
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pendidikan Kejuruan, kunci sukses Indonesia

Mungkin bukan sesuatu yang muluk, tetapi percepatan peningkatan kualitas Dan skill manusia Indonesia melalui bidang kejuruan menjadi sangat penting.

Presiden Jokowi menyadari hal ini. Untuk bisa membentuk manusia yang memiliki skill khusus harus melalui pendidikan kejuruan.

Pendidikan kejuruan memang mungkin sering dipandang sebelah Mata, tapi sekarang berbeda.

Mari kita dukung Bersama.

Fanky Christian

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Industri E-Commerce Nasional Bersuka Cita akan Terpilihnya William Tanuwijaya sebagai Orang Indonesia Pertama di Young Global Leaders 2016

Industri E-Commerce Nasional Bersuka Cita akan Terpilihnya William Tanuwijaya sebagai Orang Indonesia Pertama di Young Global Leaders 2016

22 Mar 2016
Jakarta, 21 Maret 2016 - World Economic Forum, sebuah organisasi internasional yang didirikan atas kerjasama pemerintah dan swasta sejak 1971 di Geneva, Swiss, secara resmi kembali mengumumkan para pemimpin pilihannya hariini (17/3) melalui The Forum of Young Global Leaders. Pada pengumuman tahun ini, CEO Tokopedia William Tanuwijaya yang juga adalah Founder dan Ketua Dewan Pengawas Indonesia E-Commerce Association (idEA) ---satu-satunya pemimpin dari Indonesia---dinobatkan sebagai15 pemimpin muda berpengaruh di Asia Pasifik.

Penobatan William sebagai Young Global Leaders (YGL) angkatan 2016 ini meneruskan tradisi pemimpin Indonesia di panggung dunia, setelah sebelumnya Thomas Lembong dan Anies Baswedan, terpilih masing-masing di tahun 2008 dan 2009. Hal tersebut sekaligus mengikuti jejak entrepreneur teknologi dunia, seperti Jack Ma (YGL 2005), Mark Zuckerberg (YGL 2009), Larry PagedanSergey Brin (YGL 2011).

Bruce Nussbaum dari Bloomberg Business Week pernah menyebut YGL sebagai “the most exclusive private social network in the world”, sementara World Economic Forum mendeskripsikan para pemimpin pilihannya sebagai “the voice for the future and the hopes of the next generation".

"Kabar ini merupakan angin segar bagi industri E-Commerce nasional. Dengan adanya anak bangsa yang berprestasi di kancah global, kami semakin yakin Indonesia akan menjadi kekuatan baru ekonomi digital dunia," ungkap Daniel Tumiwa selaku Ketua Umum idEA

Sunday, March 06, 2016

6 type ecommerce

Generally speaking, when we think of e-commerce, we think of an online commercial transaction between a supplier and a client. However, and although this idea is right, we can be more specific and actually divide e-commerce into six major types, all with different characteristics.

There are 6 basic types ofe-commerce:

Business-to-Business (B2B)Business-to-Consumer (B2C)Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)Consumer-to-Business (C2B).Business-to-Administration (B2A)Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)

1. Business-to-Business (B2B)

Business-to-Business (B2B) e-commerce encompasses all electronic transactions of goods or services conducted ​​between companies. Producers and traditional commerce wholesalers typically operate with this type of electronic commerce.

2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

The Business-to-Consumer type of e-commerce is distinguished by the establishment of electronic business relationships between businesses and final consumers. It corresponds to the retail section of e-commerce, where traditional retail trade normally operates.

These types of relationships can be easier and more dynamic, but also more sporadic or discontinued. This type of commerce has developed greatly, due to the advent of the web, and there are already many virtual stores and malls on the Internet, which sell all kinds of consumer goods, such as computers, software, books,shoes, cars, food, financial products, digital publications, etc.

When compared to buying retail in traditional commerce, the consumer usually has more information available in terms of informative content and there is also a widespread idea that you'll be buying cheaper, without jeopardizing an equally personalized customer service, as well as ensuring quick processing and delivery of your order.

3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) type e-commerce encompasses all electronic transactions of goods or services conducted ​​between consumers. Generally, these transactions are conducted through a third party, which provides the online platform where the transactions are actually carried out.

4. Consumer-to-Business (C2B)

In C2B there is a complete reversal of the traditional sense of exchanging goods. This type of e-commerce is very common in crowdsourcing based projects. A large number of individuals make their services or products available for purchase for companies seeking precisely these types of services or products.

Examples of such practices are the sites where designers present several proposals for a company logo and where only one of them is selected and effectively purchased. Another platform that is very common in this type of commerce are the markets that sell royalty-free photographs, images, media and design elements, such as iStockphoto.

5. Business-to-Administration (B2A)

This part of e-commerce encompasses all transactions conducted online between companies and public administration. This is an area that involves a large amount and a variety of services, particularly in areas such as fiscal, social security, employment, legal documents and registers, etc. These types of services have increased considerably in recent years with investments made in e-government.

6. Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)

The Consumer-to-Administration model encompasses all electronic transactions conducted between individuals and public administration.

Examples of applications include:

Education – disseminating information, distance learning, etc.Social Security – through the distribution of information, making payments, etc.Taxes – filing tax returns, payments, etc.Health – appointments, information about illnesses, payment of health services, etc.

Both models involving Public Administration (B2A and C2A) are strongly associated to the idea of efficiency and easy usability of the services provided to citizens by the government, with the support of information and communication technologies.

Advantages of e-commerce

The main advantage of e-commerce is its ability to reach a global market, without necessarily implying a large financial investment. The limits of this type of commerce are not defined geographically, which allows consumers to make a global choice, obtain the necessary information and compare offers from all potential suppliers, regardless of their locations.

By allowing direct interaction with the final consumer, e-commerce shortens the product distribution chain, sometimes even eliminating it completely. This way, a direct channel between the producer or service provider and the final user is created, enabling them to offer products and services that suit the individual preferences of the target market.

E-commerce allows suppliers to be closer to their customers, resulting in increased productivity and competitiveness for companies; as a result, the consumer is benefited with an improvement in quality service, resulting in greater proximity, as well as a more efficient pre and post-sales support. With these new forms of electronic commerce, consumers now have virtual stores that are open 24 hours a day.

Cost reduction is another very important advantage normally associated with electronic commerce. The more trivial a particular business process is, the greater the likelihood of its success, resulting in a significant reduction of transaction costs and, of course, of the prices charged to customers.

Disadvantages of e-commerce

The main disadvantages associated with e-commerce are the following:

Strong dependence on information and communication technologies (ICT);Lack of legislation that adequately regulates the new e-commerce activities, both nationally and internationally;Market culture is averse to electronic commerce (customers cannot touch or try the products);The users' loss of privacy, the loss of regions' and countries' cultural and economic identity;Insecurity in the conduct of online business transactions.

By José Fernandes

Fanky Christian
mobile: 62-812-1057533 / 0881-8857333
skype: fankych1211

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Pengguna TIK Indonesia 2015

Bicara data, itulah yang harus kita lakukan untuk memfokuskan perhatian Dan usaha kita.

Fanky Christian