Saya hanya seorang yang berpikiran sederhana, mencoba memahami dunia penuh kerumitan, mensyukuri setiap langkah yang diberkati, mendoakan harapan dan berharap hidup saya membuat banyak orang merasa sungguh hidup..
Sunday, October 31, 2010
What next setelah Merapi?
Kengerian kami bertambah setelah mendengar naiknya status 11 gunung berapi Indonesia, khususnya Rakata dan Papandayan, yg posisi nya dekat dengan Ibukota dan Bekasi, wilayah yang kami diami selama ini.
Ketakutan kami harus kami bagikan kepada anak-anak kami yang masih belia, agar mereka mengetahui gejala awal meletusnya gunung berapi. Mulai dari guncangan gempa, kemungkinan tsunami, hingga abu panas dan gangguan pernafasan yang mungkin kami derita. Tidak lupa juga kemungkinan hidup dan tinggal dalam pengungsian. Media televisi memudahkan kami bercerita dan mengajak anak2 utk bersimpati, berempati terhadap semua bencana yang ada di sekitar kami.
Seolah semuanya begitu dekat dan bisa terjadi setiap saat, sehingga mengingatkan kami untuk selalu membawa anak-anak dalam doa bersama, mendoakan yang tertimpa bencana, memohon kasih Tuhan, serta penyertaan Tuhan apabila kami harus melalui semuanya itu.
Semoga Tuhan mendengar banyak doa anak Indonesia.
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Apakah arti keluarga?
Itukah arti sebuah keluarga bagi saya dan Anda ?
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tekun menantikan janji Tuhan
Ayat SH: 2 Tawarikh 6:3-11
Judul: Tekun menantikan janji Tuhan
Betapa sukacitanya bangsa Isarel saat itu karena Bait Allah telah
selesai dibangun. Apalagi Allah berkenan memenuhi bait itu dengan
kemuliaan-Nya (2Taw. 5:13-14). Bagi Salomo, Allah sendirilah yang
telah membangun Bait-Nya. Maka Salomo memberikan kesaksian dan
memuji Tuhan karena ia melihat bahwa selesainya pembangunan Bait
Suci merupakan wujud pemenuhan janji Tuhan, secara khusus pada
Daud, ayahnya (4, 10). Dari ungkapan syukur yang Salomo ungkapkan,
kita bisa melihat bagaimana ia berpegang pada janji Tuhan. Ia
mengingat betul janji Allah dan meyakininya sampai pada akhirnya
ia sendiri bisa melihat bagaimana Tuhan menggenapi janji-Nya.
Selain itu Salomo juga konsisten pada cara berpikir dan sikap
hidup yang menghayati bahwa keberhasilan adalah wujud pemenuhan
janji Tuhan. Keberhasilannya membangun Bait Suci bukan karena
kemampuan atau kehebatannya sebagai seorang raja.
Memercayai janji Tuhan dan meyakini bahwa Tuhan tidak akan ingkar
janji adalah sikap yang perlu kita pelihara sebagai seorang
pengikut Kristus. Ini memang tidak mudah sebab yang sering terjadi
adalah kita melihat persoalan lebih besar kuasanya dari kuasa
Tuhan. Tidak jarang kita merasa Tuhan begitu lama menepati
janji-Nya, ada juga yang merasa bahwa Allah lupa akan janji-Nya,
atau merasa tidak sabar menantikan jawaban Tuhan. Seharusnya kita
menantikan penggenapan janji Tuhan dengan tetap sabar, setia, dan
tekun melakukan tugas kita, bukan menuntut Allah agar segera
memenuhi keinginan kita. Ini adalah persoalan yang serius.
Seharusnya kita bisa melihat bahwa apa yang kita terima saat ini,
baik itu keberhasilan atau kesuksesan dalam pekerjaan, pelayanan,
dan keluarga adalah wujud pemenuhan janji Tuhan bagi kita. Maka
sudah seharusnya kita memuji Tuhan.
Ingatlah bahwa Allah kita setia, Dia tidak pernah ingkar janji. Segala
yang Ia ucapkan pasti akan Ia tepati. Satu hal yang perlu kita
lakukan adalah tetap setia, taat, dan bertekun dalam pelayanan
sampai Ia memenuhi janji-Nya.
e-SH versi web:
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Too bad or too good: Wireshark and Riverbed
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
It's now been one week since Riverbed Technology acquired CACE Technologies and, in the same deal, took over the Wireshark trademark. I just answered a slew of questions from various writers and I'd like to address the topic directly with you.
Laura Chappell
Thursday, October 28, 2010
ServiceDesk Plus versi 8 telah dirilis
Adapun fitur-fitur menarik telah ditambahkan dalam upgrade versi kali
ini, diantaranya.
Know what is served in your IT
Service Catalog
Showcase the IT services offered to your end users, and give a new
face to your IT. Service catalog improves the operational efficiency
by managing the delivery process from approval to fulfillment of the
service request. Define the time involved for delivery of each service
request and bind with a clear service level agreement. This module
enables to create, maintain, approve, deploy, and monitor all the
services offered with a defined process for each request.
Discover assets accurately anywhere, anytime
Agent Scanning
With the new agent based scanning you can access any system from the
remote network, independent of their location. The agent also helps to
make a remote connection instantly and take control of the screen in
seconds. Keep your remote asset inventory up to date with the new auto
sync option which pushes the scanned asset details automatically from
the remote location to the central sever at periodic intervals.
Integrated Desktop Management
Desktop Central
ServiceDesk Plus now integrates with desktop central which allows you
to install/uninstall software from the user computer, right from the
request details page and saves you from unnecessary round trips.
No more unassigned tickets in the queue
Auto Assign Tickets
The new auto assign feature distributes tickets based on the existing
on your technicians, also checks for their availability and SLA tied
to the tickets before dispatching them appropriately. It also comes
with round robin method to distribute tickets equally to all the
available technicians.
API : automate and save money
Interact with others
Track the network failures and events automatically into the helpdesk
with ServiceDesk Plus and save the cost involved with the technician
adding this information manually. Your network failures are no longer
in queue and gets added as a ticket without any delay.
silahkan download di sini:
baca selengkapnya di :
Hubungi kami untuk keperluan Helpdesk System Anda...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Perbandingan Groupwise vs GoogleApps for Education vs Microsoft EduLife
silahkan akses di sini:
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Install OZEKI NG SMS Gateway di Linux Ubuntu
On this page you can find detailed information on how to install Ozeki NG
SMS Gateway on Ubuntu Linux. Please find the prerequisites and how to
access the necessary components. Finally, learn how you can get Ozeki NG
SMS Gateway installed as a daemon to operate in the background.
Video: Ozeki NG SMS Gateway for Ubuntu Linux (part 1/1, configure your
Step 1 - Download and install resolve dependencies (Mono Framework)
Since Ubuntu does not include Mono Framework, you need to install it. It
is recommended to use Mono Framework 2.6 or above. To install the Mono
Framework on Ubuntu, issue the following command:
sudo apt-get install mono-*
You also need to install winforms that is the complementary library of
Mono framework. To install winforms library use the following command:
sudo apt-get libmono-winforms2*
Step 2 - Download and install the Ozeki NG software package
Ozeki NG SMS Gateway is available on the following URL: (3.4 Mb)
Or you can download the package and extract it's contents by providing the
following commands in Terminal:
cd /var/lib
sudo wget
sudo tar -xzvf OzekiNG_SMS_Gateway-3.14.20.tgz
sudo ln -s OzekiNG_SMS_Gateway-3.14.20 /var/lib/ozeking
sudo mv /var/lib/ozeking/config.default /var/lib/ozeking/config
Step 3 - Configure your firewall
Ozeki NG SMS Gateway has a built-in webserver. By default this webserver
runs on port 9501. You should configure your firewall to accept
connections on this port. In other words you need to open a port on the
firewall for the SMS gateway.
