
Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Rules for Being Human

*The Rules for Being Human* 

1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period. 

2. You will learn lessons.You are enrolled in an informal school called "Life".
Each day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons.You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.

3. There are no mistakes, only lessons.
Growth is a process of trial and error.
The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works". 

4. A lesson is repeated until learned.
A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it.  
You can then go on to the next lesson. 

5. Learning lessons does not end.
There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. 
If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.

6. "There" is no better than "here".
When your "there" has become a "here," you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here." 

7. Others are merely mirrors of you.
You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you either love or hate about yourself.

8. What you make of your life is up to you.You have all the tools and resources you need. 
What you do with them is up to you. 
The choice is yours. 

9. Your answers lie inside you.The answers to Life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen and trust.

10. Enjoy every moment of our life

Fanky Christian
IT Infrastructure Specialist

Vice Chairman ASISINDO
Secretary ACCI

See our next events at

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Menang dengan damai

1 Samuel 24:6-7 (TB)  (24-7) lalu berkatalah ia kepada orang-orangnya: "Dijauhkan TUHANlah kiranya dari padaku untuk melakukan hal yang demikian kepada tuanku, kepada orang yang diurapi TUHAN, yakni menjamah dia, sebab dialah orang yang diurapi TUHAN."
(24-8) Dan Daud mencegah orang-orangnya dengan perkataan itu; ia tidak mengizinkan mereka bangkit menyerang Saul. Sementara itu Saul telah bangun meninggalkan gua itu hendak melanjutkan perjalanannya.

Semua orang ingin menjadi pemenang. Daud pun juga.

Persoalannya bagaimana caranya mencapainya? Ada orang yang melakukan segala cara untuk menang. Salah satunya dengan kekerasan-entahkah secara fisik atau pun verbal. Mungkinkah kita menang tanpa cara kasar, keras, dan curang?

Itu yang harus kita ingat, terutama dalam berbisnis.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Anak saya tiba-tiba menelpon saya dari San Fransisco," Papaaaaa, aku sedang naik taxi yang tanpa driver. Keren banget Pa, aku order taxi, kemudian dijemput oleh mobil Tesla tanpa sopir, kemudian diantar ke tempat tujuan yang aku pengin dan aku turun dari mobil itu. Aku tidak berbicara dengan seorang manusia sama sekali!"
Anak saya menelpon saya seminggu setelah masuk bekerja sebagai HR di sebuah perusahaan transportasi. Concidence? Yes. Futuristic? Yes.

Tetapi itulah perkembangan dunia. Begitu banyak hal yang sudah bisa dilakukan oleh mesin, computer yang dilengkapi oleh artificial intellitence. Saat saya bekerja sebagai HR Director di sebuah perusahaan air minum dalam kemasan, saya melihat sebuah pabrik dengan jumlah manusia yang sangat minimal, karena banyak fungsi yang sudah bisa dilakukan oleh mesin (misalnya memasukkan air ke dalam botol, menutup botol, memasang label, mengecek jumlah air di dalam botol , mengecek quality dan bahkan memasukkan botol ke dalam box untuk dikemas). Mesin-mesin itu bekerja dengan sangat cepat (menangani puluhan ribu botol per jam), teliti dan sangat efisien.
Sebelumnya, saya juga pernah bekerja sebagai HR Director di sebuah bank. Dan kita semua melihat bagaimana kita dulu harus sering antri ke kantor cabang (dapat antrian 3 digit). Dan sekarang teller-teller itu sudah digantikan oleh ATM dan Mobile banking.

Fenomena ini terjadi di mana-mana. Di Amerika artificial intelligence software sudah bisa meramalkan harga saham, cuaca dan juga memberikan nasihat hukum bahkan nasihat medical.
Jangan takut! 
Bukan berarti suatu saat manusia sepenuhnya akan tergantikan oleh computer. Film "Terminator" hanyalah fiksi, dan hanyalah rekayasa seorang pengarang yang membuka imaginasi kita tetapi tidak akan pernah terjadi persis seperti di film itu,
Manusia dan mesin tetap dibutuhkan dan memang harus berjalan dengan berdampingan dengan harmonis.

