
Thursday, May 09, 2013

10 Wisdom Desain Sales Force

February 25, 2013 | By Sigit Kurniawan+

Sumber Ilustrasi:

Kekuatan sales force sebuah perusahaan ditentukan oleh bagaimana dan seperti apa desain sales force dalam perusahaan tersebut. Hal ini disampaikan oleh CEO dan Founder MarkPlus, Inc Hermawan Kartajaya dalam bertajuk "The New Sales Strategiic Management 2013″ di Philip Kotler Hall, Senin (25/02/2013).

Berikut adalah 10 wisdom yang sebaiknya diperhatikan dalam mendesain sales force di dalam perusahaan:

1. Recruitment is the most important driver

2. First class salesman recruits another first class, second class recruits third class

3. It is hard for a sales foce to succed without quality sales manager

4. It is always worthwhile to estimate territory potential

5. Territory alignment is an overlooked productivity tool

6. Specialize for effectiveness, generalize for efficiency

7. Manage activities, use incentives for results

8.  Reward performance not territory

9. Cost containment is not profit maximization

10. Three criteria for sales goals: fair, realistic, motivational
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