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 9501 -j ACCEPT
Step 4 - Test Ozeki NG (Optional)
Optionally you can run Ozeki NG SMS Gateway from the command line to see
if it functions properly. To do this you should issue the following
cd OzekiNG_SMS_Gateway-3.14.20
sudo mono OzekiNG.exe /run
After these command have been issued, you can open the Ozeki NG
configuration webpage by typing the following URL in your browser (Replace
the IP address to the IP address of your Ubuntu Linux server.
contact us for the license:
Fanky Christian
Business Development Director
IBEC Building 2nd Fl
Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim No.84-86
Jakarta Pusat, 10340, Indonesia
SMS: 62-21-98054359
Telp: 62-21-3924716
Fax: 62-21-3903432
mobile: 62-812-1057533
Selamat kepada PT. Chandra Asri
solusi monitoring data center dengan menggunakan produk AKCP (
Produk AKCP merupakan leader untuk produk monitoring data center, ruang
server, dengan kemampuan untuk berintegrasi dengan perangkat dan
lingkungan yang ada. Kemampuan untuk monitoring suhu, kelembaban, sensor
tegangan AC dan DC, sensor udara (Airflow), sensor air (Water Leak) hingga
beragam virtual sensor yang mendukung SNMP, Ping. AKCP sangat tepat untuk
monitoring kondisi ekstrem di data center dan ruang server, hingga ke
ruang penyimpanan yang mengharuskan kondisi ekstrem.
AKCP juga dapat dengan mudah diakses secara web-based, diintegrasikan
dengan sms gateway, dan berinteraksi dengan Network Management System.
Kami telah berhasil mengimplementasikan AKCP - Ozeki, AKCP - OpManager.
Silahkan hubungi kami untuk keperluan lebih detail.
Fanky Christian
Business Development Director
IBEC Building 2nd Fl
Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim No.84-86
Jakarta Pusat, 10340, Indonesia
SMS: 62-21-98054359
Telp: 62-21-3924716
Fax: 62-21-3903432
mobile: 62-812-1057533
Selamat kepada PT.Sukses Sata Mandiri
outsourcing, yang mengelola ribuan data karyawan dengan menggunakan sistem
aplikasi pengelolaan sumber daya manusia finosHR.
Produk finosHR telah teruji mengatasi dan membantu operasional kegiatan
banyak perusahaan, khususnya dalam pengelolaan payroll, manajemen SDM,
dengan interkoneksi ke fingerprint. finosHR tepat bagi berbagai tipe
perusahaan, seperti manufacturing, perusahaan jasa dan trading.
Kontak kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih detail.
Fanky Christian
Business Development Director
IBEC Building 2nd Fl
Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim No.84-86
Jakarta Pusat, 10340, Indonesia
SMS: 62-21-98054359
Telp: 62-21-3924716
Fax: 62-21-3903432
mobile: 62-812-1057533
Online Store:
Structure Cabling and Data Center
|Cisco Systems|Juniper|Raisecom|Proscend|
|Kiosk System|
|finosMQS - multimedia queuing system|
|finosMDS - digital signage system|
|finosSQM - sequence queuing system|
SMS Gateway
|SendQuick|OZEKI NG|
Enterprise Management
|OpManager|AppManager|ServiceDesk Plus|NetflowAnalyzer|
|Desktop Central|Firewall Analyzer|FacilityDesk|Solarwinds|
Database and Chart
|Network Implementation Services|Operation Support Services|
Bosan dgn chart PowerPoint, cobalah Oomfo !
PowerPoint® charts are boring. And they have been done to death. So we
decided to give you something that revolutionizes the way you
visualize data in presentations. And what better than stunning charts
with interactivity and animation from a simple GUI in PowerPoint®.
What's with the name oomfo
What we would like to say: oomfo makes boring beautiful. It adds some
real oomph to your presentations, and hence the name fits in
What the truth is: It is a 5-letter word which had a .com domain
available and felt kind of good when rolled off the tongue.
What versions of Microsoft® PowerPoint® does oomfo work with
Microsoft® Office® 2003, 2007 and 2010. However, previous versions of
PowerPoint® (XP and earlier) are not supported.
The charts look neat. Where do they come from
oomfo is a FusionCharts project. That's where all the charts come from.
Will oomfo cost an arm and a leg
Depends. The standard version of oomfo will be totally FREE. It will
have all the features present in this beta (0.9.0). So it basically
takes an arm to create stunning charts one after another, and a leg to
jump in joy. Semi-jump, at least.
In future, we intend to release premium versions of oomfo that would
be paid and have additional features like more chart types, data
connectors and support for maps.
Do I need anything special to view the charts
oomfo requires Adobe Flash Player 8 (or above) to view the charts. The
player is totally free and is present on a vast majority of computers
worldwide. During installation, oomfo automatically checks for the
existence of Flash Player and installs it.
I want to mail a presentation with the charts in them to my friend. Can I
do it
Yes. oomfo has Export capabilities that allow you to convert all oomfo
objects to standard SWF objects that can be viewed by everyone. Before
sending a presentation to your friend, click the "Export Charts"
button in the oomfo menu/ribbon. This will generate another folder
containing all the chart SWF files in the same location as your PPT
file. Send both the PPT and the folder to your friend, and he will see
the charts exactly the way you made them.
In future versions of oomfo, we will release Live Charting
capabilities as well. You will then be able to mail just the PPT and
the SWF files will be read directly from a global server.
I'm facing issues with installation/core functionality. How can I get
support during beta
Please mail us at
I would like to suggest an improvement/feature. How can I do it
Please send them to We would like to thank you in
advance for doing so.
What is the roadmap for future versions of oomfo
Over the next few quarters, we intend to:
* Add maps from FusionMaps suite to oomfo. You can then create
interactive data-driven maps within PowerPoint® supporting most of
the features from our FusionMaps.
* Add more chart types in form of gauges, bullet and spark graphs
from our FusionWidgets.
* Expose additional features of each chart
* Support drill-down charts live within PowerPoint®. You will be
able to show a summarized chart to start with, which when clicked
can show detailed charts
* Add support for live charts, which enables you to share the
presentation without having to worry about additional SWF files to
be shared with it
* Support for more data connectors like Google Docs, Microsoft®
Excel, Microsoft® Access and other live databases and possibly
even some Enterprise back-end systems
* Support for user defined themes
How long is oomfo beta program valid
oomfo beta expires before 30th September, 2010, depending on user
You guys are cool. How can I show you some love
In writing, preferably.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tanaman liar tumbuh tinggi di sekelilingnya. Walau bekas-bekas
kemegahannya dulu masih tampak; tiang penyangga berlapis keramik di
bagian tengah, juga kayu jati berukir ikan dan ular yang menaungi
batu nisan. Di batu nisan itulah tulisan ini tertera: "Hidup ini
fana. Demikianlah kiranya ujung dari kehidupan. Pun mereka yang
memegang jabatan setinggi langit; menggenggam kekayaan sebanyak
pasir di laut." Konon, itu kuburan seorang pedagang kaya raya yang
hidup jauh sebelum zaman kemerdekaan.
Begitulah, akhir kehidupan di dunia: kematian. Maka sebetulnya, aneh
kalau ada saja orang yang sampai mau mengorbankan apa pun,
menghalalkan segala cara, termasuk cara-cara yang kotor dan keji,
demi meraih atau mempertahankan jabatan dan kekayaan. Sebab toh pada
akhirnya semua itu akan ditinggalkan juga. Tidak akan dibawa mati.
