
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Apasih VOIP ?

Orang-orang di seluruh dunia yang terhubung ke kolega, manajer, dan orang yang dicintai melalui penggunaan VoIP, telepon Voice over Internet Protocol sistem. Sistem ini masih relatif baru ke pasar telekomunikasi dan konsumen perlu memahami keburukan dan kebaikan dari produk ini sebelum membuat komitmen keuangan.

 Definisi VoIP sistem telepon

Semua orang di seluruh dunia yang akrab dengan line sistem telepon tanah tradisional dan ponsel, karena mereka adalah bagian di mana-mana bekerja dan bermain. Namun, pengenalan VoIP telah dikaitkan dengan peningkatan aksesibilitas dari Internet di seluruh dunia. Hal ini dapat dipahami, karena sistem telepon VoIP bergantung pada koneksi internet dari beberapa jenis agar dapat berfungsi. Telepon VoIP sistem speaker terhubung satu sama lain melalui koneksi jaringan ke Internet. Sebuah protokol Internet didirikan melalui penyedia VoIP yang memungkinkan pengguna jaringan telepon terhubung ke pengguna VoIP atau pengguna sistem telepon tradisional. VoIP protokol menetapkan satu dari dua cara di mana orang dapat berbicara satu sama lain. Protokol yang paling umum adalah DID, atau Direct panggilan ke dalam (Direct Inward Dialing), di mana dua komputer yang terhubung melalui jaringan tertentu. Koneksi ini memberikan komunikasi dan jernih karena kecepatan koneksi langsung dan bahwa protokol ini menawarkan. Sedikitnya jumlah perusahaan yang telah memeluk VoIP di seluruh dunia berarti bahwa jaringan selular bisa menjadi urusan campuran. Penyedia layanan VoIP nomor akses dapat digunakan untuk memungkinkan pengguna komputer untuk menghubungi nomor di telepon VoIP Anda dan terhubung ke sistem telepon biasa. Sementara masa depan poin VoIP untuk adopsi peningkatan layanan ini, jaringan selular telah dibentuk untuk menangani platform komunikasi yang berbeda.

2. Menemukan Perusahaan
 VoIP Phone System Kanan

Konsumen telah meratapi masalah pilihan dan tawar-menawar yang terbaik dalam mencari layanan telepon yang tepat selama bertahun-tahun. Masalahnya biasanya jumlah menit yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan ponsel atau tarif jarak jauh oleh penyedia garis tanah. Sementara VoIP sistem telepon membawa berbagai manfaat bagi mereka, pelanggan masih perlu berurusan dengan mencari penyedia layanan yang tepat lokal. Ada beberapa faktor yang masuk ke memilih telepon VoIP sistem perusahaan yang tepat untuk kebutuhan pelanggan. Hal ini penting untuk mempertimbangkan pertama, kemampuan teknologi dari kantor rumah atau bisnis sebelum membeli peralatan VoIP. Sebuah koneksi yang lambat atau peralatan miskin dapat jaringan telepon kurang dari bintang. Perusahaan VoIP biasanya menawarkan menit terbatas oleh sifat dari teknologi jaringan telepon saat ini. Perusahaan yang tidak menawarkan unlimited menit harus dipertimbangkan dipertanyakan, karena sulit bagi perusahaan-perusahaan untuk mengetahui menit dihabiskan untuk VoIP. Selain itu, banyak perusahaan VoIP menawarkan tarif pengantar pada biaya telepon VoIP atau bulanan dimuka untuk menarik pelanggan baru. Orang-orang tertarik pada VoIP hanya harus mengambil keuntungan dari kesepakatan tersebut, jika perusahaan adalah bahwa mereka telah menyelidiki dan bertekad untuk bekerja dengan. Akhirnya, pengguna VoIP harus memanggil perwakilan layanan pelanggan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan mereka mungkin tentang layanan perusahaan. Dengan cara ini, mereka dapat menilai tingkat pelayanan kepada pertanyaan yang sah bisa dijawab.

