
Monday, February 28, 2011

Five tips for using PowerPoint 2010 for online training

By Katherine Murray | February 25, 2011, 11:30 AM PST

PowerPoint 2010 includes a great new broadcast feature that enables you to host virtual training sessions live on the Web, based on a PowerPoint presentation you create. The broadcasting is just part of the picture for successful training, though. This article introduces some ideas to help you engage your participants and improve your training over time.

1: Plan for engagement

Think back to the best training session you've ever attended. What were the key elements? Chances are, the content was covered in bite-size chunks; there were plenty of illustrations to add color and visual interest; and the trainer kept you awake by asking questions, telling stories, and making the training relevant to your work or life. When you're offering online training, you don't have the benefit of seeing whether your participants are actually paying attention. Sure, if you're having a conference call you can hear who "seems" to be there and who isn't, but how do you know folks aren't just playing Solitaire while you talk?

Create your presentation in such a way that you introduce key concepts and then break for questions and answers or some other kind of group involvement. Break it up and keep folks awake and engaged. It's just too easy to zone out staring at a browser full of never-ending bullet points.

2: Broadcast your presentation over the Web

The broadcast capabilities of PowerPoint enable you to share your presentation in a browser window with anyone who has Web access. They don't even have to have PowerPoint. To broadcast the finished presentation, click the File tab in PowerPoint 2010 and click Save & Send. Click Broadcast Slideshow (twice, actually) and the screen shown in Figure A appears. When you click Start Broadcast, you are given a link you can email to all those who will be participating in the online training. At the designated time, just send the link (perhaps along with handouts you've prepared) and the fun begins!

Starting a presentation broadcast in PowerPoint 2010.

3: Connect by voice, too

One of the current limitations of PowerPoint 2010's broadcast capabilities is that you don't get any audio or video feeds with your broadcast. You can page through the slides as you normally would, but your narration or video pieces will be missing. Be sure to set up a conference call alongside your broadcast presentation so that you can talk people through the process you're presenting to the group.

4: Prepare handouts in advance

PowerPoint makes it easy for you to prepare handouts to go along with your virtual presentation. You can send handouts — complete with slide miniatures and slide notes — to participants in advance so that they can ask questions as the training unfolds or keep the information to refer to later. To prepare your handouts in PowerPoint 2010, click the File tab, click Save & Send, and click Create Handouts. Then, click the Create Handouts button. In the Send To Microsoft Word dialog box, choose the page layout style you want and click OK.

Choose the type of layout you want for the handouts you create.

5: Link to your site for follow-up

After you complete your online training, send a follow-up message that gives participants a way to leave feedback. You may want to post a survey on your site (where you can also make the presentation available, if you like), offer a downloadable questionnaire, or create a discussion forum so that trainees can continue the conversation. Take any suggestions you receive to heart and fine-tune the presentation so that it gets better and better over time.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jadi cermin atau foto

Cermin vs foto, mungkin tidak pernah kita pikirkan lebih dalam, karena mereka mudah sekali kita temukan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

Cermin memantulkan apa yang ada di depannya. Seolah semua bagus, apa yang tampak di depan cermin adalah apa juga yang ada di depannya. Anakku Vicky mulai menghabiskan waktu 5-10 menit didepannya.
Pada waktu dia berdiri di depannya, dia merapihkan rambutnya berulangkali. Setelah tampak rapi, dia keluar dari kamar dan sampai di ruang tengah, mamanya berkata agar rambutnya dirapihkan sedikit. Dan kembali dia masuk ke dalam merapihkan rambutnya. Dia ingin tampak sempurna, tapi sesungguhnya bukan melulu dia yang melihatnya, tapi orang lain dan cermin membantunya melihatnya.

Tidak ada yg salah dengan cermin dan bercermin. Tapi yang ditampilkan sang cermin adalah selalu segala sesuatu yg di depannya.

Lalu ada apa dengan foto?

Di mejaku, ada bingkai foto waktu kami sekeluarga mengunjungi taman safari. Bedanya dalam bingkai itu, vicky tampil ada adanya dengan ekspresi bebasnya, dan tidak memperhatikan rambutnya dibandingkan tadi waktu bercermin.

Foto menunjukkan sikapnya, wujud aslinya yang bisa dilihat orang dan dunia, orang mengingatnya dan merekamnya dalam ingatan mereka. Sang cermin hanya memantulkannya, tapi tidak merekamnya, tidak mengingatkan, seolah cepat hilang apabila kita beranjak daripadanya.

Jadi kita ingin seperti apa? Cermin atau foto?

Jadikanlah anak-anak kita 'foto', bukan 'cermin' bagi sesama dan dunia.