Bacaan Alkitab hari ini menceritakan babak terakhir dari kehidupan
Salomo, persis setelah perikop sebelumnya memaparkan tentang segala
kejayaannya (2 Tawarikh 9:13-28). Dengan urut-urutan perikop
demikian, penulis 2 Tawarikh seolah-olah mau mengatakan, betapa pun
hebatnya manusia, ia tetap makhluk fana. Di batas akhir hidupnya,
yang tinggal hanyalah seonggok kenangan.
Pesan untuk kita, jangan dimabukkan oleh jabatan dan jangan lupa
diri karena harta kekayaan. Apalagi kalau karena itu, lalu kita mau
berbuat apa saja, mengorbankan apa saja. Jangan. Sebab semua itu
tidak abadi. Pada akhirnya, cepat atau lambat akan kita tinggalkan
e-RH Situs:
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Five ways for IPv6 and IPv4 to peacefully co-exist
It would have been so easy if the early Internet and TCP/IP network designers had made IPv6 backward compatible with IPv4. They didn't. In 1981, IPv4's 32-bit 4.3 billion addresses look more than enough addresses for the ARPANet/Internet. That was the Internet then, this is the Internet now.
Oh, network professionals saw the Internet address shortage coming and knew it would be a problem. I can't do better than to quote, Leslie Daigle, Chief Internet Technology Officer for the Internet Society, who admitted at a June 2009 meeting that "IPv6's lack of real backwards compatibility for IPv4 was [its] single critical failure." It's too late now to cry over spilled standards. We need to work on getting the two fundamental network standards to peacefully co-operate today.
There are several ways of handling this issue. Let me warn you right now, none of them are perfect, but one, or more of them, should work for your company. Before buying into any of these technologies though you must throughly test Ipv6-to-IPv4 and back again component interoperability before deploying them. There's a lot that go wrong, and you don't want any of it happening during business hours on your production network.
IPv4/IPv6 co-existence can take one of three forms.. One is dual stack, where your network hardware runs IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously. Next is when you "tunnel" one protocol within another. Usually, this means taking IPv6 packets and encapsulating them in IPv4 packets. The technical basics for these are outlined in the RFC 4213 Basic Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers. Finally, there's Network Address Translation-Protocol Translation (NAT-PT) aka RFC-2766. This works just like the name says, software or a device translates IPv6 packets into IPv4 packets.
While Network Address Translation (NAT) fans might like this at first glance, it comes with its own set of problems. As Cisco points out in its excellent white paper, "Network Address Translator-Protocol Translator," "The application of each area must be well understood, as the protocol does not represent a generic mechanism that would be universally applicable." In short, you'd better know your way around Application Level Gateways (ALG) if you plan on deploying NAT-PT.
In addition, a core difference between NAT-PT and IPv4 NAT is that address translations must be done for both incoming and outgoing traffic. This can get complicated in a hurry. You could use static, bi-directional mapping, but that will get out of date quickly and it doesn't scale worth a damn. Of course, you could use Domain Name System (DNS), but old-style DNS servers don't support IPv6's AAAA records. And, again, I see real scaling problems as those DNS servers that do support IPv6 get constantly bombarded by address requests.
With Dual-IP stacks, your computers, routers, switches, and other devices run both protocols, but IPv6 will be the preferred protocol. A common procedure is to start by enabling both TCP/IP protocol stacks on the wide area network (WAN) core routers, then perimeter routers and firewalls, followed by your data-center routers and finally the desktop access routers. As the public Internet transitions to IPv6, your network administrators may need to deploy dual-stack capable switches on your; edges earlier.
The upside of this approach is that Dual-IP stacks are supported by all the major operating system and network vendors. The downside is that most legacy networking hardware and servers don't support IPv6. This can lead to such problems as dual-stack edge switches running into DNS (Domain Name Server) problems while users are trying to get to various Internet sites. In addition, many versions of Internet applications, even such commonplace ones as File Transfer Protocol (FTP), won't work with IPv6.
One way to answer these problems is to use Dual Stack Application Level Gateways (DS-ALG) These gateways are commonly used as proxies that translates between the two protocols over the IPv4 Internet.
The bad news with this approach is that it will only work for specific applications. It also has the potential to slow traffic down as every packet has to be inspected to see if it needs DS-ALG services.
In tunneling, one protocol is carrying inside another. Usually, that's going to be IPv6 in IPv4. These tunnels can move your IPv6 packets across both your internal IPv4 WAN and the mainly IPv4 Internet, Someday, when IPv6 becomes the top Internet protocol, we'll use IPv6 tunnels to carry IPv4 traffic.
There are two kinds of tunnels: manual, aka static, and dynamic. Manually configured IPv6 tunneling requires configuration at both ends of the tunnel. The manual approach is best just for connecting say corporate IPv6 intranets over the Internet. It's not a good answer to any other IPv6 Internet problem.
Dynamic tunnels use a variety of techniques to establish packet destination address and routing on the fly. This makes them far easier to create and maintain. I
The most popular dynamic tunneling technique is 6to4. It has the advantage of not requiring an explicit tunnel set-up. Instead, it uses dedicated relay routers to forward encapsulated IPv6 packets over IPv4 links. A significant advantage of 6to4, is that it lets you set up Ipv6/V4 tunnels without requiring a lot of manual effort. 6To4 uses IPv4 unicast to create point-to-point links over the IPv4 backbone for transmission.
To be used safely, your vendor and network engineers must be sure to set its security up carefully. It's all too easy to hide bad traffic inside the encapsulated packets and to spoof addresses within the IPv4 and IPv6 headers, which can lead to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
These are some of the most popular ways to get IPv6 and IPv4 on the same network. There are many others. Want to know what the worst news about all of them is? None of them are very compatible with the others. As I've said before, like it or lump it you are going to need to move to IPv6.
In the meantime, you're almost certain to need one, or more, of these technologies in the next few years. Again, Before deploying any IPv4/IPv6 bridging solutions, you're going to need to spend a lot of time having your network engineers and vendors making sure that everything in your new network stacks can interoperate. It' all too easy to mix and match equipment and methods in ways that will slow your network down to a crawl.
I will also add that you must test out the hardware and software before signing off on it. I've already found that a lot of stuff, which says it's IPv6 ready isn't really, but that's a story for another day.
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Five ways to be profitable in IT consulting
1: Have a spine
What I mean by "having a spine" is that you need to be able to do the following:
Say no to the customer when necessary.
Stand firm for what you believe to be the necessary tasks.
Be confident and unwavering when directing the activities of others.
Stand firm to prices quoted.
Stand behind your estimate and the work involved.
Some of these items may be especially challenging when you're just starting out in IT consulting, but in the end, you'll be more profitable, and you'll have customers who truly need your expertise and are willing to pay you for it.
2: Know your cost of doing business
Many years ago, I was responsible for creating a coupon booklet for a fundraiser in a small town in the Midwest. My team and I went around to area businesses and explained the purpose of the booklet and asked them to suggest coupons that their business could honor in the books. The very nice gentleman who owned the only full service gas station offered 20% off a full set of tires. Then he hesitated and said he needed to think about it for a while. I told him that I certainly didn't want him to lose money on the offering. He was nice but not a very good businessman (this wasn't the only evidence, but that's another story) -- he had no idea what his cost of doing business was and what his profit margin was on a set of tires. In order to be a profitable IT consultant, you absolutely must know your cost of doing business. You should figure in your overhead expenses, travel expenses (air travel and driving), supplies, phone time, and more. You should also build some wiggle room in the scope that you know you may need to give away without putting up a fight. Once you calculate your cost of doing business, you'll know what you need to bring in per hour to make a consulting engagement profitable.
