloud Platform for applications today, with 23% evaluating the platform for future use. RightScale's 2018 survey was included in the original data set Statista used to create the comparison. Source: Statista, Current and planned usage of public cloud platform services running applications worldwide in 2018. Please click on the graphic to expand for easier viewing.
  • Enterprise adoption of Microsoft Azure increased significantly from 43% to 58% attaining a 35% CAGR while AWS adoption increased from 59% to 68%. Enterprise respondents with future projects (the combination of experimenting and planning to use) show the most interest in Google (41%). Source: RightScale 2018 State of the Cloud Report. Please click on the graphic to expand for easier viewing.
  • The enterprise SaaS market is now generating $20B in quarterly revenues for software vendors, a number that is growing by 32% per year. Microsoft is in the lead with a worldwide market share of over 17% and is now the leading SaaS vendor primarily due to its leadership in the high-growth collaboration segment. Source:
    Quarterly SaaS Spending Reaches $20 billion as Microsoft Extends its Market Leadership, Synergy... [+] Research August 21, 2018.

  • Financial Services has the highest percentage of server images deployed in private or public clouds, approaching nearly 100% versus a median adoption rate of 19%. A recent McKinsey & Company study found Financial Services had progressed the furthest to advanced cloud maturity beyond virtualization and basic cloud compared to insurance and healthcare. Source: McKinsey & Company, Cloud adoption to accelerate IT modernization by Nagendra Bommadevara, Andrea Del Miglio, and Steve Jansen.
  • Wikibon projects the True Private Cloud (TPC) worldwide market will experience a compound annual growth rate of 29.2%, reaching $262.4B by 2027. The firm predicts TPC growth will far outpace the infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) growth of 15.2% over the same period. A true private cloud is distinguished from a private cloud by the completeness of the integration of all aspects of the offering, including performance characteristics such as price, agility, and service breadth. Please see the source link for additional details on TPC. Source: Wikibon’s 2018 True Private Cloud Forecast and Market SharesPlease click on the graphic to expand for easier viewing.
  • Quality Control, Computer-Aided Engineering, and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are the three most widely adopted systems in the cloud by discrete and process The survey also found that 60% of discrete and process manufacturers say their end users prefer the cloud over on-premise. Source: Amazon Web Services & IDC: Industrial Customers Are Ready For The Cloud – Now (PDF, 13 pp., no opt-in, sponsored by AWS). Please click on the graphic to expand for easier viewing.
  • The Worldwide Public Cloud Services Market is projected to grow by 17.3 3% in 2019 to total $206.2B, up from $175.8B in 2018 according to Gartner. In 2018 the market will grow a healthy 21% up from $145.3B in 2017 according to the research and advisory firm. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) will be the fastest-growing segment of the market, forecasted to grow by 27.6% in 2019 to reach $39.5B, up from $31B in 2018. By 2022, Gartner expects that 90% of enterprises purchasing public cloud IaaS will do so from an integrated IaaS and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and will use both the IaaS and PaaS capabilities from that provider. Source: Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud Revenue to Grow 17.3 Percent in 2019.
  • More than $1.3T in IT spending will be directly or indirectly affected by the shift to cloud by 2022. 28% of spending within key enterprise IT markets will shift to the cloud by 2022, up from 19% in 2018. The largest cloud shift before 2018 occurred in application software, particularly driven by customer relationship management (CRM) software, with Salesforce dominating as the market leader. CRM has already reached a tipping point where a higher proportion of spending occurs in the cloud than in traditional software. Source: Gartner Says 28 Percent of Spending in Key IT Segments Will Shift to the Cloud by 2022.

  • IDC predicts worldwide Public Cloud Services Spending will reach $180B in 2018, an increase of 23.7% over 2017. According to IDC, the market is expected to achieve a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.9% with public cloud services spending totaling $277B in 2021. The industries that are forecast to spend the most on public cloud services in 2018 are discrete manufacturing ($19.7B), professional services ($18.1B), and banking ($16.7B). The process manufacturing and retail industries are also expected to spend more than $10B each on public cloud services in 2018. These five industries will remain at the top in 2021 due to their continued investment in public cloud solutions. The industries that will see the fastest spending growth over the five-year forecast period are professional services (24.4% CAGR), telecom (23.3% CAGR), and banking (23.0% CAGR). Source: Worldwide Public Cloud Services Spending Forecast to Reach $160 Billion This Year, According to IDC.
  • Discrete Manufacturing is predicted to lead all industries on public cloud spending of $19.7B in 2018 according to IDC. Additional industries forecast to spend the most on public cloud services this year include Professional Services at $18.1B and Banking at $16.7B. The process manufacturing and retail industries are also expected to spend more than $10B each on public cloud services in 2018. According to IDC, these five industries will remain at the top in 2021 due to their continued investment in public cloud solutions. The industries that will see the fastest spending growth over the five-year forecast period are Professional Services with a 24.4% CAGR, Telecommunications with a 23.3% CAGR, and banking with a 23% CAGR. Source: Worldwide Public Cloud Services Spending Forecast to Reach $160 Billion This Year, According to IDC.