Jadilah dampak, bukan sebaliknya :)
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Merawat Keintiman Suami-Istri

Merawat Keintiman Suami-Istri
Julianto Simanjuntak

Kehidupan manusia modern yang bercirikan mekanisasi di segala bidang dan rutinisasi yang mekanistik telah meningkatkan perasaan keterasingan dan kesepian. Dalam relasi dengan sesamanya, manusia semakin menjadi impersonal. Pola relasi satu dengan yang lain, termasuk dalam keluarga, makin superfisial (dangkal/ semu). Padahal untuk memiliki kehidupan yang sehat dalam pernikahan, keintiman sangat dibutuhkan.

Apa itu Intimasi?

Intimasi adalah satu seri dialog antar individu dan relasi satu perasaan kedekatan atau saling membagi satu dengan yang lain di dalam satu atau lebih dari tujuh area intimasi yang ada. Tujuh area intimasi itu adalah: intimasi emosional, intimasi sosial, intimasi intelektual, intimasi seksual, intimasi rekreasional, intimasi spiritual, dan intimasi aestetik.

Intimasi pada hakekatnya dimulai dari diri sendiri. Jika individu tidak mampu intim dengan dirinya sendiri (self-intimate), tidak mungkin ia dapat intim dengan orang lain. Dengan memiliki diri yang lovable dan worthy, barulah kita punya kapasitas untuk intim dengan sesama.

Intimasi berarti ada kesediaan membagi dan menyatakan diri pada orang lain tanpa rasa takut dan tanpa berpura-pura. Intimasi dinyatakan dalam proses komunikasi. Komunikasi ini baik dalam bentuk verbal maupun non-verbal (gestures dan ekspresi suara). Dalam proses ini, kita mengenal orang lain dengan menyatakan diri kita sendiri terlebih dulu. Kita mengenal sebagaimana kita dikenal. Dilandasi rasa dipercaya dan mempercayai terhadap pasangan.

Kebutuhan Akan Intimasi.

Kebutuhan akan intimasi pada hakekatnya merupakan sesuatu yang intrinsik dalam diri manusia. Seperti diungkapkan oleh Storkey, ‘Human beings are created for intimacy, to know and to be known, to love and to be loved’. Kebutuhan akan keintiman memang sudah ditanamkan Tuhan dalam hati manusia sejak mulanya. Intimasi merupakan tanda utama dari hubungan suami-istri yang telah mengalami anugerah Allah.

Kita hidup di dalam dunia yang makin lama tidak kondusif untuk menjadi manusia sepenuhnya. Kita makin sulit untuk hidup saling tergantung secara normal. Semangat kompetisi dan kecurigaan telah memutuskan hubungan kita satu dengan lainnya. Demikian juga roh komersialisme telah mengurangi nilai-nilai kemanusiaan kita.

Meskipun kebutuhan akan intimasi sangat mendasar bagi manusia, kondisi kehidupan riel manusia membuat intimasi tidak dapat bertumbuh dengan sehat. Misalnya, di Asia dewasa ini makin banyak kaum wanita terlibat dalam mencari nafkah untuk menunjang kebutuhan keluarga. Akibat dari kecenderungan ini antara lain, angka perceraian makin meningkat drastis. Sebab stres yang menimpa kehidupan suami-istri semakin bertambah besar. Misalnya, waktu untuk menciptakan hubungan yang saling membangun (mutual nurturing) dengan pasangan maupun dengan anak-anak menjadi sangat berkurang. Disamping itu, orangtua makin kehilangan waktu untuk mengasuh anak-anak. Hal ini justru, menurut Levine menambah stres dan konflik tersendiri bagi orangtua. Yakni konflik antara, ‘mengutamakan kehidupan kerja atau keintiman keluarga’.

Dampak Kekurangan Intimasi

Kekurangan intimasi dapat berakibat buruk dalam kesehatan kita. Khususnya menghasilkan kecemasan. Kecemasan ini potensial menghasilkan konflik. Konflik ini dpt meledak dalam hidup kita dalam pelbagai disfungsi emosi, sosial dan kehidupan pribadi. Akibatnya bisa menimbulkan symptom “perasaan bosan dan kelelahan yang tidak jelas, mudah marah, penyakit psikosomatis, depresi, dsb”. Sebaliknya, Karen J.Prager menyimpulkan bahwa relasi yang intim rupanya menjadi semacam benteng bagi efek negatif dari stres. Dalam menghadapi kehidupan yang stressful, mereka yang memiliki relasi yang intim lebih sedikit mengalami syndrom yang berkaitan dengan stres. Mereka umumnya cepat dalam mengatasi pelbagai penyakit, dan paling sedikit kemungkinan kumat dengan penyakitnya dibandingkan mereka yang tidak memiliki relasi yang intim.