3. Ekonomi Manfaat Sistem Telepon VoIP di Kantor

Orang-orang bisnis dan pemilik sama-sama memilih sistem telepon VoIP karena mereka umumnya lebih murah daripada garis tanah tradisional atau ponsel. Sistem telepon tradisional memerlukan biaya instalasi, rencana lokal, layanan jarak jauh yang dapat dengan cepat menambahkan bisnis. Ponsel juga mahal, memerlukan pembayaran layanan sederhana rencana, biaya bulanan, dan komitmen jangka panjang untuk penawaran terbaik. Ada sejumlah manfaat ekonomi untuk kantor yang ingin menggunakan sistem telepon VoIP. Biaya awal sistem VoIP relatif kecil, biaya biasanya hanya diperlukan untuk program telepon dan jaringan. Biaya-biaya ini dapat membantu mengurangi biaya jangka pendek untuk usaha kecil yang membutuhkan alat komunikasi penting. Selain itu, biaya bulanan layanan IP telephony biasanya lebih murah jangka panjang garis tanah, karena mereka hanya membutuhkan koneksi jaringan. Manfaat ekonomi akhir sistem telepon VoIP di kantor adalah bahwa penggunaan mobile Internet dapat memungkinkan para profesional untuk multitask, yang meningkatkan efisiensi. Pekerja dapat mengkoordinasikan file online dengan pengguna VoIP saat berbicara kepada mereka tentang persyaratan proyek.

4. Kejelasan dan fungsionalitas yang ditawarkan oleh Sistem VoIP Phone

Selain keuntungan finansial dari layanan telepon IP, ada juga hambatan fungsional untuk mengkonversi ke VoIP. Menggunakan koneksi jaringan kecepatan tinggi, terutama dalam teknologi komputer terbaru, memastikan bahwa orang yang berbicara menggunakan VoIP memiliki sinyal yang kuat ketika berbicara dengan klien penting atau kolega. Kejelasan sistem IP telephony adalah unik, terutama dibandingkan dengan tongkat atau hilangnya kejelasan ponsel. Namun, kejelasan adalah hanya satu faktor yang menyebabkan banyak konsumen ke jaringan dari sistem telepon. Bahkan, ponsel ini adalah pengguna yang sangat fungsional dan menawarkan berbagai pilihan sistem telepon yang lainnya kurang. Sistem pasar massal yang menawarkan jaringan telepon VoIP mulai menggunakan klik untuk memanggil layanan yang dapat membantu pemilik baru VoIP untuk memecahkan masalah dukungan pelanggan. Dengan mengklik tombol di telepon VoIP atau komputer, Anda dapat berbicara dengan agen layanan pelanggan untuk menangani kasus-kasus teknis atau penagihan. Juga, telepon VoIP mobile dan memungkinkan fungsi jaringan ganda, sementara komitmen ini dengan pengguna lain VoIP. Orang-orang bisnis dapat bekerja pada laporan atau memperoleh informasi dari jaringan kantor mereka ketika berbicara dengan garis tanah atau pengguna VoIP. Mereka dapat melakukan pekerjaan mereka di rumah, di kantor yang berbeda, atau di bagian yang berbeda dari dunia, asalkan ada koneksi jaringan yang tersedia.

5. VoIP sistem telepon dan bekerja dari rumah

Pekerja di seluruh dunia bergerak jauh dari posisi lini produksi di kantor atau kantor satelit atau di rumah. Alasan mengapa banyak pekerja yang meninggalkan tempat kerja untuk mendapatkan gaji Anda adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan mereka untuk membuat langkah ini. Koneksi internet lebih cepat, biaya rendah dari peralatan komputer, dan kebutuhan untuk menurunkan biaya fasilitas telah menyebabkan perusahaan untuk mendorong karyawan mereka untuk bekerja di luar kantor. Sistem jaringan telepon dan pembayaran bulanan yang relatif murah dari sistem ini membantu untuk memfasilitasi bekerja dari rumah atau kantor satelit. Pekerja waktu wiraswasta atau sebagian keuntungan dari sistem telepon VoIP, karena mereka mendapatkan keuntungan dari jaringan internet dan sistem telepon. Perusahaan menggunakan IP telephony memiliki kebutuhan untuk menghubungkan karyawan untuk jaringan mereka, sehingga telepon VoIP yang berfungsi penuh. Selain itu, telepon jaringan memungkinkan konprensi homeworker melalui telepon dengan rekan-rekan di kantor perusahaan, sementara berbagi file melalui koneksi Internet yang cepat. Satu-satunya pertanyaan yang muncul untuk bekerja jarak jauh melalui sistem VoIP adalah masalah jaringan yang timbul dari kombinasi transfer telekomunikasi dan informasi informasi.

