
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Manfaat air kelapa

Manfaat Air kelapa :
 Air kelapa trnyata lbh bernutrisi ketimbang susu penuh (whole milk) krn tdk mengandung kolesterol & rendah lemak.

 Air kelapa dpt memperbaiki sirkulasi darah & dikenal mampu membersihkan saluran pencernaan.

 Air kelapa tdk hnya akan membuat sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda lbh baik, tetapi jg membantu tubuh melawan bbrp jenis virus penyebab penyakit.

 Jika Anda mengidap penyakit batu ginjal, biasakanlah minum air kelapa secara rutin. Kebiasaan minum air kelapa akan membantu memecah batu ginjal & memudahkannya keluar dr tubuh.

 Air kelapa jg dikenal sejak dahulu dpt menyembuhkan gangguan saluran kencing? Segelas air kelapa akan meredakan rasa sakit akibat susah kencing.

 Jika Anda msh merasa pusing krn mabuk, tak ada yg bsa memulihkannya dgn cpt selain mengonsumsi air kelapa.

 Air kelapa yg rasanya lembut sngat kaya akan elektrolit & potassium. Potassium dpt membantu tubuh mengatur tekanan darah & fungsi organ jantung

 Air kelapa dpt mempercepat naiknya trombosite bagi penderita DBD & menurunkan demam (trombosit turun krn dipakai utk mencegah pendarahan, krn demam tinggi mengakibatkan pengentalan darah, & pori pembuluh darah membesar.
build, access and manage your IT infrastructure and web applications

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tool-leading processes vs. process-leading tools

By Abhinav Kaiser | October 17, 2011, 4:10 AM PDT

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This question has haunted ancient philosophers for centuries, and as of now, there is no concrete solution.

When it comes to dealing with processes and tools, a similar quandary exists. Processes and tools go hand in hand, so the question again is which one comes first?

Interlocking of processes and tools

First, let me lay out the items that I'll deal with in the course of this piece.

A process is defined as a set of coordinated activities performed to obtain a targeted output. For example, to clean a car, the first step is to rinse it, wipe the body, and finally dry it. So, these three coordinated activities are basically achieving a single goal — a clean car.

A tool is an instrument that is developed to carry out a particular function — like a drill for drilling a hole. In the clean car example above, I could use a tool like a water pump to help me rinse the car with a flick of a button.

But what if I use a tool like a pressure washer? This tool has the potential to modify the existing process of car cleaning.

The burning question is do you define the process and then hunt for a tool or obtain a tool with capabilities and develop processes around it?

Let's consider both cases.

Tools first

Technology is ever evolving, and with tools resulting from technology, one can argue that tools must lead the way for the activities we perform.

Let's say that a company called TLS finds a particular tool useful, and although the tool doesn't serve their intended purpose one hundred percent, it's somewhat helpful and could come in handy when implemented full force. So the company goes ahead and procures the tool and then modifies the processes to meet the tool's needs.

The company changes some expected outputs to suit the tool's needs. The output starts to appear, just as they envisioned with the revised process.

Process first

A process is developed, without the aid of technology but with analytical reasoning and a good understanding of the objective it's trying to achieve.

PRC, a competitor of TLS, is made aware of TLS's new tool acquisition. PRC sits back, examines their processes, and maps it with the new tool. They don't like the possible adaptation.

They back their processes and shop around for a tool that will also back their process. They come up with a tool that doesn't have state-of-the-art technology. The developer is willing to customize it to their needs. The two parties agree, the customized tool is procured, and the output starts to pour in.

Compare the two approaches

TLS believed in technology, but tweaked their processes to suit the tool on hand. PRC, on the other hand, trusted their process and sought after a tool that could do what they wanted it to do.

TLS compromised their process for technology. PRC stuck with their process and instead compromised the tool's original configuration to suit the process.

Which is a better approach?

Remember what I said earlier: Processes are a set of coordinated activities that will achieve the goal you want to achieve. A tool is a means through which certain functions are carried out.

What counts is the end result, and the process's existence depends on the output it delivers. If it's a home run, it's all well and good, if it doesn't matter what tools were employed. But compromising a process, in the sense that the basic output could be altered, is a scary prospect.