Sebaliknya pernikahan yang kaya dengan intimasi membawa efek yang sehat bagi psikis maupun fisik. Pelbagai penelitian membuktikan misal pada saat melahirkan, saat kematian orang yang dicintai, pada saat sakit serius, dlsb. Clinebell & Clinebell mengatakan, intimasi dapat membawa kenikmatan, kepuasan yang mutual , kegembiraan, kedamaian, ketentraman, dan perasaan puas dalam kehidupan individu.

"Berdoa bagi para Pemimpin adalah suatu tugas mulia bagi Org Percaya."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Demo lagi

Demi perbaikan hidup..

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Hari sebelumnya, kutemukan mahluk kecil ini tergeletak pasrah dgn semut merah di sekelilingnya. Kukira telah mati. Ternyata belum. Aku singkirkan semut merah itu, kuangkat tubuhnya, aku lihat belum banyak gigitan yg merusaknya, tapi tubuhnya kedinginan. Setelah agak kering, aku tempatkan di sela-sela pohon jambu di halaman kembali.

Pagi ini, dia telah bergantung. Tidak banyak gerakan dibuatnya meskipun angin menerpanya. Dia bertahan untuk hidupnya.

Seringkali inilah yang lupa kita lakukan. Di tengah berbagai masalah, kita malah tergeletak dan membiarkan masalah menggerogoti dan mematikan kita. Kita lupa, kita pun bisa bertahan..

Apakah kita kalah bertahan dibandingkan mahluk kecil ini?

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Menjadi Ayah 1 Menit

Menjadi Ayah 1 Menit
( Julianto Simanjuntak )

Anak-anak membutuhkan banyak waktu dari ayahnya. Namun banyak anak merasa kehilangan Ayah, karena Sang Ayah sibuk luar biasa. Anak ingin sekali Ayahnya menemani main game atau petak-umpet. Mendampingi ke Toko Buku atau ngobrol.

Dalam banyak kesempatan di rumah, anak seringkali hanya butuh satu menit saja. Anak senang jika Sang Ayah menatap wajahnya. Kadang anak minta didengarkan saja sebentar, terutama kesulitannya mencari buku yang hilang. Anak akan senang sekali jika ayahnya rela berhenti sejenak saat dpanggil anaknya. Mungkin si Ayah sedang motor lalu menanyakan kepada si anak, "ada yang papa bisa bantu…? Nanti ya habis papa cuci motor…". Itu akan sangat melegakan hati si anak. Saat anak butuh Anda, dan sedang menikmati televisi, apa salahnya matikan selama 1 menit untuk memberi perhatian dengan penuh konsentrasi kepada si Anak. Dengan demikian anak akan merasa betapa Ayahnya sayang kepadanya. Perasaan ini sangat penting buat anak-anak kita sejak dini. Dia merasa diri dicinta dan berharga, dan itu akan sangat mempengaruhi harga dirinya.

Saat anak-anak masih kecil, saya memberi pesan kepada anak-anak bahwa jika mereka butuh saya dapat mengetuk ruangan konseling saya. Kebetulan salah satu kantor kami hanya beberapa meter dari rumah. Jika anak-anak perlu saya dan tidak bisa digantikan orang lain, saya akan ambil waktu satu atau dua menit berbicara dan mengarahkan anak-anak apa yang mereka harus lakukan. Setelah saya selesai bekerja, saya menindaklanjuti kebutuhan mereka di sore hari.

Tentu saja kita perlu menyediakan waktu khusus yang lama (kuantitas) bersama anak, apakah main catur atau badminton dlsb. Bercerita menjelang anak tidur, atau menyediakan waktu liburan bersama. Namun, ada banyak kesempatan anak-anak hanya butuh satu atau dua menit saja dari ayahnya. Selamat mencoba, menjadi Ayah yang peduli walau hanya satu menit.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011


Melalui doa kita
menyampaikan keinginan, keluhan, kecemasan, ketakutan,
pengharapan, dan sukacita kita ke dalam pangkuan Allah. Doa
merupakan pencurahan emosi hati yang terdalam, yang dipaparkan
secara terbuka di hadapan Allah.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

10 ways to e-publish with Linux

By Jack Wallen | February 14, 2011, 2:24 PM PST

As a writer, I always am looking at new and better ways to get my words to the public. And since I write fiction as well as technology pieces, it's in my best interest to know how to get my books into the hands of readers. In today's market, the publishing industry is in a serious swing away from the traditional routes. With the major improvements in e-readers, more and more users are migrating away from the old standard hardcover/paperback books to digital formats. This has been a boon for new writers. With the ability to easily self-publish for various e-readers, it no longer requires an agent or a publisher to see your brilliance.

But does that mean everyone should be submitting their books? Well, if everyone can properly format, design, and create -yes. If not, no. For those with the necessary skills, it is important to have the right tools and/or procedures for getting your books into the Amazon, Barnes & Noble's, and Apple systems. Linux can help you do that. Let's take a look at 10 Linux tools that can help your get your book into the market.