6. Peningkatan Konektivitas Global Melalui Sistem Telepon VoIP

Salah satu alasan untuk sistem telepon VoIP telah menikmati kesuksesan di pasar tempano solusi bisnis adalah portabilitas dari sistem ini. Tidak seperti sistem garis tanah, yang membutuhkan penggunaan stasioner di kantor atau rumah, sistem telepon VoIP memiliki telepon tanpa kabel dan koneksi internet. Pengusaha yang bepergian ke luar negeri atau hanya jalan yang dapat menghubungkan ponsel Anda ke koneksi jaringan VoIP di sebuah kamar hotel atau daerah konferensi. Penyedia sistem telepon VoIP menggunakan mobilitas ini sebagai titik penjualan untuk bisnis mencari konektivitas global yang lebih besar. Penyedia layanan IP telephony terus bekerja untuk meningkatkan konektivitas global untuk berbagai industri. Insinyur dan kontraktor rekayasa perlu menggunakan VoIP untuk berbicara dengan pelanggan dan pemasok dari tempat kerja. Penjualan orang menghubungkan mereka telepon VoIP mana saja yang mereka bisa untuk berbicara dengan pelanggan dan manajer manajemen ketika mereka mencoba untuk meningkatkan keuntungan mereka. Orang yang bepergian di seluruh dunia atau pergi ke tempat yang jauh dengan menggunakan VoIP bukan ponsel untuk mendapatkan koneksi terbaik.

7. VoIP Telepon Sistem vs Sistem Telepon Tradisional

Konsumen perlu berpikir tentang telekomunikasi Anda perlu sebelum meninggalkan sistem lama Anda untuk telepon VoIP. Sementara kebanyakan orang memiliki akses ke komputer dan internet, mungkin tidak selalu perlu untuk menambahkan layanan IP telephony di rumah. Sistem darat yang ideal untuk keluarga yang tidak memiliki akses ke jaringan yang cepat di rumah atau memerlukan saluran telepon ketika ada pemadaman listrik. Setelah semua, kecepatan jaringan internet sangat penting untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari VoIP. Ponsel adalah suatu keharusan bagi keluarga yang ingin tetap berhubungan dengan orang yang dicintai sementara jauh dari rumah. Ponsel ini mirip dengan garis dalam arti bahwa mereka dapat beroperasi tanpa pasokan listrik, menggunakan baterai lithium untuk menjaga saluran telepon terbuka. Pertanyaan sebenarnya bagi konsumen adalah apakah mereka membutuhkan ponsel dalam kasus Anda sudah memiliki garis tanah atau sistem telepon VoIP. The IP konsumen layanan telepon rata-rata adalah salah satu yang biasanya banyak bepergian. Sebuah rumah dengan sistem telepon VoIP termasuk peralatan jaringan internet dan komputer yang cepat diperbarui untuk memaksimalkan kekuatan jaringan telepon. Bisnis wisatawan atau orang-orang yang memiliki pertemuan di tempat yang jauh dapat mengambil laptop dan telepon VoIP atas Anda dengan mereka untuk diberitahu. Pada dasarnya, VoIP adalah pelanggan yang ingin tetap berhubungan di mana pun mereka berada.

8. Potong melalui janji-janji
 VoIP Telepon Sistem

Seperti produk baru lainnya, sistem telepon VoIP diiklankan sebagai solusi untuk masalah komunikasi di seluruh dunia. Perusahaan telepon jaringan koneksi berjanji tak berujung, suara yang jernih, dan alternatif biaya rendah untuk garis tanah tradisional atau sistem ponsel. Sementara konsumen mungkin tertarik dalam VoIP sebagai pilihan di rumah atau tempat kerja, harus mampu menembus jaringan menjanjikan penyedia layanan telepon. Setelah memahami motif iklan VoIP, konsumen dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih baik. Penyedia layanan VoIP dalam iklan mereka berjanji kemampuan hampir tak terbatas untuk berbicara dengan orang di seluruh dunia. Janji ini berasal dari aliran konstan koneksi jaringan, tanpa gangguan dari saluran sibuk. Namun, jaringan mobile didasarkan pada dua alat yang sangat penting: listrik dan koneksi jaringan yang baik. Sambungan telepon rumah biasanya didukung oleh generator melalui perusahaan telepon, sementara VoIP garis dimatikan ketika listrik padam. Juga, jika koneksi jaringan dimatikan, telepon VoIP tidak dapat terhubung dengan pengguna lainnya. Sementara telepon penyedia jaringan mencoba untuk menjual produk mereka kepada perusahaan yang membutuhkan mobilitas yang lebih besar, dapat menyebabkan masalah dengan solusi bisnis VoIP. Paket perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk VoIP sistem, bersama dengan masalah jaringan dapat menyebabkan masalah untuk faks. Selain itu, peningkatan lalu lintas jaringan yang disebabkan oleh sistem bisnis VoIP dapat menurunkan kecepatan dari dua panggilan VoIP dan fitur jaringan. Konsumen, setidaknya pada generasi pertama ponsel VoIP, mungkin harus menghabiskan beberapa baris IP untuk mempertahankan jaringan yang kuat dan panggilan telepon yang jelas.