PRC backed their processes and got the tool configured to their needs. They got the best out of both worlds. On the other hand, TLS had to do away with certain process configurations to fit the new master –the tool. PRC's approach is the right way to go about integrating process and technology.

Tools are meant to complement the process by enabling the process activities to be performed as per the design, and never the other way around.

But tools are important

I can't think of designing a process without understanding the capabilities of tools. I'm very much a tools person. But the tools listen to my design, and I don't succumb to their way of working.

It's important that while designing a process, you have a good awareness of what kinds of tools and capabilities are available in the market. That gives you a good starting point. Design the process keeping the objective in mind, but optimize the activities with the available tools.

Tools are undoubtedly vital; a process developer must exploit every aspect of the available tool and perhaps stretch it to imagination — and have it customized to complement the developed process.

How does a process consultant do it?

I have worked independently and with teams of process consultants in developing several processes for ISO 20K, ISO 27K1, and PCI DSS. So I can give you a fairly good idea of how a process consultant sews processes and tools together.

There are specific objectives that a process must achieve. The inputs, budgets, and other service-level requirements are in our possession before we start defining a process. Apart from this, we are aware of what the tool world has to offer.

The inputs are known and so are the expected outputs. Filling in the blanks with process activities is all that we do. Let me illustrate this with an example.

If you want to bake a veggie pizza, you know the ingredients you probably want — like a pizza base, sauce, cheese, olives, and tomatoes — and you know what this pizza looks and tastes like. The steps you take to prepare the pizza are like the individual process activities. The activities you do in order to make a pizza are coordinated — you pre-heat the oven, apply the sauce on the base, apply the cheese followed by vegetables, and then add more cheese. Then you put this in the oven for ten minutes to complete what you had on your mind. The output is just as you expected, and the oven served as a tool that enabled the process activities to be effective.


A process must always be the boss and lead the tool to its expectations.
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The Cloud isn't a strategy

y Patrick Gray | October 12, 2011, 5:57 AM PDT

I've seen a troubling trend these past few years and a symptom of the larger malaise that strikes many corporate IT departments. Ask a CIO about their technology plan or strategy for the coming months, and their eyes light up and in hushed awe they reverently whisper: "The Cloud."

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've likely been beaten over the head with the wonders of cloud computing. It will slash your costs, alleviate all management pain, store your music and movies, and bring about world peace in our day. While the superlative machine in the marketing department of most cloud vendors has been working overtime, "the cloud" is nothing more than another incantation of make vs. buy or rent vs. own. We've been down this road before with everything from outsourcing to contract manufacturing, and the risks and rewards are identical. Presumably an external third-party vendor can perform an activity more efficiently and cheaply and allow you to quickly adjust capacity as needed. There's certainly some marvelous technological wizardry that makes it all happen, but at the end of the day, you're renting a service from a third-party vendor.

The cloud is a tool

Moving applications and services to the cloud may cut your costs or may impart more risk into a process, but in either case, the cloud is nothing more than a tool that should be accomplishing some business objective. Imagine if you hired a renowned builder to complete your dream home. When you sat down for your first design meeting and asked the builder his strategy and vision for your property, if he replied "The Binford Sawzall 9000," would you feel comfortable or begin reconsidering your choice in builders? When you as CIO cite "the cloud" as your strategy, you are doing the exact same thing, citing a tool as a cornerstone of what should be a plan that accomplishes some business objective.

A decade ago, outsourcing was the "IT 'strategy' du jour," and yet another case where IT referred to a tool as a strategy. There are myriad pros and cons for outsourcing certain activities, but in most cases where a tool was substituted for a real strategy, the results were disastrous. Cloud will experience the same fate unless you build a true strategic plan that just happens to include cloud services, rather than trying to build a strategy around a tool.

The cloud as a cost reducer

Reducing costs is certainly a valid strategic imperative, but it's also a one-way ticket to commoditization and should not be the sole foundation of your cloud initiatives. Most organizations are willing to pay for people and groups that can solve business problems, and a life as a trusted adviser is usually far richer than constant demands to extract another few percent in cost reductions.

Study the problems facing your organization and spend some time with other leaders listening. You may be surprised to find that cost is not the sole driver to most of the organization's actions; otherwise you could just fire everyone and live happily ever after. Your peers are likely struggling to enter new markets or speed the delivery of current and future products. There may be sales opportunities that are left "on the table" or thousands of hours wasted supporting crap processes that could be reallocated toward revenue generation and make a far larger impact than reducing some segment of IT expenses.