Note: This article is also available as a PDF download.

1: Calibre

If there is one tool Autumnal Press (my digital press) depends on, it is Calibre. On the surface, Calibre looks like a tool to manage your personal books for your e-reader device. But underneath, Calibre offers much more. With this powerful management tool ,you can edit the metadata for your books and convert your books to a useable format for the Kindle, the NOOK, the iPad, and other devices. With this tool, I will take a properly formatted RTF of the original document, edit the metadata to include Author, Publisher, Cover, Tags, etc., and then covert that file to .MOBI, .EPUB, and .PDF. With those three formats, you cover nearly every e-reader on the market.

2: The GIMP/Blender/Inkscape

You need a cover for your book. Depending upon the ebook reader you're publishing to, you might need a higher resolution cover than a raster image (The GIMP). Although you can scale up to 300 DPI with the GIMP, raster graphics are still not as scalable as vector graphics. It's a good thing you can install and use a tool for either type for free on Linux. I will warn you, creating vector graphics is far more challenging than the creation of raster graphics — so much so that you will find yourself running back to raster graphics and settling for less scalable versions of your cover. Just remember, in The GIMP, right-click the image and select Image > Scale. In the Resolution section, set it for higher than 72 for better quality.

3: LibreOffice

You have to actually create the document first. If you are writing a novel or a lengthy manual, this is going to be a must-have for the bulk of the work. LibreOffice is (or will soon be) the de facto standard office suite for the Linux operating system. You will use this tool to create the RTF that will be used to convert to the various formats. Be sure to read the suggestions for the various services you will be using. For example, recommends margins of 0.79″ all around for your books. Along with margins, you will want to closely follow the services' recommendations for tabs, font, font sizes, etc. If you don't, your file will be rejected.

4: OpenShot Video Editor

You might be wondering why a video editor is listed for ebook publishing. Simple. Once your book is published, you have to market it. Remember, self-publishing does not include a "big-six" publisher backing your book. So you must market, market, market. One way I have found is creating simple viral videos for my books. OpenShot Video Editor is an amazing tool for the creation of such videos. You can use it to create a quick multi-track video (with music included) using only images from your book or even video (such as interviews) shot with a camera.

5: Scribus

If you plan to publish a book that includes a lot of graphics, you are not going to want to try to manage the creation/layout of that book with a word processor. Instead, you will want to take advantage of the power of the PDF. Scribus is, by far, the best choice for creating complex PDF documents in Linux. With this user-friendly GUI tool, you can create professional quality PDF documents as you would with QuarkXPress or PageMaker. Once you have that PDF created, you can then convert it to standard formats with Calibre.

6: Gwibber

Remember my mentioning marketing? This is one area you can't falter on. You must, every day, market your book. One of the best (and cheapest) means of marketing your work is social networking. But why bother working from within two browser tabs when you can use a tool like Gwibber to post to both networks simultaneously? Gwibber is one of the best tools for this task.

7: GnuCash

At some point, you are going to need a piece of financial software to keep track of the income generated by your book(s). For that, you will want to use GnuCash. I have touted GnuCash quite a bit here on TechRepublic, and with good reason. GnuCash is the single best accounting software for the Linux operating system. You can keep track of every aspect of the income/outcome required by your new ebook publishing venture.

8: BlueFish

Some of you will want to have a bit more control over the look and feel of the layout of your ebook. If so, you might want to turn to HTML-formatted books. Some of the tools used by the publishers (Amazon is big on this) prefer HTML-formatted input files. Although this might take more time than just creating an .RTF file, the results might favor the time spent.

9: CubeCart

If you're looking to sell your ebooks directly (I do this as well with Autumnal Press), you will need a platform that allows you to easily sell digital media. CubeCart is one of the best. CubeCart does have some fairly complex dependencies (Ioncube and Zend Optimizer being the more challenging), but one you have the shopping cart installed on your Apache server, you will love how easy digital products are to set up.

10: WordPress

You should see a theme here: marketing. I can't stress enough how crucial marketing is for the success of your ebooks. One great way to market your books is using a Web site dedicated to the book(s). WordPress is one of the easiest to get up and running and will allow you to easily integrate with social media outlets. Always remember, the more links, mentions, tweets, and #tags you have for your book, the more eyes will be seeing it.

