
Saturday, May 21, 2011

SunGard Highlights Ten Key Trends Driving Risk and Data Initiatives in Energy & Utilities

Kebetulan sedang utak-atik bahan rancangan strategis TI 'world class company' untuk salah satu perusahaan, ketemu bahan menarik ini..

May 19, 2011 — Houston, TX
Austin Morris, managing partner of SunGard Global Services’ energy practice, said, “In the energy and utilities industries, participants must contend with dramatic growth in volumes of information due to the growing number of instruments, exchanges and markets as well as the increasing granularity of data. They must also prepare their infrastructures for changes in stakeholder oversight and regulation at a time of great uncertainty.  Energy traders, producers and utilities must be able to mitigate the risk and cost of business today, by focusing on managing information more efficiently, ensuring higher data accuracy and quality, and providing timely assessment of positions and risk.”
Ten trends driving trading, risk and data management initiatives in the energy and utilities industry are:
1. Energy companies need better access to liquidity in order to enhance margins and reduce risk
2. Global demand and major changes in energy markets are causing greater business challenges in terms of growth, investment and recruitment
3. Increasing cost and competition require better transparency, efficiency and information management
4. The need to control costs and optimize capital is driving operational efficiency as a top priority
Risk & regulation
5. Dodd-Frank, CFTC and other regulators globally are greatly impacting industry participants by increasing regulatory oversight and reporting requirements
6. New proposed capital reporting and clearing requirements also will affect a large number of participants by requiring modified trading behaviors
7. Price volatility and aging infrastructures are making risk management more challenging, driving increased reinvestment in technology
Data management
8. Growing complexities in the industry have caused an explosion of systems and data
9. The increased volumes and complexity of data is driving demand for smarter data mining to reduce cost and increase accuracy
10. Producers and utilities are seeking smarter technologies to increase efficiency, from the field to the CEO

Jill Feblowitz, vice president and practice director, IDC Energy Insights, said, “Energy players are faced with unprecedented challenges, including a slow economic recovery, flat energy prices, and mixed messages on regulations. Information management, smart grid technologies and other business intelligence approaches will help participants improve their ability to manage change, reduce cost and risk, and enhance efficiencies in operations, delivery and service.”
SunGard Podcast:  Data, Regulation & Risk: Turning Key Challenges into Rewards
SunGard Blogs:
Doug Wendler: Uncovering opportunity from the avalanche of data
John Doran: What is behind the recent rise in energy prices?
Customer Videos:
Krishnan Kasiviswanathan, chief risk officer, NRG Energy
Roy Goodman, director of Information Technology, PPL Energy Plus
Drew Rankin, general manager, Energy Supply, Colorado Springs Utilities
Jody Gallagher, chief information officer, Iberdrola Renewables
Trends in Energy & Commodities: Commodity Hedge Funds – Dealing with Liquidity, Market, Credit and Operational Risk, by Leslie Barbagallo, senior vice president, SunGard’s Kiodex
Is Mean Reversion Dead in the Crude Oil and Natural Gas Market?, by Rick Boesch, Ph.D., senior vice president of financial engineering at SunGard’s Kiodex
Are you capitalizing on change? We invite you join the conversation and see what the industry is saying about the latest trends taking place at Follow SunGard key trends in areas of financial services at and energy and commodities at
About SunGard’s Solutions for Energy & Commodities
SunGard's energy and commodities solutions help energy companies, corporate hedgers, hedge funds and financial services firms to compete efficiently in global energy and commodities markets by streamlining and integrating the trading, risk management and operations of physical commodities and their associated financial instruments. Through real-time data, connectivity and analysis, SunGard's energy and commodities solutions help customers achieve transparency and regulatory compliance, address end-to-end transaction and operational lifecycles, and meet time-to-market needs with flexible deployment options. For more information, visit
About SunGard Global ServicesSunGard Global Services delivers business consulting, technology and professional services for financial services firms, energy organizations and corporations. Leveraging SunGard’s global delivery model, more than 5,000 employees in over 25 locations help customers manage their complex data needs, optimize end-to-end business processes and assist with systems integration, while providing full application development, maintenance, testing and support services.
About SunGard
SunGard is one of the world's leading software and technology services companies.  SunGard has more than 20,000 employees and serves 25,000 customers in 70 countries. SunGard provides software and processing solutions for financial services, higher education and the public sector. SunGard also provides disaster recovery services, managed IT services, information availability consulting services and business continuity management software. With annual revenue of about $5 billion, SunGard is ranked 434 on the Fortune 500 and is the largest privately held business software and IT services company. Look for us wherever the mission is critical. For more information, visit
Trademark Information: SunGard and the SunGard logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunGard Data Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. All other trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Biarkan pihak lawan menyebutkan harga lebih dulu. Saat berunding tentang sebuah harga, cobalah untuk mendorong pihak lain untuk membuat penawaran terlebih dahulu. Dengan begitu Anda akan lebih mudah menebak posisinya.