Suatu saat saya meniadi key note speaker di sebuah seminar, yang title nya "CHRO Forum".
Kebetulan Bapak Menteri Ketenagakerjaan duduk di sebelah saya, dan beliau bertanya,"Pak Pam, CHRO itu singkatan apa pak?"
Saya bilang,"Chief Human Resources Officer"
Dan Beliau berkomentar," Bukannya mestinya HR itu Human and Robot?"
Voila! Memang di masa depan HR mestinya akan mengurusi Human dan Robot!
Bukan berarti semua semua manusia akan digantikan oleh Robot. Kalau itu terjadi nanti banyak pengangguran, nanti product yang dihasilkan pabrik-pabrik itu nggak akan terbeli juga kan?

Justru HR harus melakukan transisi yang mulus tanpa menimbulkan gejolak sosial, mempersipakan capability perusahaan agar mampu melakukan transformasi bisnis demi kesuksesan perusahaan di masa depan.

Terus apa saja yang harus menjadi focus bagi HR di masa depan?
Perhatikan 4 fokus di bawah ini:

a) Capability Developer

Perusahaan berubah, bisnis berubah, customer behavior berubah, product dan service nya berubah.
Berarti capability yang diperlukan perusahaan di masa depan akan berubah.
Evaluate and analyze , apakah capability yang akan dibutuhkan untuk menjawab tantangan bisnis di masa depan.
Kemudian segeralah bangun capability itu. 
Dengan mentraining, dengan merekrut, dengan membentuk partnership, tapi tetap focuslah pada future capability yang harus dibentuk, mulai sekarang!
Termasuk meyakinkan CFO dan CEO bahwa anda memang memerlukan effort, time, energy dan budget untuk membangun future capability tersebut.

b) Shape the culture

Di masa depan, customer behavior akan berubah, business model akan berubah, berarti budaya perusahaan (corporate culture and way of working) harus berubah!
Kita tidak bisa memainkan "game" baru dengan pola lama.
Harus diganti, harus diubah. Padahal kita tahu susahnya mengubah budaya kerja.
Louis V Gerstner, mantan CEO IBM dalam bukunya,"Who says Elephant can't dance?" menuliskan berapa pentingnya aspek culture ini, dan betapa lamanya waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengubahnya (bertahun-tahun).
HR harus memainkan peran penting "to re-shape the culture"
facilitate the development of culture renewal
lead the consisten communication and implementation of new culture
provide and execute the reward and punishment for the implementation of the new culture

c) Digital Transformer

Dunia berubah secepat kecepatan cahaya.
Business model anda harus berganti. Cara anda mendekati customer harus berganti.
Digitalisasi akan melanda di mana-mana. Pade era digital ini , customer sudah hidup di era digital, dan melakukan semuanya melalui mobile phone mereka.
Mulai dari transfer uang, bayar tagihan, beli sepatu sampai beli makanan.
Customer anda juga berharap anda memberikan pelayanan dan mendekati mereka dengan cara digital.
Organisasi anda harus mengubah business model, business process, way of working ke dunia digital juga.
Perlu banyak effort untuk melalukan transformasi digital.
Tetapi ingatkan kepada leader-leader di organisasi anda: "If they want to digitalize their business, they have to digitalize their team, and before they digitalize their team, they have to digitalize themselves!"

Jadi tanyakan ada mereka , apakah mereka sendiri juga melek digital, dan menggunakan aplikasi digital untuk banyak aspek dalam kehidupan mereka?
d) Experience  Creator

Perusahaan harus menciptakan experience yang baru bagi pelanggannya. Karena competitor datang dengan product dan service baru yang akan memanjakan pelanggan dengan experience yang sangat keren.
Sama, berarti HR harus menciptakan EMPLOYEE excperience yang keren juga. Karena karyawan harus mempunya kedekatan emosional, keterikatan, ownership dan accountability.
Great digital experience bisa membantu kita memcapai itu semua , dimulai sejak waktu kita merecruit mereka, waktu melakukan induction, waktu memotivasi mereka, mengembangkan mereka, me-reward mereka, dan dalam setiap phase dari employment life-cycle.
HR harus menciptakan experience itu untuk meningkatkan productivity perusahaan.