The bottom line

From start to finish, you can create and publish your ebook with the help of the Linux platform. And with zero overhead (with the exception of CubeCart), all these tools will have your book up and selling with next to zero cost to you. This means the bottom line for your ebook is all profit. Good luck with your new venture. The work is long and tedious, but the possible payoff is very much worth it
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Monday, February 14, 2011

8 Fakta Orangtua - Anak

8 fakta yang terjadi, antara anak terhadap
1. Anak sering berpikir orangtuanya pilih kasih
terhadap saudaranya.
2. Anak sering merasa terkekang oleh
3. Anak sering merasa lebih pintar dan membantah
nasihat orangtuanya.
4. Anak sering merasa bahwa dirinya kurang
5. Anak sering memperhitungkan segala sesuatu
yang telah ia lakukan untuk orangtuanya.
6. Anak sering membingungkan harta
7. Anak sering menganggap remeh sesuatu
pekerjaan yang telah diberikan.
8. Anak sering membentak orangtuanya saat

Namun ada 8 fakta yang tidak diketahui atau
kurang dipahami oleh anak:
1. Di balik sepengetahuannya, orangtuanya sering
memujinya di depan saudaranya.
2. Semua yang dilakukan orangtua. hanya untuk
kebaikan masa depan anak.
3. Anak kurang mengerti bahwa orangtuanya telah
menjalani kehidupan yang lebih keras dibanding anak.
4. Dalam setiap doa dan harapan orangtua, nama
anak sering disebut.
5. Orangtua (ibu) tidak pernah memberitahukan
mengenai pengorbanannya selama mengandung dan melahirkan Anda.
6. Orangtua telah mempersiapkan harta warisan
untuk anaknya, hanya tinggal menunggu waktu yang tepat untuk
7. Orangtua tidak rela melihat anaknya hidup
bersusah - susah di tempat orang lain.
8. Setiap kali orangtua membentak, hati mereka
akan bergetar dan menyebabkan umurnya lebih pendek.

Sahabat yang Luar

Kasih dan kepedulian orangtua pada anak itu,
tanpa syarat. Sayangnya, hal itu sering tidak tampak di mata kita. Kita mungkin
bahkan berpendapat bahwa bahwa orangtua harus selalu berada di posisi siap
membantu, kapan pun! Jika hal itu tidak dapat terpenuhi, segera kita memvonis:
tidak sayang, yang tidak mengerti anak sendiri, atau dilanda perasaan sedih,
marah, dan kecewa yang hanya merugikan diri sendiri.

Mari teman-teman, belajar
mengendalikan diri, agar kita mampu hidup secara harmonis dengan keluarga,
khususnya orangtua, saudara, dan masyarakat.

Dan jika Anda merasa bersalah kepada orangtua,
hampiri mereka, peluk mereka, bisikkan kata MAAF di telinga mereka dan berjanji
untuk tidak melakukannya lagi.

Love your parents!

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

2010 Trends in Open Source Systems Management

Zenoss conducted surveys on systems management in 2006, 2007, 2008 and
2009 to determine systems management usage trends among IT
professionals who attended the USENIX Large Installation System
Administration (LISA) conference. These results have been compared
against data gathered from the Zenoss user community.

Here are some of the findings and observations of the survey for 2010:

* More than 50% of all respondents managed more than 100 devices
and defined their roles as Network Operations, Server Management or
* More than 98% of the survey respondents indicated usage of open
source in their enterprises
* More than 66% of Zenoss Community respondents indicate that they
prefer to use open source software whenever possible.
* The compelling factors for using open source according to the
Zenoss Community were Flexibility (73.9%) followed by Cost Savings
(71%) while 57.1 % of USENIX LISA respondents indicated Lower Cost
followed by Flexibility (52.4%) as the most popular drivers for open
source usage.
* 39.8% of Zenoss Community members indicate the economy as a
driver for increased usage of open source while 28.5% of USENIX LISA
participants indicate economic factors as effecting their decision to
investigate open source usage. Availability of Source Code was only a
consideration for 33.3% of USENIX LISA users and 30% of Zenoss Open
Source Community Users.
* The top priority for most organizations for 2010 was Monitoring
followed by Security, Patching and Provisioning and Configuration
* The most popular open source management tools for both groups of
survey respondents included Nagios, MRTG/RRDTool, Snort and Zenoss.

Your are welcome to download the the full survey results

Saturday, February 12, 2011

8 etos kerja

1. Kerja adalah rahmat; aku bekerja dengan syukur

2. Kerja adalah amanah; aku bekerja penuh tanggung jawab

3. Kerja adalah panggilan; aku bekerja tuntas penuh integritas

4. Kerja adalah aktualisasi; aku bekerja penuh semangat

5. Kerja adalah ibadah; aku bekerja serius penuh kecintaan

6. Kerja adalah seni; aku bekerja cerdas penuh kreativitas

7. Kerja adalah kehormatan; aku bekerja tekun penuh keunggulan

8. Kerja adalah pelayanan; aku bekerja sempurna penuh kerendahan hati

Jansen Sinamo

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10 hot areas of expertise for IT specialists

By Debra Littlejohn Shinder | February 11, 2011, 1:45 PM PST

My recent article 10 Ways to become an IT superstar generated a lot of feedback. Quite a few IT pros out there apparently want to increase their visibility (and paychecks). One thing that drew a lot of attention in the piece was the advice to specialize. Okay, readers replied, but what area should I specialize in? They wanted to know which subsets of skills are the easiest to master and/or which ones will deliver the most bang for the buck. So in this follow-up, I'll look at some of the IT specialties that are likely to be in demand in the near future.