3: Understand your Peter Principle
An independent contractor spoke with me recently about their frustrating situation. The contractor works in a small town in Nebraska, and he receives $500 for his service offering. We both knew that in other parts of the country, especially in larger and more affluent markets, he could receive much more money for this service package. Since he had no plans to move, his options were to change his offerings or include more or different services in the package. The contractor's research indicated that they risked losing business. In effect, he found his "Peter Principle" in terms of what he could get for the type of service he was offering in that location. The Peter Principle applies to IT consultants as well. We have to understand what the ceiling is we're going to get in terms of rate, or price, or contract. We also need to understand our earnings limitations within our main client base and work with those limitations. If we fail to understand all of that, we risk alienating current and new clients and decreasing our earning potential and profitability.
4: Don't let the customer change the scope
Scope management is always an issue when managing a customer and a consulting engagement. You document the work with one estimate (perhaps even in the signed contract), yet throughout the project, the customer may try to insert new "must haves." Analyze these requirements changes carefully and, if the changes are outside the original scope, let the customer decide if it's something they need and they will pay for it, or if it's something they can do without.
5: Advertise strategically
No cost advertising that actually works equals increased profitability. These advertising strategies can be huge boosts to your consulting business and likely won't cost you a penny.
Get testimonials from satisfied customers and post those prominently on your website.
Write press releases about your offerings and then post them to free press release sites on a regular basis.
Become a subject matter expert and write articles for industry sites.
Ask satisfied clients to recommend your work to other local businesses.
posted by Brad Egeland
October 16, 2010 @ 12:00 am
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Friday, October 15, 2010
OPINI: Aktivasi Otak Tengah dan "New Age Movement", Adakah Hubungannya?
Julia Maria Van Tiel| 14 September 2010 |
Masih ingat musik Beatles yang memuja Harikrisna sebagai guru spiritualisme
sekitar tahun 70-an? Disanalah munculnya sejarah New Age Movement yang
selalu mendendangkan make peace, love and not war. Gerakan yang diawali di
Inggris ini menyebar ke Amerika dan segera mengglobal masuk ke dalam main
stream melalui berbagai musik, buku, dan diskusi, bahkan
pengobatan-pengobatan dan penjagaan kesehatan, serta membentuk komune-komune
ekslusif, yang mempunyai ritual, simbol, dan ide, yang lebih banyak
mengadopsi agama-agama dan tradisi pagan terutama agama-agama Timur seperti
Hindu, Budha, dan Tao yang pada akhirnyamembentuk suatu kultur baru dalam
sebuah komunitas yang lebih luas. Perkembangan ini dari agama lokal Timur
berkembang di belahan bumi lain menjadi neo-paganisme. Misalnya yang
dikembangkan oleh Deepak Chopra seorang dokter internis dan endokrinolog
berdarah India pelopor neo-pagan masa kini. Dengan semangat return to the
wholeness, guna mencapai the perfect health dari body,mind and soul, ia
mengembangkan perguruannya di California. Chopra menulis banyak buku tentang
keseimbangan dan keharmonisan dalam Ayurveda (ilmu pengobatan India) guna
mencapai the perfect of the wellbeing dari body, mind and soul yaitu dengan
berbagai cara-cara kehidupan (berfikir, bertindak, dan makanan), mengatasi
stress, rasa sakit, dan penyakit.
Filsafat New Age sendiri dikemas dalam berbagai buku dan disebarkan oleh
David Spangler berkebangsaan Amerika, seorang theosof intelektual, dosen
filsafat spriritualisme, personal development, future studies dan community
development, yang mempelajari pemikiran kelompok kecil Inggris yang tengah
sarat dengan pemikiran mencari kembali makna kehidupan. David Spangler
hingga kini masih menulis berbagai buku antara lain buku-buku tentang New
Age yang merupakan teori dasar theosofinya, yaitu The Birth of The New Age
(1976),dan Emergency, The Rebirth of the Sacred (1984). New Ager lain yang
cukup terkenal antara lain: Alice Bailey, Alvin Toffler, Dr. Barbara Ray,
Benyamin Crème, Levi Dowling, George Trevelyan, Fritjof Capra, Abaraham
Maslow, Barbara Marx Hubbaerd, Ruth Montgomery, Shirley Mclaine, JZ Knight,
Merilyb Ferguson, Jeremy Rifkin, Norman Cousind, Elizabeth Clare Prophet,
John Denver, George Lucas, dan Norman Lear.
New Age berasal dari kata Age of Aquarius (spirituality) dalam astrology.
Dari Dictionary of New Age Terminology (The Perilous Time, Sep/Okt 2001) :
"Para astrolog mempercayai bahwa evolusi akan berjalan melalui berbagai
sinyal dalam zodiac, paling tidak antara 2000 hingga 2400 tahun. Menurut New
Age, bahwa kita kini bergerak dari siklus yang disosiasikan dengan simbol
Pisces ke simbol lain yaitu Aquarius. Bentuk Aquariaus Age akan ditunjukkan
dengan karakteristik adanya tingkatan tinggi dalam consciousness (kesadaran)
atau cosmic consciousness".
Simbol Pisces adalah simbol dari rasionalitas. Dengan begitu menurut para
new ager bahwa abad millenium ini adalah abad munculnya era baru dalam
spiritualitas dimana era dengan ke Tuhanan sang kreator sebagai personal
akan berganti dengan era Consciousnes (kesadaran) manusia yang memiliki
inner enerji sebagai kekuatan. Konsep rasionalitas juga akan menyublim.
Dengan begitu juga terjadi bahwa manusia akan denial terhadap kebenaran
rasional dan kebenaran scientific (sientific truth).
Paradigma New Age tentang keTuhanan kembali ke dalam agama -agama Timur
(Hindu, Budha, Tao) yang lebih kepada pengertian inner enerji yang mempunyai
kekuatan spiritual, enerji yang mampu membuat perubahan, enerji yang
merupakan enerji universe, yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu sebagai
potensi kekuatan yang disebut chi atau kundalini (the hidden energy).
Artinya One in all, and all in one, menuju pada one world, unity, oneness
yang menjadikan dunia dalam keadaan seimbang dan harmonis. Dengan kata lain
artinya bahwa Tuhan berada dalam setiap individu, dan Tuhan sebagai creator
berada di dalam setiap individu.
Perubahan di tingkat paradigma ini nampak bagai suatu revolusi perubahan
visi manusia dalam memandang kehidupan, nilai-nilai, norma, penjagaan
perdamaian, sistem politik, sistem kemasyarakatan, sistem pendidikan, sistem
ilmu pengetahuan, kesenian, perawatan kesehatan, mengatasi kesulitan, rasa
sakit dan penyakit, harapan hidup, masalah kematian dan kehidupan sesudah
mati. Perubahan paradigma dari era bahwa Tuhan Allah sebagai sang pencipta,
kreator alam raya, manusia hanya sebagai pemeran dalam kehidupan, berubah
menjadi bahwa manusia sebagai kumpulan kekuatan yang mampu membawa perubahan
sebagai konsekwensi dari adanya konsep Tuhan yang impersonal.
New Age tidak mengenal konsep dosa, neraka, setan, demon, malaikat, nabi dan
orang-orang suci, tetapi mengenal kosmologi positip dan negatip dalam enerji
yang berada dalam diri manusia (inner) yang mampu mempengaruhi kehidupan,
tidak mengenal berhentinya kehidupan dengan sebuah kematian di bumi, namun
lebih mengenal adanya reinkarnasi.
