
Saturday, October 26, 2019

4 Areas Where Frontline Leaders Can Increase Engagement

July 9, 2019
It’s not uncommon to occasionally feel disengaged at work – we know from Gallup that a majority of U.S. workers are not engaged at work. For millennials in particular, the numbers are troubling; 70% of millennials are either not engaged or are actively disengaged.
What’s a major reason why employee engagement is so low? Because new leaders on the front lines are not equipped to leadNew leaders on the front lines lead the biggest population of workers in organizations, yet many workers feel unhappy, uninspired, and lack empowerment. Data supports this:
  • Approximately 60% of employees report a loss of engagement, productivity, and turnover with poor frontline leadership, and
  • 25% of organizations experience profit loss due to ineffective frontline leaders.1
So, what can leaders do to help employees become more engaged at work?

4 Areas of Employee Engagement

We recommend a simple and intuitive framework. We believe these are the 4 factors that drive employee engagement:
  • Manager engagement,
  • Job engagement,
  • Team engagement, and
  • Organizational engagement.
By focusing on these 4 key areas, leaders have the power to increase the engagement of the people they lead and serve in a more targeted way.
Infographic: 4 factors that drive employee engagement

How Frontline Leaders Can Improve Employee Engagement

Here are steps that frontline leaders (and really, leaders at all levels of an organization) can take to increase employee engagement in these 4 areas:
  • Manager Engagement: Engaged employees feel energized and connected to their boss. To increase manager engagement, frontline leaders can provide routine coaching, development, and feedback. Improving manager engagement builds trust and loyalty to one’s boss. Build trust on your team by delegating.
  • Job Engagement: Employees are more engaged when they are actively involved and dedicated to their job. Frontline leaders can increase job engagement by bringing in internal or external stakeholders who have directly benefited from the work their employees have done, and by not micromanaging. Increased job engagement is associated with better work performance. Work on increasing accountability.
  • Team Engagement: Employees are more engaged when they are motivated and excited by their coworkers. Frontline leaders can increase team engagement by providing direction, alignment, and commitment (DAC). Increasing team engagement enhances team effectiveness. Here’s how to make good leadership happen with DAC.
  • Organizational Engagement: Engaged employees are devoted to their organization and feel passionately about its mission. Frontline leaders can increase organizational engagement by advocating for training and development opportunities for their direct reports. Increased organizational engagement is associated with lower employee turnover and better customer satisfaction. This checklist gives managers 4 ways to develop their people.

Our Process for Building Engagement

Organizations are more likely to invest in improvement efforts that have a measurable business impact. By better understanding employee engagement across these 4 key areas, leaders can more quickly and efficiently target interventions to increase low-scoring engagement areas.
For example, if employee engagement data shows workers have high engagement with their jobs, organization, and teams, but less so with their managers, interventions should be directed specifically toward increasing manager engagement. Such an intervention would have a greater return on investment and could include teaching leaders how to coach, develop, and provide feedback to others.
At CCL, with this data-driven framework as a foundation, we’ve developed a process that enables companies to identify what changes their leaders can make to improve employee engagement — and reap the benefits that come with it.
We’re not suggesting that improving employee engagement is simple or even easy, but it is possible. And it can transform your organization’s ability to get results. Our process provides a systematic, data-driven, measurable process to give your employee engagement a sustainable shot in the arm.
Managers can become one of the organization’s greatest assets if they are taught to understand and manage employee engagement. It’s time to take a new, directed approach to measuring and managing employee engagement, especially with new and frontline leaders who struggle the most to solve the engagement conundrum.



Di kantor saya dulu ada seorang karyawan yang sudah puluhan tahun bekerja di tempat kami. Sebut saja namanya Hilman, atau biasa kami panggil Abang, karena memang dia berasal dari Sumatera Utara.
Saya sangat mengagumi sosok beliau, karena kemampuannya yang sangat hebat dalam membina network. Abang mempunyai network yang sangat luas di semua lembaga pemerintahan, asosiasi, perusahaan lain sampai merambah ke kedutaan. Mungkin saya belum pernah mengenal orang lain yang mempunyai network seluas Abang.
Dan karena saya suka belajar, maka saya ajaklah Abang ngobrol ngobrol dan bertanya apa sih kuncinya dalam mengembangkan networknya.
Jawabannya sederhana dan akan membuat saya kagum.

"Mas Pam, networking is not only knowing people. Networking is about giving, networking is about helping  Giving to others. And helping others"
(Networking atau relationship itu tidak hanya tentang mengenal orang lain. Tetapi yang lebih penting, networking itu berarti memberi dan membantu. Memberikan sesuatu kepada orang lain. Membantu orang lain).

Banyak orang tidak mengerti tentang networking. Dipikirnya bahwa saat kita membutuhkan bantuan.
Tempatkan kita pada posisi mereka, apakah anda mau membantu orang yang hanya  sedikit anda tahu, tukar kartu nama, kemudian hanya menelpon pada saat dia perlu bantuan?
Why would you do that?
Nobody would do that, right?