Note: This article is also available as a PDF download.

1: To the cloud

You saw this one coming, didn't you? All the major technology companies seem to be "all in" with cloud computing — Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Dell, CA Technologies, and more. According to recent surveys, at least 50% of organizations are already using some form of cloud computing, and Gartner says the adoption rate is increasing by about 17% per year. According to, the number of ads for cloud computing jobs has grown by 344% over the last two years.

2: Virtually speaking

Virtualization has been hot for a while, as companies jumped in to reap the cost and management benefits of consolidating their servers and delivering virtualized desktops and applications to their users. Virtualization is also the foundation of cloud computing, so those with expertise in deploying virtualized IT environments will be in demand both in the public cloud arena and with those organizations that plan to stick with private clouds for now.'s data showed a 78% growth in the number of jobs related to server virtualization.

3: Mobile computing and consumerization integration

Everyone knows mobile computing is hot. Smartphones and tablets, along with laptops and netbooks, are the driving forces behind the increasing consumerization of enterprise IT. There are plenty of advantages for the company: Because employees are willing to buy their own devices, the organization saves money. Because those employees can stay in touch with work, read and respond to email, view attachments, and create documents no matter where they are, they become more productive.

But when employees purchase their own equipment, the downside is that you lose the standardization that comes with company-issued devices. You end up with many types of devices, made by different hardware vendors, running different operating systems and different apps, configured differently. Getting them to seamlessly connect to the company network can be a challenge. Getting them all connected to the company network without putting the network at risk is even more of a challenge. IT pros who have expertise in integrating these new devices into the network and managing them once they're connected are likely to be in demand by many companies.

Application lifecycle management (ALM) will become increasingly important as the environment becomes more complex with some functions in the cloud and some onsite. Bob Aiello believes configuration management (CM) will evolve into ALM, and the outlook is bright for those with these expanded skills.

4: It's all about the apps

As Toni Bowers reported in a recent blog post, the hottest job category for 2011 (according to is that of software engineer. But it's a position that's a bit different from the programmer of yesteryear. On the programming side of the fence, it's all about apps these days. As smartphones and tablets become ubiquitous, companies will need to develop their own specialized apps for those devices — just as they've needed to develop proprietary software for desktop systems.

In addition, cloud-based applications will be big in the coming years, and that means software engineers will need new skills to design, develop, and implement programs that run in the cloud environment. Those who are familiar with Windows Azure, Google App Engine, VMware's Spring Framework,, and other cloud development platforms will be a step ahead of the game.

5: Security and compliance

With cybercrime on the rise and increasing concern over the possibility of cyber terrorism and/or cyber warfare, security specialists are likely to continue to be in demand for the foreseeable future. There is a saying in the law enforcement community regarding job security: Thanks to human nature, there will always be criminals — and thus, there will always be a need for the police. That same dark side of human nature ensures that there will always be those who misuse computer technology to attack, intrude, and otherwise attempt to do harm to computer systems. That means there will always be a need for computer and network security specialists.

In addition, more and more government regulation of the Internet and networks, as well as regulatory provisions concerning data privacy, mean security is no longer optional for most organizations. Those who specialize in regulatory compliance are likely to see their job prospects increase as more industries come under the regulatory umbrella.

6: Four to six

When the IPv4 address pool was created in the 1980s, it was thought that the more than 4.2 billion unique addresses possible under the system would be enough. However, the creators didn't foresee the Internet boom or the possibility that one day, we would be connecting not just multiple computers per person, but printers, phones, and even household appliances to the Internet. This month (February 2011), IANA announced that it has allocated the last batch of remaining IPv4 addresses.

The solution to the problem has been around for a while: IPv6. The new version of the Internet Protocol supports a whopping 340 undecillion (2 to the 128th power) addresses. But IPv6 deployment is not an easy task; working with it requires learning a whole new IP language. IPv6 addresses don't even look like their IPv4 counterparts; they're notated in hexadecimal instead of dotted quad. IPv6 is also much more sophisticated than IPv4, with many new features (including built-in security mechanisms). Most important, IPv6 does not interoperate with IPv4, so transition technologies are required to get IPv4 networks to communicate with IPv6 networks.

Obviously, now that we've reached the end of the available IPv4 addresses, more and more organizations will be forced to migrate to IPv6. Because of the complexity, there is a shortage of IT personnel who have mastered and really understand IPv6. If you're one of the few, the proud, who specializes in this area, you're likely to have plenty of business in the upcoming years.