At the end of the day, no tool should be the core of any strategy, whether it's building a house or stating the strategic plan for a Fortune 500 technology department. Thinking beyond the tools makes spending money on technology more palatable to the organization, since that spending is tied to a business objective rather than yet another mercurial technical tool or buzzword. Separating the strategy from the tools also allows you to adjust your tactics should technology or environmental factors change, without completely rethinking your strategy. In short, thinking beyond the tools gets you to true strategic planning, rather than being co-opted as a technology salesperson
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lotte mall bintaro by Vicky

Perjalanan singkatnya ke lotte mall bintaro digambarkannya..

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Sunday, October 09, 2011

Ayah Yang Tak Pernah Kukenal (Steve Jobs)

By. Julianto Simanjuntak***

“Sesungguhnya kita tidak bisa mengubah di atas kita, yakni orangtua. Tetapi kita bisa mempengaruhi keturunan kita” (JS)

Siapa menyangka, seorang anak yang lahir diluar nikah, lalu menjadi anak adopsi, menjadi orang ternama, sangat kaya dan mengubah dunia. Steve Jobs. Ia berada di urutan 110 orang terkaya dunia.
Meski tidak pernah mengenyam pendidikan formal di bidang engineering, Steve Jobs tercatat sebagai pemegang lebih dari 300 hak paten hardware dan software. Ia meninggalkan istrinya Laurene Powell Jobs dan tiga orang anak mereka Eve, Erin dan Reed.
Anak Diluar Nikah
Abdulfattah John Jandali, 80 tahun, adalah ayah biologis Steve Jobs. Jandali, berasal dari Syria. Lalu menjadi Professor Politik Sain. Jandali pacaran dengan Joanne di University of Wisconsin, dimana Jandali  adalah profesor dan Joanne adalah mahasiswa.
Mereka ingin menikah, tapi ayah Joanne Simpson tidak akan membiarkan dia menikah dengan seorang imigran Suriah dan beragama Muslim. Steve merupakah  Buah hubungannya (diluar nikah) dengan Joanne Schieble (sekarang Joanne Simpson). Jobs lahir di San Fransisco 24 Feb 1955.
Anak Adopsi
Joanne terpaksa pindah ke San Fransisco bersama bayinya (Jobs). Disana ia memutuskan melepaskan Steve pada Clara dan  Paul Jobs. (ortu angkat)
Setelah ia besar, Jobs menerima dan merangkul ibu kandungnya. Jobs juga menerima dan mengakui adik yang kemudian dilahirkan Joanne. Mereka bertemu saat Mona berusia 27 tahun, lalu sering bertemu sebagai adik-kakak.
Ayah yang Tak Pernah Kukenal
Tapi tidak untuk ayahnya, Jandali. Meski ayahnya sempat menghubungnya berkali-kali dengan email, Jobs telah menutup hati untuk sang Ayah. Seolah Steve Jobs berkata: “Sorry Ayah,  aku sama sekali tidak mengenalmu”.
Kemudian hari, Steve Jobs yang terkenal tertutup mau membuka dirinya, dan bersedia biografinya dituliskan. Walter Isaacson dipilih menuliskan riwayat hidupnya. Nampaknya dia mengantisipasi hidupnya tidak lama lagi. Ternyata benar, tak lama kemudian Steve meninggal dunia.
Memutus Rantai
Dalam biografi itu Steve menekankan, betapa sakitnya tidak dekat dengan ayah kandung. Betapa miskin emosi seorang anak yang terasing jauh dari ayahnya. Lewat pengalaman itu Steve  jobs tidak ingin ketiga anaknya mengalami hal ini. Cukup berhenti pada dirinya saja, rantai itu harus diputus.
Ada banyak contoh mereka yang menjadi tokoh, meski berasal dari pohon keluarga yang cacat dan retak. Diantaranya Salomo.
Sesungguhnya kita tidak bisa mengubah di atas kita, yakni orangtua. Tetapi kita bisa mempengaruhi keturunan kita. Meski latar belakang kita buruk, pernikahan orangtua kita gagal dan hancur, tetapi tidak demikian masa depan dan keturunan kita.
Meski kita gagal tapi rancangan Tuhan untuk keturunan kita tidak bisa digagalkan siapapun. Yang penting kita memilih dan bersikap, cukup berhenti di saya. Anak-anak saya jangan mengalaminya. Jika rantai itu diputus semoga ada masa depan yang lebih baik untuk generasi berikutnya.
Bang JS

*) Kompas, 8 Oktober 2011

Menjadi Konsultan Tender

Salah satu jasa yang kami lakukan adalah menjadi konsultan pelaksanaan tender teknologi informasi.

Seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya penggunaan TI di lingkungan pemerintahan, maka beragam peraturan yang mendukung telah dikeluarkan dan hal ini terkait juga dengan tender-tender TI yang marak dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.

Kapasitas PA/KPA di tiap lingkup kementrian/lembaga/daerah/institusi seringkali memiliki keterbatasan pemahaman dan pengetahuan terkait TI. Oleh karena itu, tim ULP yg dibentuk perlu dilengkapi dengan adanya tenaga ahli TI, dan disinilah kami seringkali berperan membantu.

Silahkan hubungi kami untuk membantu Anda.

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Thursday, October 06, 2011

10 Kalimat Inspiratif Sang Jenius

Santi Dwi Jayanti : detikInet

detikcom - Jakarta, Sosok legendaris di ranah teknologi, Steve Jobs, telah meninggal dunia di usianya yang ke-56. Akan tetapi, jejak kesuksesannya tidak akan pernah dilupakan.

Kesuksesan yang ia raih bersama Apple ini tidak luput dari cara Jobs memandang kehidupan serta bisnis yang ia jalani. Ia pun sering berbagi kalimat penuh inspirasi. Berikut beberapa di antaranya:

"Sangat sulit membuat desain sebuah produk. Kerap kali orang-orang tidak mengetahui apa yang mereka inginkan, sampai kita menunjukkannya pada mereka". (BussinessWeak, 1998).

"Ini adalah salah satu mantra saya - fokus dan kesederhanaan. Kamu harus berkerja lebih keras untuk menjernihkan pikiran dan menghasilkan kesederhanaan. Pada akhirnya hal ini akan setimpal. Saat kamu tiba di sana, kamu bisa memindahkan gunung". (BusinessWeek, 1998).

"Menjadi orang terkaya di pemakaman tidak berarti bagi saya...Pergi ke tempat tidur dan mengatakan bahwa kami telah melakukan sesuatu yang luar biasa...Itulah yang berarti bagi saya". (The Wall Street Journal, 1993).

"Saya akan selalu terhubung dengan Apple. Mungkin ada saat-saat atau tahun-tahun di mana saya tidak di sini, namun saya akan selalu kembali". (Playboy, 1985).

"Kami tidak pernah khawatir terhadap angka-angka. Apple selalu mencoba berfokus pada produk karena sebuah produk benar-benar akan membuat perbedaan". (Playboy, 1985).

"Kamu harus memiliki keyakinan terhadap sesuatu - keinginan, takdir, hidup, karma, apapun itu". (Stanford commencement speech, 2005).

"Pekerjaanmu akan menjadi bagian penting dari kehidupanmu. Satu-satunya cara untuk mencapai kepuasan adalah dengan percaya bahwa apa yang kamu kerjakan adalah pekerjaan yang hebat. Cintai apa yang kamu kerjakan. Jika kamu belum menemukannya, tetaplah cari. Jangan berhenti". (Stanford commencement speech, 2005).

"Tidak ada seorang pun yang ingin mati. Meski mereka yang ingin pergi ke surga, tidak ingin mati. Namun kematian adalah tujuan kita bersama, tidak ada yang bisa lolos darinya. Kematian adalah penemuan terbaik dalam kehidupan. Ia membersihkan yang lama dan membuat jalan untuk yang baru. Sekarang yang baru adalah kamu, namun suatu saat nanti kamu akan menjadi tua dan 'dibersihkan'. Maaf terlalu dramatik, namun ini benar". (Stanford commencement speech, 2005).

"Panutan saya untuk bisnis adalah The Beatles. Mereka saling mengimbangi satu sama lain. Beginilah cara saya memandang suatu bisnis, bisnis yang hebat bukan dilakukan oleh satu orang, melainkan oleh tim". (Interview with 60 Minutes, 2003).