9. Masa Depan Sistem Telepon VoIP

Kenaikan baru-baru ini sistem telepon VoIP di pasar konsumen hanya generasi pertama dari produk ini. Setelah semua, jaringan telepon dalam tahap bayi, dan masih ada sejumlah isu teknologi untuk mengatasi sebelum produk akhir sepenuhnya fungsional. Masalah di atas dengan VoIP dan janji mengembangkan teknologi internet selama dekade berikutnya akan bergabung untuk menciptakan masa depan yang cerah bagi pengguna VoIP. Ada beberapa cara di mana jaringan selular dapat diarahkan untuk memberikan produk yang lebih baik bagi konsumen rata-rata. Penyedia layanan telepon VoIP terus bekerja pada koneksi jaringan dan aspek protokol internet dari bisnis mereka. Daripada memaksa pelanggan untuk memiliki dua rute IP khusus untuk bisnis dan komunikasi, penelitian dan pengembangan staf yang bekerja pada cara untuk meningkatkan fungsi telepon jaringan data ganda. Selain itu, penyedia layanan telepon jaringan yang meningkatkan kejelasan dan panggilan menghubungkan berkesinambungan melalui layanan VoIP. Namun, daerah di mana sistem telepon jaringan mungkin berakhir meningkatkan pada dekade berikutnya digunakan ponsel untuk layanan VoIP. Jaringan penyedia layanan VoIP menderita masalah yang sama dengan perusahaan ponsel memiliki dua dekade lalu. Sebagai dekade berikutnya berlalu, telepon VoIP menjadi lebih kecil, lebih kompak, dan dapat lebih mudah terhubung ke jaringan internet di seluruh dunia. Portabilitas ini akan memungkinkan konsumen untuk menggunakan produk lebih mudah telephony rede dan menambah keseluruhan cakupan layanan VoIP.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Harga dinamis sesuai profil customer, bisakah?

Dynamic pricing: The next frontier in customer relationship management?