7: Business intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) refers to technologies that are used for reporting and analyzing data, including recognizing trends and patterns, to make better strategic business decisions. BI uses techniques such as data mining to extract and identify patterns and correlations in large amounts of data.

According to a recent study of midsize organizations that was done by IBM, BI/analytics is the second most popular IT investment (after infrastructure) that companies have planned for 2011. This indicates that specializing in the BI field can be a lucrative strategy and a good investment in your future.

8: The social network

Social networking started as a consumer-driven technology, but the use of social media is now being embraced in a big way by businesses. It can be used to connect with customers, colleagues, and partners to build solid business relationships. That doesn't mean you'll automatically be a hot property on the job market just because you tweet and update your Facebook page regularly. But it does mean organizations are looking for people who know how to integrate social media into the business environment in a way that furthers the goals of the organization.

Many companies are looking to develop their own social sites that give them more control and let them target their audiences more precisely. Specialists in social media are sure to find many opportunities as more and more companies stop seeing social sites as just time-wasters that should be blocked and start to recognize the potential for business use. This article offers more information about exactly what a social media specialist does.

9: Public sector computing

On the one hand, many state and local governments are cutting back on their budgets and laying off personnel. On the other hand, governmental agencies are depending more and more on technology to perform their functions more efficiently with fewer personnel. That means specialists in public sector computing can likely find a home in one of the many thousands of town, city, county, state, or federal government agencies that exist in the United States alone.

Although salaries for government jobs are often smaller than those in the private sector, they sometimes offer better benefits, more time off, and a less pressured work environment. There are a number of IT subspecialties in the public sector, as well. These include computer forensics investigators, criminalistics analysts, and personnel who specialize in secure mobile communications technologies for public service agencies.

10: To your health

The healthcare industry is in a state of flux in the United States. Government mandates are predicted to result in cost reduction measures that may result in personnel cuts and/or discourage young people from entering medicine. At the same time, the baby boomer generation is aging and requiring health care. Technology may be one way to fill the gap.

An IDC report published late last year showed that the U.S. healthcare market for IT was valued at $34 billion and was predicted to increase by 24% over the next three years. That translates into a demand for software developers and IT professionals who understand the healthcare industry and its special needs and who know how to integrate technology into the caregiver's world without dumping a steep learning curve onto people already working in an understaffed and overworked environment
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Friday, February 11, 2011

Edukasi: Membuat server webcast

Sering ikut dalam webcast yang biasanya disediakan oleh Internet?
Pernah terpikir untuk membuatnya?

Ternyata sangat mudah !

1. download software BroadCam Streaming Video Server dan klik install.

2. setelah aplikasi terpasang, ikuti setting untuk mengenali
input-input yang ada, seperti webcam

3. kita perlu sedikit setup untuk koneksi agar bisa diakses dari
Internet. Kita bisa menggunakan IP yang disediakan oleh ISP, atau
menggunakan dynamic dns untuk pointing ke server/komputer kita.

4. Kemudian setelah OK, klik Connect button dari main interface dan
sebuah web page akan terbuka di browser kita. Broadcam akan
menyediakan link-link dari broadband listereners, termasuk link URL /
HTML code yang bisa diakses.

5. Setelah siap, kita juga bisa merekam melalui web camera yang ada.
Juga dapat mengundang orang lain (klik Invite).

selamat mencoba.

Untuk kebutuhan mengenai software NCH Software, kami siap membantu Anda.
Kontak kami untuk detail

Monday, February 07, 2011

Dengan Uang

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Sunday, February 06, 2011

TechRepublic: 10 tech trends to watch in 2011

What do IT shops really think about the cloud? Where will companies
invest this year? Which tech areas will become the next big vendor
battlegrounds? Technology evolves rapidly, and that evolution is
driven by the market, which means a new product or platform will be
successful only if the IT community fully recognizes and adopts it.
There is a lot of buzz right now over cloud services adoption,
platform vendor battles, and shifting technology investment
strategies, but, what happens in 2011 — and what doesn't — will be
determined by actual practices within the IT community.
In-the-trenches IT practitioners surveyed at Quest Software's The
Experts Conference 2010 have provided insights into technology trends
that appear likely to emerge this year. Here is a look at the top 10.

Note: This article is also available as a PDF download.

1: Cloud computing adoption will accelerate, but half of all companies
will avoid the cloud for at least five years
Adoption in cloud computing has lagged behind media predictions, but
growth in cloud deployments is likely to accelerate this year.
However, cloud computing is a major cultural switch for organizations
used to developing and supporting their own business applications. So
while there is genuine interest in the cloud, nearly 40 percent of
survey respondents said their organizations had no plans to use cloud
services. As a result, the adoption curve for cloud computing will not
follow the bell curve typical of most new technologies. After an
initial surge of adoption, growth will slow until cautious companies
see proof of success from early adopters. Once a critical mass of
users establishes success, competitive pressures will force the
remaining companies to adopt cloud services.