New Age lebih mengenal kelahiran kembali, atau rebirth yang antara lain juga
rebirth spiritual saat mana manusia setelah menjalani inisiasi pembukaan
atau pembebasan inner enerji yang masih tersembunyi di dalam dirinya. New
age tidak mengenal konsep nabi dan imam tetapi lebih mengenal konsep master
dan guru spiritual, menekankan bimbingan pada self consciousness untuk
menemukan the inner energy, manusia adalah bagian dari kosmik. Tuhan sebagai
inner enerji berada dalam diri setiap individu, maka setiap manusia akan
memiliki self-consciousness yang tanpa batas.
Lingkaran utuh atau bulat merupakan simbol oneness, one-world sebagai
keseimbangan, keharmonisan yang merupakan order yang harus dicapai untuk
mendapatkan peace, love, and not war.
Oneness of reality oleh New Ager diibaratkan sebagai suatu hologram karena
adanya interseksi dimensi self-consciuosness manusia.
New Age muncul sebagai akibat manusia merasa stagnasi terhadap agama-agama
Tuhan terutama Kristen di belahan Eropa, saat mana manusia merasa bahwa
agama Kristen tidak lagi mampu mengatasi kesulitan hidup, kekerasan,
penindasan dan peperangan, terjadinya revolusi sosial yang berakhir pada
sekularisme pemerintahan negara-negara di Eropa di akhir abad ke 18 dan 19.
Saat mana manusia di belahan Eropa secara berbondong menjadi agnostic dan
ateis, kemudian mengisinya kembali dengan filosofi New Age yang segera
menjadi gerakan yang mengglobal dan sudah semakin terasa di belahan dunia
bagian Timur sendiri dan juga Indonesia, yaitu semakin populernya mistisisme
dalam Indigo children bersorban biru yang tengah ditunggu sebagai leader
dimasa depan (Gatra 2004-04-02), kekuatan the sixth sense, mata ketiga, dan
kepekaan lebih dalam melihat dunia lain, melihat masa depan, dan melihat
berbagai kejadian masa lampau, telepati, hipnotisme, trance- channelling,
cristalogy, iridology, pembukaan (awakening) tenaga (chi) Chakra (meridian),
Kundalini, Prana, dalam Yoga, Reiki, Tai-chi, dan Chi-kung. Ilmu-ilmu
pengobatan dengan menggunakan inner enerji ini kini semakin meluas dan
dicari-cari orang terutama untuk menjaga kesehatan dan penyembuhan berbagai
penyakit yang belum dapat disembuhkan dalam terapi medik.
New Age Movement atau old occult dan sinkretik?
Dalam lintasan waktu dan sejarah, New Age Movement bergulir ke segala
penjuru dunia dan beradaptasi dengan religi dan kepercayaan setempat. New
Age Movement menjadi begitu sangat terbuka terhadap setiap individu dengan
religi dan kepercayaan masing-masing. Akhirnya New Age menjadi sebuah
kumpulan berbagai religi dan kepercayaan dan akibatnya pengertian New Age
menjadi sangat luas. Dengan demikian bentuk praktek New Age bisa ditemukan
sangat beragam, tidak ada payung organisasi, dan bebas berkembang di dalam
berbagai komunitas.
Sampai batas tertentu New Age Movement juga sangat adaptif terhadap dunia
scientific meski terasa adanya sikap denial yang ditunjukkan terhadap
scientific truth. Pada akhirnya adaptasi New Age menjadikan ilmu-ilmu yang
dikembangkannya hanya sampai ke dalam pseudoscientific. Hal ini bisa
dimengerti karena banyak hal dibangun dengan teori 'science' New Age yang
tidak bisa dibuktikan melalui scientific truth. Pseudoscience New Age dalam
praktek sehari-hari, sulit diruntuhkan karena kebenarannya tidak bisa tunduk
pada scientific truth sebab inner enerji ditanggapi sebagai kebenaran yang
paling tinggi. Hal ini secara antropologis akan dapat difahami, karena
perilaku pengobatan yang mempunyai kaitan dengan sistem kepercayaan dan
religi akan mempunyai sistem nilai dengan integrasi yang sangat kuat.
Kekuatan supranatural ditanggapi sebagai kekuatan tanpa batas dan absolut.
Midbrain dan Brain wave
Pionir New Age Deepak Chopra kini dalam perguruannya mengajarkan manusia
untuk meningkatkan the inner energy melalui meditasi yang ritualnya lebih
banyak memejamkan mata namun mendengarkan musik-musik yang dipercaya dapat
membangkitkan gelombang otak. Gelombang yang banyak dibicarakan oleh
kelompok New Age adalah gelombang alpha, yang merupakan adaptasi New Age
pada kemajuan science.
Adaptasi kepada dunia ilmiah yang masuk ke dalam kegiatan New Age adalah
mengikuti majunya neuroscience yang banyak mengungkapkan tentang bioelektrik
di dalam otak. Seperti misalnya penggunaan istilah gelombang alpha tadi.
Gelombang alpha dikemukakan oleh seorang psikiater Jerman bernama Adolf
Berger tahun 1928. Berger menemukan sebuah alat perekam gelombang otak yang
disebut Enchephalogram (EEG). Rekaman EEG mencatat gelombang elektrik yang
terdapat di otak antara lain pada saat orang tengah dalam keadaan rileks.
Oleh Berger gelombang ini kemudian disebut sebagai gelombang alpha yang
besarnya 8 - 15 Hertz. EEG juga akan mencatat hasil stimulus2 audio maupun
visual tertentu yang dapat menghasilkan bioelektrik di otak dan menghasilkan
gelombang alpha. Pengertian gelombang inilah yang kemudian diadopsi oleh
kelompok New Age sebagai gelombang yang dapat membawa manusia dalam situasi
tanpa stress, bijak, dan emosi terkendali.
Pemahaman tentang gelombang alpha ini dalam kemasan New Age kemudian
dikembangkannya sendiri (yang kemudian terasa sebagai pseudoscientific),
yaitu sebagai gelombang yang paling baik dan harus dikembangkan oleh manusia
agar manusia menjadi manusia yang baik, bijak, bebas stress, emosi
terkendali, keseimbangan hormon, lebih sehat, bahkan dipercaya dengan
situasi rileks bebas stress manusia dapat meningkatkan kewaspadaan, kreatif,
dan mampu meningkatkan inteligensi.
Keseimbangan yang menjadi filosofi utama New Age dalam hal ini dapat
disimbolkan dalam keseimbangan otak (kiri dan kanan) sebagai makrokosmik,
dan otak tengah sebagai mikrokosmik. Mikrokosmik yang dalam pemahaman New
Age harus mempunyai komunikasi yang harmonis dengan makrokosmik dan akan
menghasilkan oneness, keharmonisan global, dan keseimbangan.
Pengertian selanjutnya dalam pemahaman New Age, gelombang alpha yang
meningkat jumlahnya akan menghasilkan kemampuan luar biasa dari manusia.
Inilah the inner energy yang harus diaktifkan, yang dipahaminya bahwa
sesungguhnya manusia baru menggunakan the inner energy ini sebanyak 5 persen
saja. Sisanya terlelap tidak terpakai. Andaikan manusia melatih untuk
mengaktivasinya melalui stimulus suara musik berenerji positip, maka the
inner energy ini akan meningkat, dan akan mencapai kemampuan super human.
Sebaliknya apabila kemampuan yang masih tidur ini tidak diaktifkan maka
kemampuan itu akan atropi atau menghilang.
Mengapa sasarannya anak-anak?
Dari perhitungan zodiak, para New Ager mempercayai bahwa milenium ini
merupakan abad the New Age, yang juga diartikan akan datangnya guru
spiritual baru yang akan mempimpin manusia ke arah unity, kebijakan, dan
keharmonisan. Guru spiritual yang baru lahir ini dikenal sebagai The New Age
Children yang antara lain dalam figur-figur yang mereka kenal sebagai:
anak-anak indigo, the blue star children, dan the crystal children. Setiap
figur ini mempunyai karakteristik sendiri.