Jadi ingat ya, untuk mempersiapkan perusahaan anda agar terus sukses di masa depan, peran HR akan  berubah focus ke empat hal ini:
a) Capability Developer
b) Shape the culture
c) Digital Transformer
d) Experience Creator

Salam Hangat

Pambudi Sunarsihanto

Fanky Christian
IT Infrastructure Specialist

Vice Chairman ASISINDO
Secretary ACCI

See our next events at

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Smart education trends for 2019

A simple definition of blended learning describes this concept as a combination of classroom-based methods and computer-mediated activities, or a mix of classroom activities and online learning, mobile access included. While everything is continuously changing, blended learning seems to be a reliable solution for current needs. Its traditional form is simply adopted in education and training domain – all the educational resources can be delivered online while the real interaction between teachers/trainers and student/trainees is in classroom. Evaluating some of the most popular e-learning platforms, proof the fact that they comply with the traditional blended learning requirements:
  • they provide individual study support (time and space independence during the learning act) according to a well-defined content structure;
  • they support classroom-based activities and enable teachers/trainers to easily analyze the students’/trainees’ progress by using advanced statistics and suggestive reports.
According to C Feher (2019), blended learning takes integrated learning up a notch, by moving a portion of instruction fully online. Even if the interactive learning technology has its limitations, it certainly represents the future in education and training while it can assure the flexibility needed in learning processes, as well as the expected availability of advanced services. Actually, blended learning represents the only solution for temporary school closures[1].
Thus, blended learning technologies surpass the barriers of real classroom and enables the instructors and students to continuously consolidate soft skills and knowledge building. D Frezzo (2017) endorsed the Prof. R K Sawyer’s approach regarding the adoption of technology in education for providing experiences that lead to deep learning. He proposed a complex classroom infrastructure that includes wireless technologies, remotely accessible switches and routers, and collaboration tools to create an “intelligent” environment for the invention of real-world Internet of Things (IoT) products, services, and experiences by students. Students learn collaboratively, test out and redesign models, and articulate their knowledge both visually and verbally [2].
Nowadays, the way from academia to professional work environment should be fast due to short period the graduates get integrated within the real teams. Orza (2018) presents an innovative cloud computing approach and its implementation within HyperTraining, collaborative learning framework for career development and internship programmes. This article also illustrates how a blended learning solution increases the performance in special education and training programmes, as well as the manner the private companies can help universities and colleges to remotely manage the internship initiatives. [3]
Instead of conclusion, we mention five challenges to be considered for 2019:
  • Expansion of blended learning, from secondary school to lifelong learning programmes
  • Growth of integrated learning and board adoption of integrated learning solutions
  • Flexibility in teaching methods and assignments, as well as understanding the student progress
  • Increase in using immersive technologies
  • Getting students ready for the real world
[1] Christine Feher (2019), “10 K12 education trends to look for this year”,
[2] Dennis Frezzo (2017), “The role of technology in the education of the future”,
[3] Bogdan Orza & comp (2018), “Virtual laboratory and classware concepts in internship programmes”, IEEE Xplore: 06 August 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ITHET.2018.8424807,

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What is a CDN?

What is a CDN?

A content delivery network (CDN) refers to a geographically distributed group of servers which work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content. A CDN allows for the quick transfer of assets needed for loading Internet content including HTML pages, javascript files, stylesheets, images, and videos. The popularity of CDN services continues to grow, and today the majority of web traffic is served through CDNs, including traffic from major sites like Facebook, Netflix, and Amazon.
A properly configured CDN may also help protect websites against some common malicious attacks, such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks.

Is a CDN the same as a web host?

While a CDN does not host content and can’t replace the need for proper web hosting, it does help cache content at the network edge, which improves website performance. Many websites struggle to have their performance needs met by traditional hosting services, which is why they opt for CDNs. By utilizing caching to reduce hosting bandwidth, helping to prevent interruptions in service, and improving security, CDNs are a popular choice to relieve some of the major pain points that come with traditional web hosting.

What are the benefits of using a CDN?