Last month, B&Q announced that it had begun testing a new dynamic pricing system that changes the price of products depending on a customer’s profile. Under the scheme, loyal customers that purchase from the retailer often will be rewarded with discounts and special offers whilst less-frequent customers will be offered a different price.
The Wi-Fi connected price tags placed at the edge of the shelves will identify loyal customers by a  chip in their mobile phone that will deliver their loyalty card data and change the price of the item accordingly.
Currently trialling at B&Q’s Castorama stores in France, the retailer is planning to roll-out the scheme to stores in the UK later this year. Ian Cheshire, chief executive of B&Q’s parent company Kingfisher, told the Daily Mail: “We have done various behind-the-scenes tests. It’s all about special offers for individuals where we are looking at bundling offers or giving discounts.”
Cheshire added that the retailer is considering introducing a pricing model similar to that used by airlines, which changes product prices depending on the day of the week and according to demand. It is hoped that offering cheaper prices during off-peak times will help bring shoppers into the store during quiet times.
The B&Q boss said: “We could move to dynamic pricing and mimic the model used by easyJet. Yield management techniques are not new – it’s just they haven’t traditionally been used in retailing.
“Pricing could be adjusted based on time of day. I am on the board of Premier Inn owner Whitbread and when I joined they had two different prices for their hotel rooms – now it’s 10,000. Look at how the airlines work and what you can do online, people are used to that.”
Consumer reaction
But will people get used to seeing this new kind of pricing system on the High Street or will there be a backlash from consumers worried about a new two-tier pricing structure?
Dagmar Klein, strategy director at global marketing and technology agency DigitasLBi, believes that these new electronic price tags may cause confusion amongst customers. “What if a non-eligible customer sees the discounted price because he stands next to a loyal customer in front of the shelf?
Rupert Cook, director of g2 Field Marketing, is also wary of how consumers will take to the proposed new pricing structure. “A move towards real-time is in many ways inevitable and it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but any transition towards more dynamic models of pricing must begin and end with the consumer. While other stores will adopt schemes such as this, if I were a brand I would be slightly wary of pushing consumers further towards price-based decision-making.”
“It is important to allow customers to choose the price they want to pay: whether they collect reward points, hunt for coupons or simply pay the regular price. But if customers need to pay a higher price because a data scientist has estimated their willingness to pay a little more for the same product, it might leave a bad taste in their mouth,” he says.
Honey Kirtley, solution marketing, head of insight and loyalty at The Logic Group, agrees, and warns that unless retailers carefully manage the programme, it is likely to anger customers as they feel excluded from offers and discounts.
“To build a relationship with customers the retailer must build trust and act in a transparent manner. Dynamic pricing has the potential to alienate a segment or demographic of the customer base, through the perception of a two tier pricing structure.”
However, if done right and used in conjunction with targeted couponing, she believes that retailers could more effectively target different societal segments that visit stores at different times of the day.
Kirtley says: “For example a new report from Warwick Business School found that generally older people, young families and the unemployed are likely to shop in the morning, whereas in the afternoon and evening this tends to revert to younger people and workers. By taking this type of approach this could actually have a very positive impact on sales and build customer relationships more effectively through a more targeted approach.”
The rise of the omnichannel customer, shifting seamlessly between digital and traditional channels and often whilst still in the store, is forcing retailers to react and make changes. Heikki Haldre, co-founder and chief executive of virtual fitting room solution, echoes Cook’s sentiment that a move towards-real time technology in-store is inevitable.
“B&Q’s plans reflect the retail priority to invest in innovative in-store technologies in order to engage shoppers and combat the growing showrooming trend. With a number of new technologies hitting the market, from virtual fitting rooms to loyalty cards and personalised offers, the challenge for retailers is deciding which solution is the best investment in order to improve the overall bottom line. For the tech-savvy shopper, a personalised shopping experience is no longer a preference, it’s an expectation – and those retailers that can deliver a vastly improved experience are more likely to see their customers complete purchases immediately rather than watch them wander to a competitor.”
High Street saviour
So can dynamic pricing take the experience that one step further and actually help retailers drive loyalty and boost sales?
Gavin Dein, Founder and CEO of loyalty technology provider Reward, doesn’t think so. “To successfully foster and deliver strong customer loyalty, these programmes must effectively marry several channels – digital, transactional and in-store – to deliver tailored deals and promotions that drive a customer back to the shop floor for repeat purchases.
“This new pricing system doesn’t achieve this. It lacks the sophistication to develop a strong, personal relationship with the consumer. It is hopeful rather than tactical – simply implementing a quirky way of giving a customer, that is already in the store and likely to purchase anyway, a discount in the hope that once they leave they will choose to return.”
He adds that other retailers will be watching from the side lines of the success of the scheme before implementing dynamic pricing programmes themselves. And, even if it can develop demonstrable sales growth and ROI, Dein doubts whether dynamic pricing will come to be favoured over other emerging loyalty schemes, such as card-linked offers.
Cook is also doubtful, claiming that the scheme could actually be “detrimental” to the High Street. He says: “The experience of shopping is the USP that makes the high street so important to the retail industry. In a highly competitive marketplace, brands need to be doing everything they can to create separation between themselves and their rivals, particularly in large multiple, superstore retailers. This means taking a core message and delivering it right the way through the line.”
Kirtley, however, has a much more optimistic view of the future of dynamic pricing: “It is already commonplace for High Street retailers to offer customers price discounts on products at peak times. Dynamic pricing however, when coupled with aligned targeted offers and a cohesive multi- channel strategy that encompasses online, mobile and in- store, does have the potential to boost sales and improve campaign ROI. When managed correctly it can also enable retailers to provide a more personal and unique experience during more challenging times.”
Do you think retailers risk alienating consumers with dynamic pricing or do you think it could help save the High Street?

Bagaimana perusahaan memperbaiki layanan customer ?