The new age children ini adalah reinkarnasi dari Lord Maitreya, jiwa suci
yang dipercaya selalu masuk ke dalam para nabi, Budha, Begawan Krisna, dan
sebagainya. Namun di abad new age ini akan bereinkarnasi pada anak-anak new
age yang kan menjadi New Age Messiah. Dalam kepercayaan New Age,
titisan-titisan Lord Maitreya inilah yang akan menjadi pemimpin seluruh umat
di dunia, kaya miskin dan dari agama apapun.
Share International Foundation, yang merupakan media informasi online dari
kelompok New Age, mengabarkan tanda-tandanya bahwa New Age children telah
lahir, ditandai dengan munculnya bintang besar yang dapat dilihat diseluruh
dunia. Commet C/2007N3 (commet Lulin) yang muncul di bulan Februari tahun
2009 lalu, begitu terangnya dan dapat dilihat dengan mata telanjang dari
seluruh bagian dunia, diartikan oleh The New Ager sebagai berita bahwa telah
lahir di dunia anak-anak yang mereka tunggu, yang akan menuntun umat manusia
menuju suatu dunia baru. Tetapi anak-anak ini perlu dicari, siapakah dia? Ia
perlu dicari dan mendapatkan bimbingan yang mendalam tentang kearifan oleh
seorang master atau guru, agar kelak ia dapat menjalankan tugasnya sebagai
New Age Messiah.
Kelak di suatu saat Lord Maitreya akan muncul menunjukkan identitasnya
seperti yang dijelaskan di bawah ini:
Day of Declaration
At the earliest possible moment, Maitreya will demonstrate His true
identity. On the Day of Declaration, the international television networks
will be linked together, and Maitreya will be invited to speak to the world.
We will see His face on television, but each of us will hear His words
telepathically in our own language as Maitreya simultaneously impresses the
minds of all humanity. Even those who are not watching Him on television
will have this experience.
At the same time, hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will take
place throughout the world. In this way we will know that this man is truly
the World Teacher for all
IT consultants, document your work!
Document these sorts of things
Requirements (features): Early on in the project, you should define what the client wants the product to do in specific terms. You can generate some requirements initially from brainstorming, but you should also engage your client in nailing down specific use cases to ferret out more detailed requirements. Also, explore all of the edge cases and exceptions that you can. This document should evolve with the project, because you can never know everything up front. Make sure you keep it up to date, because it should serve as the basis for testing and user documentation. The requirements doc can usually become the system documentation at the end of the project.
Constraints: Make sure to express the limits imposed upon the project. What won't it do? What minimum versions of other software does it need? What features that similar systems might provide are being intentionally excluded from this one? You can often include these constraints as part of the requirements doc.
Commitments: The project schedule needs more than a verbal OK, and so does the allocation of resources. Write it down, whether it's your commitment or theirs. You don't necessarily need a formal document -- email can work, as long as you can verify receipt and keep it organized for quick retrieval.
Implementation: You should comment code, but only comment the non-obvious. You should assume that the person reading the comments is capable of reading the code, and avoid explaining commonly used algorithms or features of the language (unless they're esoteric). You should explain "tricks" that might deceive the reader, and algorithms that may be difficult to understand. Most importantly, you should document your intentions -- the "why" instead of the "what" or "how".
Documentation: Yes, you should document your documentation. Provide a map, so when the next person comes looking for something, they'll know where to look. This can be as simple as a single web page that links to all of the project's related documents.
To facilitate updating and sharing, you should consider using a wiki for this documentation. Passing PDF or DOC files back and forth is so last millennium -- it requires unenforceable, exclusive locking of each document, wastes a lot of time emailing and saving attachments, and exposes that documentation to the security risks of email. For tips on writing good documentation, read the TechRepublic column 10 things you can do to create better documentation by Alan Norton.
What thorough documentation provides you and your client
You know what you've got and what you don't have.
You've set clear expectations, so you reduce or eliminate unpleasant surprises.
When someone comes along later to add a new feature, they can tell what's going on (even when that someone is you).
Include documentation in your contract
Documentation doesn't magically appear by itself, and I've never seen any evidence of the rumored Documentation Elves. So you need to allocate time in the project for writing documentation at all stages. Your client needs to be on board with that resource commitment, so include documentation as one of your deliverables in your contract. It's a vital part of the product.
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Pintu Sorga Rusak
Lalu Malaikat berseru adakah insinyur diantara para calon warga untuk memperbaiki pintu Surga.
Untungnya pada hari itu ada 3 Insinyur, 1 dari Amerika, 1 dari Jepang, dan1 dari Indonesia.
Pertama Insinyur Amerika, dan setelah diperiksa, Si Amerika sebut biayanya $900. Komentar Malaikat : "Lho kok mahal ?Coba buat perincian. .. !!!"
Kata Si Amerika : "Ongkos pemeriksaan $200, $300buat bahan, dan $400 ongkos kerja."
Malaikat terus panggil Si Jepang, dan setelah diperiksa sebentar, SiJepang sebut biayanya $600. Dengan perincian $300 ongkos bahan dan$300 ongkos kerja.
Masih belum puas, Malaikat konsultasi sama temen2nya, dan diapikir masih mahal. Lantas Si Malaikat panggil insinyur Indonesia, Malaikat pikir Indonesia lagi krismon dan banyak PHK. Tentunya perlu duit dan pasti lebih murah ?
Insinyur Indonesia tanpa periksa pintu, langsung jawab : "Siap Malaikat. .. Ongkosnya $5.600…!!!" Sergah Si Malaikat bingung : "Buset… Kok bisa $5.600 ? Lebih mahal dariyang lain…???" Insinyur Indonesia maju sambil berbisik di kuping Si Malaikat : "Eh… Malaikat… Dengerin yah…$ 2500 buat loe…$2500 buat gua… Yang $600 kasih aja ke Si Jepang…! Biar dia yang betulin tuh pintu…!!...=D =))
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Renungan Harian Virtue Notes, 10 Oktober 2010Yesus Yang Lain
11:3 Tetapi aku takut, kalau-kalau pikiran kamu disesatkan dari kesetiaan kamu
yang sejati kepada Kristus, sama seperti Hawa diperdayakan oleh ular itu
dengan kelicikannya.
11:4 Sebab kamu sabar saja, jika ada seorang datang memberitakan Yesus yang
lain dari pada yang telah kami beritakan, atau memberikan kepada kamu
roh yang
lain dari pada yang telah kamu terima atau Injilyang lain dari pada yang telah
kamu terima.
Malang sekali, banyak orang merasa sudah mengenal TUHAN Yesus. Padahal mereka
hanya mengenal nama-NYA, tetapi tidak mengenal pribadi-NYA. Itu berarti mereka
sesungguhnya belum mengenal-NYA, apalagi dikenal oleh-NYA, sebab mengenal
nama-NYA belum berarti mengenal pribadi-NYA.
Dewasa ini telah beredar banyak ajaran yang sebenarnya sangat bertentangan
dengan kebenaran Injil. Ajaran-ajaran itu menggunakan nama Yesus, tetapi TUHAN
Yesus yang mereka perkenalkan bukanlah TUHAN Yesus yang orisinal. Walaupun
mereka mengunakan Alkitab sebagai landasan ajarannya, sejatinya mereka tidak
paham bagaimana menggali kebenaran dalam Alkitab dengan benar. Harus diingat
bahwa bidat-bidat atau ajaran sesat di lingkungan Kristen yang pernah ada di
dunia ini pun selalu menggunakan Alkitab sebagai landasan berpikirnya, tetapi
mereka sesat akibat tidak memahami isi Alkitab dengan benar.