Makanya "Abang" selalu memulai dengan mengenal orang, kemudian Abang akan  menjelaskan di mana dia bekerja dan bertanya barangkali ada yang dia bisa bantu kepada orang tersebut?
Kemudian Abang selalu berusaha mengontak orang tersebut sekedar untuk bilang "Hai, apa kabar?" dan bertanya lagi barangkali ada yang bisa dibantu.
That's the concept of networking that I learned from Abang.
It is about giving, giving and giving.
It is about helping, helping and helping, and hopefully he will never receive.

Jadi kata Abang, networking itu berarti membantu, membantu, dan membantu orang lain.
Networking itu berarti memberi, memberi dan memberi, dan semoga tidak pernah menerima.
Tetapi kalau suatu saat bener bener kepepet, ya terpaksa kita meminta bantuan, dan biasanya kita akan mendapatkan.

At least, our chance to get help will be much bigger that people who never helped in the past.

Stephen Covey dalam bukunya 7 habits for highly effective people menganalogikan hal ini dengan konsep menabung di rekening bank kan. Kita simpan uang kita sedikit sedikit di rekening bank, dan pada saat kita membutuhkan kita bisa mengambilnya, kan?
Lha kalau kita tidak pernah naruh uang di rekening kita? Kalau kita kepepet, apa yang mau kita ambil.

Wow! Simple concept tapi mengena , kan?
Dan begitu banyak di antara kita yang tidak mengerti hal sederhana ini.

Begitu banyak yang hobbynya datang ke sosial event, turnamen golf, Gala Dinner, pernikahan, bawa kartu nama setumpuk, tukar menukar kartu nama, and that's it.
Nanti kalau butuh baru nelpon untuk minta bantuan, atau jualan (lebih buruk lagi!).
What did you do to earn your right to ask for help?

Dan itulah yang menjadi salah satu culture shock saya pada saat pindah dari satu negara ke negara lain.
Waktu saya di luar negeri, dan keluarga saya mau pindahan ke negara lain, teman-teman saya di sana pada nelpon dan nanya,"Mau pindahan ya, apa yang bisa dibantu? Dibantu nge-pack, dibantu jagain anak-anak, atau dibawain makanan?"

They offered to GIVE, GIVE and GIVE.
They offered to HELP, HELP AND HELP.

Tetapi waktu kami mau pindah dari Indonesia ke negara lain (tahun 2010), banyak yang nelpon juga dan bertanya,"Mau pindah ke luar negeri lagi ya? Ada barang yang gak dibawa nggak (kulkas, mebel atau TV) yang bisa saya ambil"

(This was a true story).
They offer to receive, receive and receive.
I hope you see the difference.

Terus selain Giving and Helping, teknik teknik apa lagi yang kita bisa lakukan untuk membangun jaringan networking kita?

1. PREPARE YOUR SHORT INTRODUCTION (Who you are and what you can do to help)
Bersiap siaplah pergi ke medan networking anda. Mau itu pernikahan, turnamen golf, dinner

asosiasi industry atau seminar, siapkan your short introduction. The intro should be attractive, menarik dan membuat orang curious tentang anda, dan jangan lupa menyampaikan area apa yang anda bisa bantu.
In short, your intro should represent who you are and what you can do to help.
If your intro is good, mereka akan stay dan meneruskan pembicaraan dengan anda, instead of just move on to the next person.
Kalau perlu, hafal dan latihlah introduction anda.

Setelah anda siapkan introduction anda, it is time to get out and mingle.
Ada teman saya yang mengeluh karena tidak punya network yang luas. Tapi dia sendiri pemalu dan tidak pernah datang ke networking event. How?
So ... it is time to get out, be brave and introduce yourself.
Cari info sebanyak banyaknya tentang community yang anda targetkan, cari info tentang seminar, gala dinner, atau event event lain yang bisa anda hadiri and go ahead .... make your day.

Lets face the reality, you will do the network with a certain purpose and objective.
In order to make sure that you achieve your objective, you need to be selective and target the right audience that you want to focus on.
Look at the community members, look at the participanys of the events, and if necessary learn about them (personally, their company or their organization) so that your conversation will be much more meaningful.

Ingat, the public event hanyalah sebuah permulaan. Karena di situ anda belum punya kesempatan untuk membangun sebuah relationship yang cukup intensive agar dua belah pihak bisa saling "membantu".
For some of your targets, follow up with email or calls and ask them for a meeting, dinner, discussion or coffe session.

Jangan melupakan sosial media (Facebook, Linkedin, ...etc). They dont replace your physical networking. Tetapi anda bisa menggunakan mereka at yoir advantage untuk melengkapi networking anda.
Namun sosial media juga bisa menjadi bumerang, membawa pengaruh positif atau negatif untuk personality brand anda.
Hati hati dan benar benar jaga diri dan kontrol comment atau picture yang akan anda pasang.


After the step 1-5, sekarang anda mestinya sudah punya daftar yang cukup panjang dari orang orang yang bisa anda masukkan ke dalam daftar intensive networking relationship anda.
Seperti sebuah tanaman bunga, networking juga haris disirami air. Make sure you maintain and nurture the relationship.
Ingat, kuncinya adalah pada "What you can do to help them", dan bukan sebaliknya.

Because ... remember ... NETWORKING IS ABOUT GIVING AND HELPING ....

Salam Hangat

Pambudi Sunarsihanto

Magic Quadrant for IT Service Management Tools

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