"Jika kamu melakukan sesuatu yang bagus, maka selanjutnya kamu harus melakukan hal lain yang luar biasa. Jangan tinggal terlalu lama, pikirkan apa yang harus kamu buat selanjutnya". (NBC Nightly News, May 2006)
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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Lowongan di Dharma Group

Dharma Group bergerak dibidang manufacturing, mengajak anda bergabung & berkembang bersama diposisi Staff hingga Division untuk,
1. Engineer design
2. Engineer tools & jig
3. Quality Control & Assurance
4. Produksi supervisor
5. Maintenance
6. Vendor Management
7. Marketing
8. Finance & Accounting
9. HARI & People Dev.
10. PPIC
11. IT SAP (MM, SD, PP & FI/CO)

Penempatan di Balaraja, Karawang, Karawaci, atau Cikarang. Kirimkan CV lengkap ke dgn mencantumkan Posisi ∂ïSubject_nya. Terima kasih

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Sunday, October 02, 2011

Sensus Pajak

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Ditjen Pajak menegaskan, petugas Sensus Pajak yang asli tidak akan meminta uang dalam menjalankan tugasnya.

Selain itu ada juga beberapa ciri resmi lainnya. "Pokoknya kami tidak meminta uang, jadi masyarakat tidak perlu khawatir," tegas sekelompok petugas sensus yang ditemui di sela-sela pekerjaannya di JITEC Mangga Dua, Jumat (30/9).

Berikut merupakan hal-hal yang terkait petugas Sensus Pajak :

1. Ada "Surat Tugas" yang resmi dari KPP setempat.

2. Petugas yang mengadakan Sensus itu ada 2 orang : - Satu orang dari pihak Dirjen Pajak - Satu orang dari pihak eksternal yang dipilih oleh Dirjen Pajak dari luar PN pajak.

3. Kedua Petugas memakai dan mempunyai " Name Tag " yang menyatakan benar dari pihak Pegawai Negeri dan Petugas Sensus resmi.

4. Jika ada yang menyangsikan, maka pihak WP ( Wajib Pajak ) atau warga yang didatangi team Sensus Pajak boleh telp ke KPP setempat untuk memastikan, apakah benar ada team sensus pajak yang diturunkan untuk mengadakan Sensus Pajak.

5. Sensus Pajak berbentuk " wawancara " mengenai : penghasilan, tagihan rek listrik, NPWP ( jika sudah ada, ditunjukin ), tempat tinggal, dll .

6. Bila tidak mengerti sebaiknya tidak menjawab.

7.Jangan sekali-kali memberikan dokumen apapun termasuk foto copy annya.

8.Hasil wawancara akan dituangkan dalam formulir hardcopy, jadi sebelum ditandatangani oleh WP atau warga, harap dibaca terlebih dahulu apakah data-data yang diisi oleh team Sensus Pajak sudah sesuai, jika " Ya " baru ditandatangani.

Dari sisi kostum sendiri, mereka memperlihatkan cirinya berupa topi, rompi, kartu identitas yang dikalungkan. "Jadi petugas sensus ini kelengkapannya, topi, rompi, ID, name tag," ujarnya. Berdasarkan SOP, sensus dilakukan sekitar 3-5 menit, tetapi paling lama bisa sekitar 10 menit untuk menyensus satu orang calon wajib

Heaven or Hell

While walking down the street one day a 'Member of Parliament' is tragically hit by a truck and dies.

His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

'Welcome to heaven,' says St. Peter. 'Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you.'

'No problem, just let me in,' says the man.

'Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.'

'Really, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,' says the MP.

'I'm sorry, but we have our rules.'

And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.

Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people.

They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and champagne.

Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly & nice guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go.

Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises...

The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him.

'Now it's time to visit heaven.'

So, 24 hours pass with the MP joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.

'Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven.

Now choose your eternity.'

The MP reflects for a minute, then he answers: 'Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell.'

So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell.

Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage.

He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above.

The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. 'I don't understand,' stammers the MP. 'Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable.

What happened?'

The devil looks at him, smiles and says, 'Yesterday we were campaigning...

Today you voted.'

Good luck

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