Sangat menyedihkan karena begitu mudahnya orang menggambarkan sosok TUHAN
Yesus. Mereka menggunakan nama Yesus kapan saja, di mana saja dan untuk tujuan
apa saja. Sedikit-sedikit orang mengatakan, "Dalam nama Yesus" sebagai mantra
yang dianggap berkekuatan gaib. Kalau begini, di manakah sikap hormat mereka
terhadap pribadi TUHAN Yesus? Rupanya Yesus yang mereka imajinasikan itu
bukanlah Yesus dalam Alkitab, tetapi Yesus yang lain. Ini bisa terjadi, sebab
Paulus sendiri menyinggung mengenai Yesus yang lain. Memberitakan Yesus yang
lain berarti memberitakan Injil yang lain. Ini mengakibatkan seseorang yang
yakin dirinya dikenal oleh TUHAN ternyata tidak dikenal-NYA. Betapa mengerikan
manakala TUHAN Yesus berkata, "Yesus yang mana yang kaukenal? AKU
tidak seperti
yang kaubayangkan. AKU tidak kenal kamu!"
Banyak orang Kristen membayangkan Yesus sebagai pribadi yang sangat
mistis dan
magis. Berbicara mengenai TUHAN Yesus selalu dihubungkan
perbuatan-perbuatan-NYA yang ajaib dan supranatural. Padahal kalau
kita membaca
Alkitab, TUHAN mengajar agar kita melakukan kehendak-NYA, bukan kehendak kita
sendiri. TUHAN Yesuslah Majikan Agung kita, Tuan Besar kita; tetapi mengapa
kita menyejajarkan DIA dengan kuasa-kuasa yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk
kepentingan kita sendiri? Tidakkah ini kurang ajar? Marilah kita
mulai sekarang
ini bertekad untuk membangun karakter kita agar semakin seperti Kristus dan
berkenan di hadapan-NYA. Tempatkan diri kita sebagai hamba; posisikan DIA
sebagai TUHAN dan katakan, "Jadilah kehendak-MU, TUHAN."
Kita harus melakukan kehendak TUHAN, bukan memanfaatkan TUHAN untuk memenuhi
kehendak kita.
Dimodifikasi dari Truth Daily Enlightenment, dengan ijin penerbit.
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
7 questions to tell if you're leadership material
Dear Coach John, Is it possible to know - before I make the decision - if I'd enjoy being a leader? I think my boss is about to ask me to take over a team in another department. I never thought this would happen to me and, while I'm excited about the idea, I'm also worried that I may not be cut out for this kind of role. Any advice? Signed, Barry in Buffalo Congratulations for this opportunity, Barry. And I salute you for giving serious thought about this issue before you take the job offer. While it may never be possible for anyone to know 100% before making an important decision; here are a few questions I noodle with clients when they're considering a promotion. If any of these hit home for you personally; the chances are that you may not be cut-out to be the head honcho:
1. Do you like to be liked? Great leaders do what needs to be done, even if that means telling team members to do things that are going to disappoint or make them cranky. If this makes your palms sweat, don't accept the job.
2. Do you value democratic styles of management with decisions made by consensus? If so, a leadership role may cause you acid indigestion. All groups, sooner or later, will want their boss to "act like one." And your own boss is going to expect you to stand up and make tough decisions. Do you really want to change your core values for this job?
3. Do tough conversations cause you to lose sleep? Sooner or later every leader has to deal with issues or hassles affecting one or more team members. Personal appearances, annual reviews, and things like changes in company policy can be tough for anyone, but if you know you often lose sleep over direct confrontations, or in difficult situations, then being the boss is not a good fit for you. 4. Do you understand that the definition of middle management means being stuck between the big boss and the team? The ones on the organization chart who are above will have expectations, so will the ones below you. Both groups will be demanding and never give you enough credit for your past accomplishments. How does that feel to you? 5. Does your stomach turn over before you have to stand up and talk in meetings? How do you feel about having a verbal duel with someone else in front of a group? If you choke up when asked to state your opinion publicly, then you probably don't want to be in leadership.
6. Do you accept that too much empathy might be a bad thing? If that doesn't make any sense, you are probably a wonderful human being but destined to be a challenged leader. Sooner or later, all leaders have to say and /or do things that aren't nice, are unfair, and not reasonable. Finally - and this may be the single biggest deal breaker of all -
7. Is "balance" an important part of your life? Most leaders will admit that their personal life is often put behind their professional one. If you won't or can't accept that there will probably be occasions where the job impacts the other sides of your life, then you're likely to get tripped up. Here's to Your Future. John
posted by John McKee
October 5, 2010 @ 10:07 am
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Kau adalah Duniaku
tiba di rumahnya jam 9 malam.
Tak seperti biasanya anaknya, dinda, umur 9 th membukakan pintu untuknya.
Nampaknya ia sudah menunggu cukup lama.
"Kok, blum tidur?" sapa tomi
"Aku nunggu Papa pulang,
sbab aku mau tanya,
Berapa sih gaji Papa?"
"Kamu hitung ya..
Tiap hari Papa bekerja sekitar 10 jam & dibayar 400.000,
tiap bulan rata-rata 22 hari kerja,
kadang Sabtu masih lembur.
Berapa gaji Papa hayo?"
"Kalo 1 hari Papa dibayar 400.000 u/ 10 jam,
berarti 1 jam Papa digaji 40.000 dong"
"Wah, pinter kamu.
Sekarang cuci kaki, terus tidur ya.."
"Papa, aku boleh pinjam 5.000 gak?"
"Sudah, gak usah macama-macam..
Buat apa minta uang malam-malam gini? Tidurlah.."
"Tapi Papa…"
"Papa bilang tidur!"
Dinda pun lari menuju kamarnya sedih.
Usai mandi,
Tomi menyesali kekesalannya,
menengok dinda di kamar tidurnya sedang terisak sambil memegang 15.000
Sambil mengelus kepala dinda, tomi berkata,
"Maafin Papa ya..
Papa sayang sama dinda..
Tapi buat apa sih minta uang sekarang?
"Papa, aku gak minta uang.
Aku hanya pinjam,
nanti aku kembalikan kalo sudah menabung lagi dari uang jajan seminggu ini."
"lya, iya, tapi buat apa?"
"Aku nunggu Papa dari jam 8 mau ajak Papa main ular tangga 30 menit aja.
Mama sering bilang waktu Papa itu amat berharga.
Jadi, aku mau ganti waktu Papa.
Aku buka tabunganku hanya ada 15.000...
Karna Papa 1 jam dibayar 40.000,
maka setengah jam aku harus ganti 20.000..
Duit tabunganku kurang 5.000,
makanya aku mau pinjam dari Papa" kata dinda polos
Tomi pun terdiam.
Ia kehilangan kata-kata.
Dipeluknya bocah kecil itu erat-erat dgn haru.
Dia baru menyadari,
ternyata limpahan harta yg dia berikan selama ini,
tak cukup u/ "membeli" kebahagiaan anaknya.
"Bagi dunia kau hanya seseorang,
tapi bagi seseorang kau adalah DUNIA-nya"
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Friday, October 01, 2010
10+ things you can do to network more effectively
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Networking may not be everyone's favorite thing. But done the right away, it can lead to big career payoffs. Calvin Sun shares some ideas for successful networking.
You've probably heard it many times, but it's true: Keeping in touch with classmates and business associates can pay huge dividends in your career. Oftentimes, jobs go unadvertised. So knowing the right person can mean the difference between getting and not getting that job. Here are a few tips to help you network successfully. Note: This article is also available as a PDF download.