Although the benefits of using a CDN vary depending on the size and needs of an Internet property, the primary benefits for most users can be broken down into 4 different components:
  1. Improving website load times - By distributing content closer to website visitors by using a nearby CDN server (among other optimizations), visitors experience faster page loading times. As visitors are more inclined to click away from a slow-loading site, a CDN can reduce bounce rates and increase the amount of time that people spend on the site. In other words, a faster a website means more visitors will stay and stick around longer.
  2. Reducing bandwidth costs - Bandwidth consumption costs for website hosting is a primary expense for websites. Through caching and other optimizations, CDNs are able to reduce the amount of data an origin server must provide, thus reducing hosting costs for website owners.
  3. Increasing content availability and redundancy - Large amounts of traffic or hardware failures can interrupt normal website function. Thanks to their distributed nature, a CDN can handle more traffic and withstand hardware failure better than many origin servers.
  4. Improving website security - A CDN may improve security by providing DDoS mitigation, improvements to security certificates, and other optimizations.

How does a CDN work?

At its core, a CDN is a network of servers linked together with the goal of delivering content as quickly, cheaply, reliably, and securely as possible. In order to improve speed and connectivity, a CDN will place servers at the exchange points between different networks. These Internet exchange points (IXPs) are the primary locations where different Internet providers connect in order to provide each other access to traffic originating on their different networks. By having a connection to these high speed and highly interconnected locations, a CDN provider is able to reduce costs and transit times in high speed data delivery.

Latency - How does a CDN improve website load times?

When it comes to websites loading content, users drop off quickly as a site slows down. CDN services can help to reduce load times in the following ways:
  • The globally distributed nature of a CDN means reduce distance between users and website resources. Instead of having to connect to wherever a website’s origin server may live, a CDN lets users connect to a geographically closer data center. Less travel time means faster service.
  • Hardware and software optimizations such as efficient load balancing and solid-state hard drives can help data reach the user faster.
  • CDNs can reduce the amount of data that’s transferred by reducing file sizes using tactics such as minification and file compression. Smaller file sizes mean quicker load times.
  • CDNs can also speed up sites which use TLS/SSL certificates by optimizing connection reuse and enabling TLS false start.

Reliability and Redundancy - How does a CDN keep a website always online?

Uptime is a critical component for anyone with an Internet property. Hardware failures and spikes in traffic, as a result of either malicious attacks or just a boost in popularity, have the potential to bring down a web server and prevent users from accessing a site or service. A well-rounded CDN has several features that will minimize downtime:
  • Load balancing distributes network traffic evenly across several servers, making it easier to scale rapid boosts in traffic.
  • Intelligent failover provides uninterrupted service even if one or more of the CDN servers go offline due to hardware malfunction; the failover can redistribute the traffic to the other operational servers.
  • In the event that an entire data center is having technical issues, Anycast routing transfers the traffic to another available data center, ensuring that no users lose access to the website.

Data Security - How does a CDN protect data?

Information security is an integral part of a CDN. a CDN can keep a site secured with fresh TLS/SSL certificates which will ensure a high standard of authentication, encryption, and integrity. Investigate the security concerns surrounding CDNs, and explore what can be done to securely deliver content. Learn about CDN SSL/TLS security

Bandwidth Expense - How does a CDN reduce bandwidth costs?

Every time an origin server responds to a request, bandwidth is consumed. See how a CDN, like the Cloudflare CDN, cuts down on origin requests. (coming soon)

Leadership perlu Roh Kudus

Friday, August 16, 2019

Emosi Cerdas

Bagi orang cerdas, emosi bukan berarti tidak pernah marah. *Orang cerdas mengeluarkan amarahnya pada orang yang tepat, dengan alasan yang tepat, tingkatan yang tepat, dan cara yang tepat.*

Ingatlah *_think-feel-act_.* *Pikiran* kita akan memengaruhi *emosi* kita dan *emosi* kita itulah yang akan mengarahkan *tindakan* kita.

Gunakan *logika* kita untuk *mengarahkan emosi* kita. Jangan biarkan emosi kita *melumpuhkan* logika kita.