Cobalah mengutarakan hal-hal yang ekstrim. Untuk memancing pihak lawan yang terlampau tertutup dan sulit untuk 'dibaca' posisinya, sebutkanlah sebuah jumlah yang terlampau tinggi atau sangat rendah (tergantung situasi dan kondisi Anda). Dengan membuat aksi ini, Anda akan bisa membaca posisi pihak lawan melalui tanggapan yang diberikan.

Tunjukkan niat untuk menawar. Saat negosiasi berjalan, bereaksilah terhadap setiap usul balasan yang diberikan dengan memberikan sebuah hal yang telah Anda putuskan sebelumnya. Pastikan hal tersebut adalah hal yang tidak terlalu krusial bagi keberlangsungan bisnis Anda.

Gunakan diam sebagai alat mencapai tujuan negosiasi Anda. Setelah Anda menjelaskan masalah Anda, jangan ucapkan sepatah kata pun selama beberapa saat. Keheningan ini akan mendorong pihak lawan untuk mengatakan sesuatu yang dapat Anda ubah menjadi penyokong posisi Anda.

Selalu meminta lebih dari jumlah yang ditawarkan kepada Anda. Saat pihak lain hendak meminta Anda untuk menjual aset dengan harga sebesar 10 juta, misalnya, mintalah harga 15 juta. Anda mungkin hanya akan mendapatkan harga 12 juta saja tetapi tentu saja 12 juta lebih baik dari 10 juta.
build, access and manage your IT infrastructure and web applications

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Effectively use social media for business applications

By Sonja Thompson | May 17, 2011, 3:45 PM PDT

It is no secret that technology has changed the way we do business. Companies are no longer limited to certain markets by virtue of geographic location; any size or type of business, whether it is brick and mortar or web-based, can become a player in the global marketplace. Technology advances and new trends develop at a rapid pace, allowing for new marketing opportunities and creating the ability to expand a company's web presence and customer base. The latest trend businesses are utilizing is the application of social media as a business and marketing tool.

Social media sites, such as MySpace and Facebook, have been around for a while and have been widely used by artists, writers, and musicians to promote their work. Companies are becoming aware that these sites can be used quite effectively for many business applications as well. A search of any social media site will come up with a profile listing for any type of product or service, from yoga instructors to moving companies. So, just how effective is social media when used for business applications?

The short answer to that question is: very effective, if you understand how the medium works and use it properly. The key to the effectiveness of using social media for business depends on your approach. Like any business plan, organization is essential for success. The same general rules of using social media apply to any other type of marketing and promotion:

Have a specific purpose in mind and narrow your focus to achieve that purpose.

Know your target market and streamline your approach to reach and serve that market.

Make sure that your content is relevant to the purpose that you are trying to achieve.

Diversify your efforts. Social media use should be integrated as a part of your overall marketing and business plan; it should not be your entire strategy.

It is also important to understand how social media sites work in order to use them effectively. Navigate around the sites, join various communities and discussion groups, and build a following. If you dive in and just start posting links and comments, you could easily end up driving prospects away instead of bringing them in.

Twitter functions in a slightly different way than other types of social media sites, but it can also be a very effective tool for business applications. You do not have to Tweet to Ashton Kutcher-like proportions, but once you build up a following of users who are interested in what you have to offer, it is a very good way to alert prospects to new web content, special promotions, and new products or services.