1: Remember names
Dale Carnegie said that for a person, the sweetest sound in the world is that person's name. For this reason, being able to remember names will help you immensely. You may see someone at networking event whom you met at an earlier event, or even better, you meet someone who now is employed. If you remember that person's name, you will make a great impression. A few years ago, while having a telephone conference call with a then-prospective client, I recognized the name of one of the participants as the father of one of my high school classmates. After I made the connection and mentioned it, the person said, "Let's hire Calvin."
2: Handle business cards respectfully
When someone hands you a business card, don't just stuff it into your pocket (as too many of us do). Take a second and actually read it. In fact, comment on the person's name, if it is spelled in an unusual way, or ask questions about it. You will likely not irritate the person, but rather make a positive impression, because people like discussing their names, as mentioned earlier. In Asian cultures, the common practice is to offer a business card (with printed lines readable by recipient) with both hands, on the corners. Then, the recipient takes the card with two hands, also on the corners. Simply putting the card away is akin to the husband who, when his wife asks how she looks in a dress, simply answers "fine" without looking.
3: Use business cards as reminders
That business card you just received can serve as a reminder. How often have you gone through business cards and asked yourself, "Where in the world did I meet this person?" To avoid this problem, write on the reverse of the card the date and occasion you met. When you later contact that person, you will sound more credible.
4: Make networking a full time activity
Harvey McKay, the motivational speaker, advises people to "dig their well before they're thirsty." That principle also applies to networking. Don't network only when you need to, because you have to find a new job. Keep at it all the time.
5: Keep social media up to date, if you use it
If you use social media tools such as Twitter, make sure your information is current. Nothing is more embarrassing than to have a LinkedIn page that refers to the "current" position you left a year ago. Make sure all your contact information is correct. If you have any email addresses you rarely use, enable forwarding to your most commonly used address. Just today, a university I attended asked if I had received an earlier mailing, which I hadn't. It turned out that they sent the earlier note to my alumni address, which I set up once and forgot about. Don't let the same thing happen to you.
6: Remember that one hand washes the other
I tell people all the time never to pass up the chance to do someone a favor. Even if they don't, can't, or won't return it, doing so is still right. The best situation is what I call the "high leverage" situation. It probably takes you no more than a second to forward a friend's resume to your boss. However, if things work out, that friend has benefitted to a degree that far exceeds your effort and will be forever in your debt.
At a networking event...
7: Use a known person as entrée into a group
Did you ever feel awkward because you didn't know how to break into that group next to you? If you know someone in that group, breaking in is easy. Just move next to that person, say hi, and start talking. At some point, shift to the person next to your contact, introduce yourself, and start talking to that second person, and so on.
8: Use line-waiting or refreshment table time to start a conversation
A good way to begin a conversation is to talk about the food, while you're waiting in line, with the person in front of or behind you. All you need to do is say something innocuous about how you like one item or another, or how good or bad the service is. Was traffic heavy, or was the weather outside bad? You could complain about either one. Doing so forms a bond, because the other person probably has the same feelings. Once you make those initial comments, introduce yourself, and you're on your way.
9: Find a connection
The more connections you can find in common with the other person, the better. Those connections could be hometown, school, or any other matter. The best situation involves you and the other person directly. However, extend things if you have to, to cover your siblings, parents, or relatives. In other words, even if you didn't attend the same university as the person, but your father did, you still have a connection.
10: Use the refreshment table as means of graceful exit
That refreshment table is not only a way to make introductions. It's also a convenient way to exit gracefully from a conversation. Simply say, "Sorry, but I would like to get more punch/beer/whiskey," and then make your exit. The refreshment table is preferable to the restroom as a means of exit.
11. Arrive early to help the event organizer
If you've arrived early, introduce yourself to the event organizer and ask if you can help set up. The person will be grateful, and you will have gained a key ally, because the organizer probably knows most of the other attendees.
posted by Calvin Sun
September 30, 2010 @ 9:15 am
Infrastructure-Application-ManagedServices.Visit for details..
Green IT in Today's Environment
Green IT in Today's Environment
Why Green IT? Few topics are receiving as much interest it the IT
community these days as "Green IT." Being "eco-friendly" and embracing
"Green IT" policies is no longer an objective, it is an imperative.
Whether it is being discussed in the context of reducing the cost of
electricity by managing power consumption, or as a way to demonstrate a
commitment to environmental responsibility, almost every IT organization
has some efforts underway to be greener. Reducing carbon footprint,
controlling greenhouse gases and demonstrating environmental awareness,
when added to the pure financial benefits of saving money with power
management, adds up to a big win-win for any organization pursuing Green
Cutting power consumption of PCs is one of the most obvious and common
ways of becoming greener. Power management provides direct savings in
utility expenditures that by itself justifies the effort. However, the
indirect result of reducing power consumption is a smaller carbon
footprint, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and a reduction in building
cooling load and costs during warm months. Less direct efforts, like
reducing the need to travel to remote locations to maintain PCs is another
way to further reduce the impact IT has on the environment. The challenge
remains doing all of these things efficiently and across an often
geographically dispersed organization, while still remaining responsive to
user's needs and usage patterns.
The Solution
Dell KACE Appliances are designed to save you time and your company money
by easily and efficiently providing comprehensive Green IT management
capabilities that ensure that PCs are always optimized for power savings
and resources are consumed only when necessary. They help eliminate travel
to remote sites through their remote management capabilities, reducing
overall energy consumption, and both appliances are additionally available
in virtual form factors to further lower data center power and cooling
* Using the configuration and policy management capabilities of the
K1000 Management Appliance, administrators can easily develop, deploy
and enforce power management profiles that control how quickly systems
go into low power states. Using the K1000 Power Management Wizard, an
administrator can create multiple power profiles that address the
unique user usage profiles for both Windows and Mac end users. The
K1000 helps IT professionals to monitor power settings via
customizable reports, ensuring enforcement and the realization of
lower energy costs. In many cases the reports can also be used to gain
eligibility for power company rebates.
* Using the Wake-on-LAN (WoL) capabilities of the K1000,
administrators can power on systems remotely for after hours patching
and updates from a centralized location. This means that maintenance
can be performed even on systems that have been powered down and are
* Reducing the need to make desk-side visits will save organizations a
significant amount of time and expense, and for remote locations, will
reduce the need to use fuel while traveling to and from those
facilities. Both the K1000 Management and K2000 Deployment Appliances
have many capabilities which reduce the need for desk-side visits.
* Powerful scripting allows for remote management and software
installation and update.
* Remote systems imaging and recovery centralizes deployment tasks for
geographically diverse organizations.
* Integrated remote control capability to allow administrators in a
central facility to logon and take over remote systems for problem
determination, repair and user assistance.
* Remote site replication capabilities allow administrators to manage
multi-site configurations from a single appliance, without the added
hardware and associated energy costs of alternative multi-server
software solutions. These capabilities help reduce the cost and
resources required to manage remote sites, and enable companies to
control the rising costs of travel to complete systems management
* For organizations with a VMware virtualized server infrastructure,
either the Dell KACE VK1000 Management Appliance or VK2000 Deployment
Appliance can be installed as virtual appliances, delivering all of
the systems management benefits of a physical appliances without
adding to the organization's power and cooling load while leveraging
the space and resource savings of virtual environments.
CONTACT us for detail
Fanky Christian
Business Development Director
IBEC Building 2nd Fl
Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim No.84-86
Jakarta Pusat, 10340, Indonesia
SMS: 62-21-98054359
Telp: 62-21-3924716
Fax: 62-21-3903432
mobile: 62-812-1057533
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