Selamat pagi kawan.
Selamat bekerja dan tetap semangat.🙏

Fanky Christian
IT Infrastructure Specialist

Vice Chairman ASISINDO
Secretary ACCI

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Cloudwar : Google Jumps to #6 behind #1 Microsoft, #2 Amazon, #3 Salesforce, #4 SAP, #5 Oracle

Sparked by CEO Thomas Kurian’s customer-centric leadership, Google Cloud continues to climb in the Cloud Wars Top 10. On the strength of its recently posted $2-billion quarter, the vendor has now moved up to #6.
New leadership sparks transformation at Google Cloud.
While no one has questioned Google’s technological capabilities in the enterprise cloud, under former CEO Diane Greene the company seemed to be unable to move beyond an inwardly focused view of that technology. By failing to fully understand and engage with enterprise customers, Google Cloud failed to generate significant revenue growth or interest in the market in spite of its technical chops.
But since Kurian took over about 7 months ago, the company has done an organizational and cultural 180. It’s now committed to tripling the size of its sales organization over the next few years. And with Kurian having recruited long-time SAP sales executive Rob Enslin to be head of global field operations, Google Cloud now has a world-class leader for that rapidly expanding sales team.
For more insight on the drivers behind Google Cloud’s $2-billion quarter, please see Inside Google Cloud’s Breakout $2B Quarter: 10 Key Insights
In addition, because parent company Alphabet has almost never disclosed revenue figures for Google Cloud, please check out my analysis of why that perspective is changing in Why Did Alphabet Reveal Google Cloud’s Q2 Revenue of $2B-Plus?.
IBM has major potential, but growth isn’t keeping up.
In addition, a couple of thoughts about the company that Google Cloud replaced at #6: IBM. Since I launched my coverage of the Cloud Wars 2-1/2 years ago, I’ve been a big fan of IBM’s capabilities in the cloud. I continue to hold that view. IBM has great technology assets, a superb base of customers, a deep commitment to innovation, and a deep and talented global sales team.
And now that it’s received full regulatory approval for the acquisition of Red Hat, IBM has the potential to become a leading player in the booming market for multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud solutions. For more on that, please see Can IBM and Red Hat Deliver on Big Cloud Promises? 3 Key Questions.
The unmistakable fact is that while the enterprise cloud has triggered one of the greatest growth markets the tech industry has ever seen, IBM’s growth rate has lagged far behind that of its primary competitors. You can see the clear evidence of this in my recent pieceIBM’s $19-Billion Cloud Business: Where Did the Growth Go?.
Innovation and growth in the Top 10 benefits customers.
For a broader perspective of how IBM’s cloud growth has failed to come even close to keeping pace with the 25%-plus growth rates of most other cloud leaders, I analyzed the growth rate of each company in the Cloud Wars Top 10 in The Top 10 Fastest-Growing Cloud Companies In Q1: Hypergrowth, Sustained.
Google Cloud’s ascension to #6 provides further proof of a point I’ve made many times: in the Cloud Wars, the undisputed winners are the business customers reaping the benefits of the ferocious competition as the world’s leading tech companies look to capitalize on the explosive growth in the enterprise cloud.

Disclosure: at the time of this writing, Google Cloud and IBM were clients of Evans Strategic Communications LLC and/or Cloud Wars Media LLC.



Lukas 23:34 (TB)  Yesus berkata: "Ya Bapa, ampunilah mereka, sebab mereka tidak tahu apa yang mereka perbuat." Dan mereka membuang undi untuk membagi pakaian-Nya.

Pernahkah anda ditipu ? Kebanyakan faktor penyebabnya adalah faktor ekonomi. Bisa saja mereka adalah tim anda, mitra bahkan customer anda.

Apakah kemudian kita mengampuni mereka yang telah menipu, mengecewakan, menyakiti kita?

Ketika diminta mengampuni orang yang bersalah kepada kita, tidak jarang kita malah memberikan banyak alasan kenapa susah mengampuni orang itu. Namun, kalau kita melihat teladan Yesus, setidaknya ada satu alasan untuk mengampuni: karena orangnya mungkin tidak sadar bahwa tindakan mereka menyakiti kita.

Inilah yang perlu kita sadari. Meneladani Yesus tidak mudah, tapi kita akan selalu diuji.