When used as a part of an overall business and marketing strategy, social media is an effective and cost-efficient tool to promote and develop your business, increase product or brand awareness, and communicate more effectively with your customer base. It is free, has the ability to reach a market of literally millions of potential customers, and has the additional advantage of being able to integrate other types of media, such as video, to increase awareness and web traffic.

Do you have a Facebook profile or a Twitter account? The smart business owner will answer both of those questions with, "Yes. I do.
build, access and manage your IT infrastructure and web applications

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Menyimpan sakit hati vs mendemonstrasikan kasih

Melihat buku HYB Pak Eka dipegang Pak Chris dalam PMJ tadi membuat saya kangen untuk membaca buku itu (lagi)..

Buku tebal yang menarik dan selalu ada hal yang baru setiap kali membacanya. Pas membukanya, dibagian ini 234. Menyimpan sakit hati atau mendemonstrasikan kasih..

Pas sekali..

Pas sekali dengan kegalauan seorang wanita tua, yang saat ini sedang bingung harus berbuat apa menghadapi anak-anaknya. Anak-anak yang dikasihinya telah berubah dan mungkin juga berubah oleh karena perbuatannya dahulu. Tangan tua itu senantiasa membimbing dan menuntun anaknya berjalan bahkan mungkin hingga mereka tua. Namun semua tidak menjadi sama. Semua mulai berubah ketika anak-anaknya mulai mengenal dunianya, sibuk dan larut dalam pekerjaannya, meninggalkannya dan bergabung dengan pasangannya.

Sang ibu tua mulai kuatir kehilangan anaknya seperti kehilangan suaminya dahulu. Suami yang menjadi pujaan hatinya kala muda pergi meninggalkannya sendiri dengan keempat anaknya. Sang Ibu bersusah payah membesarkan anak-anak ini dalam kasih dan benci..
Anak telah tumbuh dewasa, cucu telah mengelilinginya, tapi hatinya tetap gundah. Hidupnya seolah selalu berusaha memenuhi keinginan anaknya, meskipun kerap kali sang anak tidak meminta, namun karena kasihnya sang ibu mencarikan jalan terbaik untuk anak-anaknya.. Seolah mereka tidak bisa mandiri..

Sekarang sang Ibu tersadar. Anak-anaknya telah tumbuh dewasa melebihi yang dia sangka, berubah mungkin, namun kasih sang Ibu telah terpatri dalam di hati sang anak, sehingga apa pun keadaannya, anak-anak selalu mengasihinya..

Namun semua tidak akan sama dengan pasangan dari anak-anaknya. Gesekan demi gesekan menghiasi mereka, dan ada kalanya tidak tertahan dan menimbulkan kekecewaan dan luka hati.

Disinilah kembali hati sang ibu diuji. Diuji untuk menyimpan sakit hatikah atau malah sebaliknya menunjukkan kasih itu semakin nyata?!

Hanya kasih dan kerendahan hati, itulah yang kekal dalam hidup ini, demikian refleksi dalam hati sang ibu.. Dan itulah akhir cerita malam ini..

Mata dikatupkan menutup hari, sambil lirih berdoa ' Tuhan, bantulah hambaMu memilih untuk senantiasa mendemonstrasikan kasihMu dibandingkan menyimpan sakit hati ini.. Amin'

build, access and manage your IT infrastructure and web applications

Thursday, May 12, 2011

10 pitfalls of rookie management teams

By Steve Tobak | May 10, 2011, 8:33 AM PDT

I've worked with and consulted for hundreds of startups, entrepreneurs, and relatively inexperienced management teams. I also was an inexperienced executive myself, once upon a time. Lots of water under the bridge, I can tell you that.

Now, I wouldn't begrudge anyone the unique growth experience of learning from his own mistakes, especially the wisdom and humility that only failure can impart on the executive ego.

That said, savvy managers listen to the voice of experience. They may choose to ignore the advice, but they still listen. Information is power, forewarned is forearmed, and all that.