How successful companies reinvent their customer relationships

In mid-September 2013, Peter Hinssen and I organised an inspiration journey to the American West Coast. The goal of the trip was to gain a better insight into the method of working and entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley. In this post we’ve written down our conclusions and vision. There is a full paper available based on our visits of the following start-ups and big successful companies: Taco Bell, Quid,, Google, Evernote, Apple, BlueKai, LinkedIn, Disney, Stanford, Yammer, Yahoo, Microsoft, Starbucks and 

Our conclusions can be summed up in a few words since they are all based on the same principle: putting the customer first to an extreme degree. The customer is truly at the heart of the philosophy and any form of compromise at the expense of the customer is out of the question. Successfully implementing this modern customer approach requires a flexible, networked organisation. Marketing, HR, IT and general management must share a network. The hierarchy can remain in place but doesn’t have to be respected. Keeping things moving, making real-time decisions and continuously optimising the customer relationship are the goals shared by every level of the organisation. And finally, the network needs a purpose-driven culture to get everyone on the same page. Instead of talking about their products, Silicon Valley companies talk about how they are going to change the world.
We will now examine each of these three steps in detail. This first post is about the first topic, in the next few days, we’ll elaborate on the other two.
Customer first without compromise
Successful companies reinvent the relationship with their customers. Modern organisations build a structure that truly puts the customer first: customer-centricity without compromise. For example, Evernote could make bigger short-term profits by charging their customers for downloading their app. However, they would never do this because they would reach fewer customers that way. LinkedIn could make lots of money by commercializing their network data but they’ll never do so. Customer-centricity without compromise means keeping the customer at the heart of things, even if this goes against the bottom line in the short-term.
  1. Inspire and delight
The theme of our visit with Apple was their extreme focus on all details that impact the customer relationship. Apple wants to surprise its customers and exceed their expectations in every detail. They do this not just through the next disruptive innovation but also by optimizing the existing customer relationship in the extreme. Yahoo, a company in a major turnaround, wants to improve the consumers’ daily habits. The Yahoo weather app (winner of a 2013 Apple Design Award) is a case in point. There are many weather apps but Yahoo displays stunning photographs of the featured cities and has created a very user-friendly interface. The philosophy to surprise the customer in every detail has brought about a change in the organisation’s culture. If it’s not good enough it’s not put on the market.
  1. Short feedback loops & real-time improvements
New products should be released faster. The trick is to work with short feedback loops and improve products in real time. Traditional companies conduct months of market research prior to releasing a new product. After the launch, the product has to remain viable, even if the objectives are not met. In other words, subsequent to the launch, all they do is wait and tweak the marketing strategy from time to time. The new model shortens the time to market for new products. Those products are improved very rapidly thanks to real-time feedback from staff and social media. Modern product launches are an iterative process, thereby turning the launch into the start of a new process. We heard about restaurants that change their menus and instantly know what customers think thanks to the feedback they give the staff. This information is shared internally via Yammer, an internal collaboration tool. Shortly afterwards, the product is updated. Products that are not up to standard are immediately discontinued.
  1. Real-time insights and personalisation through Big Data
Big Data is the buzz word right now. All companies use data to enhance the customer relationship. Modern technology allows us to focus on the desires of individual customers and not just those of the average customer. Big Data predicts what a customer wants before the customer himself is aware of his desires. Instead of real-time solutions we are now looking at “before time” solutions. Companies can offer their customers today what they will need tomorrow. For instance, Taco Bell uses big data to predict the success of product launches. They can tell with 90% accuracy how successful or unsuccessful a new product will be. Data is the marketing department’s new secret weapon. Data can not only be used to predict the chances of success but also to make the right message appear at the right time. Evernote, a free app to create notes and record voice memos, is convincing consumers to switch to their paying version by presenting commercial messages in the appropriate context. Nowadays a modern marketer looks for ways of using data to boost his sales figures.
Nike’s Fuelband is another example of a big data tool. Users of this digital bracelet provide Nike with tons of free personal info. Nike knows where you are, how far you walk, how often you work out and what your heart rate is. In theory, Nike could have a new pair of trainers delivered to your doorstep at exactly the right time. It would be the ultimate proactive service a brand could offer its customers. Thanks to big data, companies know what you need before you do.
  1. Angry Birdization
Everyone knows Angry Birds, the most successful mobile game ever. The game’s success can be explained in three words: fast, easy and fun. The new challenge will be to make your relationship with the customer meet the Angry Bird rules. Do new applications have a short time to market? Are they easy and fun? It’s not an “or” question, it’s an “and” question. Consumers are accustomed to the ease of use of Apple and Google. Customers’ expectations usually evolve faster than a company is able to make changes. That is why it is necessary to subject every product launch or new online feature to the Angry Bird test. Davy Kestens, the founder of Twitspark, feels that investing in patents is a waste of energy. “They stand in the way of innovation. When faced with copycats we simply need to improve our products even faster”. 
Steven Van Belleghem is Professor at Vlerick Business School and runs his own inspiration and coaching company, B-Conversational. Steven is also an award-winning author of “The Conversation Manager” and “The Conversation Company”.

