Here are the policy recommendations for Indonesia mentioned in the video:
* Invest in human capital: This includes investing in education and training to improve the skills of the workforce.
* Promote competition among cities: This can be done by creating special economic zones and encouraging competition among them.
* Adopt open science and open source: This can help to drive innovation and make it more accessible to everyone.
* Invest in infrastructure: This includes investing in transportation, energy, and telecommunications infrastructure.
* Promote financial inclusion: This can be done by making it easier for small and medium enterprises to access credit and other financial services.
* Create a more favorable environment for foreign investment: This can be done by reducing red tape and improving the regulatory environment.
* Develop a national strategy for artificial intelligence: This can help Indonesia to take advantage of the opportunities presented by AI.
* Promote urbanization: This can be done by creating new cities and expanding existing ones.
* Invest in research and development: This can help to develop new technologies and improve the productivity of the economy.
* Promote entrepreneurship: This can be done by creating incubators and accelerators, and by providing support to small businesses.
Why we still not moving?