When asked in a CNBC interview what keeps her up at night, Christine Day, CEO of fast-growing, high-flying athletic apparel maker Lululemon Athletica, said, "Scaling the growth. Our growth has been phenomenal, and that puts a lot of pressure on a young management team."

Day, who spent 20 years at Starbucks, most recently as president of the Asia Pacific Group, knows her stuff. Scaling the business is on my list of novice management pitfalls, along with nine other rookie mistakes.

Note: This article originally appeared as an entry in BNET's The Corner Office blog. It's also available as a PDF download.

1: Thinking you've got it all figured out

Or thinking that the answers are self-contained within your four walls. One of the biggest differences between mature execs and novices is the understanding that the management team and the board do not have all the answers. Source far and wide, debate, then make decisions.

2: Failing to say no to opportunities

One of the biggest pitfalls is taking on too much, starting too many projects, spreading resources too thin, and failing to focus on what's most important: execution and growing the core business.

3: Staying the course too long

Entrepreneurs often stay the course when there are clear signs that they're pointed in the wrong direction — for instance, customers want B instead of A, customer traction isn't happening as planned, or the market isn't materializing.

4: Hiring other inexperienced executives

If you're scratching your head and wondering how dumb is that?, you're not alone. I can never figure out why entrepreneurs do this, but they do, and their boards, VCs and all, let them. It happens all the time. The result: the blind leading the blind.

5: Hiring executives just for their experience

All too often, entrepreneurs know they need to complement their relative inexperience with executives who've been around, so they hire people with big corporate backgrounds and overlook key qualities, like how well they'll do in a fast-paced, collaborative, entrepreneurial environment.

6: Underscoping the challenges of scaling the business

This is huge for high-growth companies where it's critical to scale the operation — human capital, IT infrastructure, processes, facilities, equipment — in sync with growing demand. It's a real tightrope to simultaneously maintain growth, quality, and profits.

7: Failing to moderate risk-taking

In an effort to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit that got them where they are, inexperienced executives will oftentimes shy away from organizational processes and systems that are needed to facilitate growth. That often results in a shoot from the hip mentality or, even worse, a constantly shifting strategy du jour.

8: Suddenly becoming overly risk averse

Clamping down on calculated risk-taking based on sound risk-reward analysis is just as bad an idea as playing it fast and loose. In today's highly competitive global market, playing it safe won't help you maintain market share. Quite the opposite is true.

9: Lacking marketing competence

All too often, especially in the technology industry, marketing competence is an afterthought. Executing on the product or service and customer traction are the keys for startup success, no doubt, but marketing intelligence will improve the odds. Finding competent marketers seems to be the rub.

10: Going public too soon

There are benefits to an IPO — primarily as a source of capital and currency for acquisitions. But the downside — SEC and public scrutiny, Sarbanes Oxley, and most important, management team distraction — can negatively affect a company's ability to execute when it needs to be firing on all cylinders.

The flip side

In light of all that, you'd almost be tempted to avoid inexperienced entrepreneurs and executives. But that, my friend, would be a mistake. Anecdotally speaking, those with experience don't necessarily do any better than their novice counterparts. I guess experience has its own pitfalls. Hmm … sounds like a subject for another blog post.

build, access and manage your IT infrastructure and web applications

Saturday, May 07, 2011


Kami mencari :

     - Female / Male
     - Lokasi pekerjaan : JAKARTA PUSAT
     - Skill: PHP/MySQL
     - Tugas: develop/maintain CMS ZEROBOARD, FRONTACCOUNT, SMSGATEWAY

     - Female
     - Lokasi pekerjaan: JAKARTA PUSAT
     - Skill: Internet/Telephone
     - Tugas: operate WEB COMMERCE + ONLINE BID

Kirim CV lengkap ke - paling lambat 30 Mei 2011


Friday, May 06, 2011

List of Best Open Source Mobile Application Framework

By ivan

for the waves of mobile application trends.

with the successful campaign of strings mobile phone, iPhone, Blackberry and Android, the future of web technology is destined for mobile applications.

so if you still got those learning bones in you, here are some of open source mobile application framework you can you use to help build your application on mobile devices.