Infografik: Social Customer Service vs Tradional Service

Infographic: Social customer service vs traditional service

How has the rise of social channels affected customer complaints behaviour?
A new infographic from Tripudio pits social against traditional service channels. 


6 Langkah utk monitoring customer service Anda

Six steps to successful monitoring of your customer service

Steve Rosier outlines the six key steps to quality monitoring to ensure your organisation remains competitive.
In today’s competitive environment, the quality of your customer service is an increasingly important factor in nurturing positive customer loyalty. However, it remains the case that many organisations are still not monitoring, measuring or even managing the service quality of their contact centre agents, despite the fact that a single interaction between them and the customer can make or break a relationship. Verint recently carried out some research looking at the state of customer service in the UK. It found that despite the current economic climate, only 22% of consumers value price over service and as many as 38% of consumers admit to never contacting their suppliers, and those that do don’t get in touch very often. How can you build customer relationships and create a loyal customer base if this is the case?
Organisations need to ensure that the few interactions a customer has with the contact centre are handled efficiently and leave the customer feeling satisfied.
Making quality the ‘norm’
While the customer’s personal experience cannot always be completely captured and analysed, this information - call recordings in contact centres, customer emails and social media interactions - combined with customer satisfaction surveys, can give an organisation a better idea of the customer experience. These insights will allow companies to improve their service and tailor their products precisely to what their customers want, improving satisfaction and increasing loyalty.
Unfortunately, the reality for many organisations is slightly different, and organisations often struggle to manage the basic call monitoring functions, or capture additional insight from other channels such as email, instant messaging or social networking sites. Too often the focus is put on streamlining internal efficiency-based metrics, meeting tightly monitored call routing and time SLAs, while the detailed assessment of the customer experience and the outcome of the call are put to one side. By treating calls as one-off customer issues, the contact centre is at risk of ignoring the underlying commonalties and actually being able to identify the root-cause and possible prevention for these situations. Fundamentally, though, this can all act towards improving the customer service.
What needs to change?
The key to effective quality monitoring includes six crucial steps:
  1. Listen to your customers by monitoring interactions. Ask questions such as: are these interactions related to the company’s goals and objectives, or are they related to specific areas of concern such as customer attrition? This is where analytics comes into play for the contact centre. Speech analytics identifies calls that are relevant for evaluation and text analytics identifies email and chat interactions that should be monitored.
  2. Capture all of your customer feedback channels. Apply the same quality standard that is used for calls to text-based interactions like email and chat.
  3. Ask your customer what they think. Instead of using your organisation’s internal metrics to measure the quality of a call, ask the customer: “What did you think of your experience and the agent you worked with?” or “Did your service experience match the promise made in our advertising?” It’s very important to map high-quality interactions with your customers’ expectations, comparing internal evaluation scores with customer scores.
  4. Use quality monitoring to help agents improve skills. Evaluate interactions to identify skills gaps, and provide individual learning opportunities where there are deficiencies.
  5. Do not view agent development as a one-off activity. Provide continuous coaching that will help improve agent performance and productivity. Coaching is key to consistent customer service.
  6. Measure your results and keep track of continuous feedback and evaluation to monitor and measure progress.
Remaining competitive
By monitoring quality across multiple channels, organisations can learn from their customer interactions, leading to better decision making, service and processes. The monitoring, measuring and managing of performance and service quality must remain a priority, but the “voice of the customer” analytics, across multiple channels, is just as important. By adopting the view that quality monitoring is a strategic process rather than a tactical one, companies will begin to see an improvement of their customers experience and their customers therefore becoming their strongest champions.
Steve Rosier is director of voice of the customer analytics at Verint.