1. Open Mobile

Open mobile IS is an open source project (GNU LGPL license) that aims to provide all the necessary tools, API and documents enabling effective nomad applications development. Heart of the project, the java framework is divided into components providing all the needed functionalities. The framework is developed in Java and is compatible with Java JDK 1.1.

2. PhoneGap

Recognized as a game-changer for mobile app development. The open source code has been downloaded more than 200,000 times and hundreds of apps built using PhoneGap are available in mobile app stores and directories. In 2009, PhoneGap was named by InfoWorld as a top emerging enterprise technology in the category "cross-platform mobile app development".

The cross platform includes for iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Symbian and Palm.

3. Rhodes Mobile

Rhodes is an open source framework to rapidly build native apps for all major smartphone operating systems (iPhone, Windows Mobile, RIM, Symbian and Android). Write your code once and immediately build apps for every major smartphone. These are true native device applications which work with synchronized local data and take advantage of device capabilities such as GPS, PIM contacts and camera.

4. Appcelerator Titanium Development Platform

A free and open source application development platform, Titanium lets you create native mobile, tablet and desktop application experiences using existing web skills like Javascript, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, and PHP.

5. iPFaces

iPFaces is an open source framework developed by Edhouse for simple creation of native application for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, BlackBerry and devices with Mobile Java (J2ME). iPfaces is the framework for simple creation of native, form-oriented network applications for mobile devices. The aim of the solution is to screen the programmer completely out from the mobile platform itself, and transfer the entire application logic to central application server level.

6. JQTouch

A jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices. This is probably a jquery programmer dream platform as they are already familiar with years of playing around with one of the most famous javascript framework.

7. JoHTML5 Mobile App

Jo is a JavaScript framework for HTML5 capable browsers and devices. It was originally designed to work on mobile platforms as a GUI and light data layer on top of PhoneGap. Since its creation, Jo has also been tested successfully as a lightweight framework for mobile browsers, newer desktop browsers, and even Dashboard widgets.

8. ZK

ZK is the most proven Ajax + Mobile framework designed to maximize enterprise operation efficiency and minimize the development cost by its groundbreaking Direct RIA architecture.

9. Sencha

Sencha Touch is the world's first app framework built specifically to leverage HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript for the highest level of power, flexibility, and optimization. We make specific use of HTML5 to deliver components like audio and video, as well as a localStorage proxy for saving data offline. We have made extensive use of CSS3 in our stylesheets to provide the most robust styling layer possible.

10. iPhone, Andoid Framework

Of course you always use directly from the source itself. iPhone and Android already have platform you can use to build the apps.
build, access and manage your IT infrastructure and web applications

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Know when it's time to change jobs

By Toni Bowers | May 2, 2011, 5:33 AM PDT

If you're thinking about changing jobs, it's important to examine your reasons why. First ask yourself, why it is you want to change jobs, answer truthfully, and weigh the bad reasons against the good.

If you are considering a change because there are things you don't like about your job and you think there will be something out there that's better, keep in mind that no job is perfect. There will inevitably be things about any job that you don't like. Just make sure the reasons you want to leave are strong enough that you can deal with possibly getting a job with an equal number of drawbacks.

If you are leaving because you don't get along well with your coworkers or your boss. This is the time to be truthful with yourself. Are your problems with those people because of them or you, or your possibly unattainable expectations of what they should be. If it really is your coworkers or boss, then by all means, look for something else.

Here are some more issues to consider:

Your pay – Do your research. What is the pay scale for your job in your geographical area?

Your commute — If you are the kind of person who hates time spent in the car, like me, then a long commute could be a major drain on your happiness. You should seriously factor this in when deciding how much you like your current job.

How do you feel when you wake in the morning of a workday? – Do you wake up with dread? Do you find that you're having more minor health issues–stomach upset, headaches–than you normally would? Your body can tell you when something is wrong with your lifestyle way before your mind will.

Start your job search while you're still employed. Knowing that you have a few irons in the fire can help you put up with an unhappy situation
build, access and manage your IT infrastructure and web applications