2: There's no go-to cloud platform provider, so the vendor wars will
heat up this year
While the big players are competing for market dominance, there is not
yet a clear leader. Just three percent of survey respondents selected
a primary cloud platform, with their selections evenly split between
Microsoft Azure Services Platform, Google App Engine, and Amazon Web
Services. This indicates that the competition for market dominance is
still wide open and likely will intensify. The stakes are high for the
company able to achieve platform supremacy, given the projected size
of the market as computing shifts to the cloud.

3: Organizations that adopt cloud computing will create new
organizational structures to support the initiatives
New administrative teams dedicated to supporting cloud services are
beginning to emerge within the organizational structures of companies
shifting to the cloud. Although only 9 percent of survey respondents
have established these teams, like the emergence of dedicated web
development teams during the dawn of the Internet era, it is an
indicator that leading-edge companies recognize that provisioning and
support of cloud services will be fundamentally different from current
application delivery models.

4: IT will adopt email cloud services first
Survey results showed people are most interested in email as a cloud
service. Approximately 50 percent of the companies using, currently
evaluating, or planning to deploy cloud services have or are
considering email. This high level of interest indicates that email as
a service is a culturally viable option for many companies. It also
shows they are not completely satisfied with their current email
system implementations, opening the door for a cloud-delivered
alternative. Right now, though, much of the interest is in the initial
stages; enterprises are waiting for email offerings to mature, which
means truly widespread adoption is still likely years away.

5: Cloud decisions made outside of IT will lead to less vendor
standardization and more "best-of-breed" purchases
Not all cloud service purchase decisions are made within IT. In fact,
IT is often not involved in, and may not even be aware of, every cloud
service used within their enterprises. The ease of use and scalability
of many cloud solutions enables business area managers to choose their
own platforms and applications rather than rely on centralized
decisions by IT.

6: Inadequate cloud service contingency plans will cause high-profile trouble
Even as 34 percent of survey respondents cite cost reduction as the
primary driver for considering cloud services, the newness of cloud
service delivery models, coupled with this strong focus on cost
reduction, means some IT organizations will underestimate the need for
proper contingency planning for service outages. Lack of a proper
contingency plan or too much reliance on cloud service providers for
adequate backup is likely to result in some high-profile
finger-pointing in the event of a significant outage.

7: Federation will become the standard for sharing identity information
Use of federation to share identity information across domains and
enable business users to access multiple systems and services has
grown steadily over the past several years and is likely to become a
standard part of IT delivery. Twenty-four percent of survey
respondents already deploy federation, and another 9 percent plan to
deploy it within the next 12 months. The use of federation will both
enable and be driven by increasing adoption of cloud services.

8: E-discovery, compliance, and security will drive increased Exchange
support spending
More than 40 percent of survey respondents reported their resource
requirements for e-discovery support and security increased over the
past year, perhaps due to increasing regulatory oversight, litigation
levels, or pressure to protect corporate information. Thirty-one
percent saw growth in resources needed for compliance reporting and
supporting audit requirements, and 70 percent were less than satisfied
with their e-mail compliance processes. These pressures are likely to
continue this year, with e-discovery, compliance, and security as the
primary drivers of increases in Exchange support spending.

9: The server virtualization market is saturated, but vendors will
battle for supremacy in the desktop and storage markets, which have
yet to reach maturity
Virtually everyone is using virtualization — 91 percent of survey
respondents already use virtualization in production, and most of the
rest are either evaluating or planning to deploy within the next 12
months. Server virtualization is either in use or under evaluation by
94 percent of responding organizations, and that market has reached
saturation. Desktop virtualization is currently used by 46 percent of
survey respondents and storage virtualization is used by just 24
percent, so there still is room for growth in adoption in those

10: Technology investment strategies will shift from cost-cutting
purchases to opportunity-based investments
While many companies and government organizations still tightly
control spending, responses on the TEC survey show promising signs of
economic improvement. Only 9 percent of responding companies continue
to cut back, while 54 percent are making investments, at least in
targeted areas. As the economy continues to improve and companies seek
to accelerate revenue growth, albeit slowly, there will be an
increasing shift from cost-cutting purchases to more opportunity-based
technology investments. This shift will help address not only a
backlog of deferred projects, but also fund greater evaluation and
faster adoption of potentially revolutionary areas within cloud
services and virtualization.

Gil Kirkpatrick is a 30-year veteran of the commercial software
business, having designed or developed dozens of successful commercial
software products. In his current role as a chief architect at Quest
Software, Gil consults on various security, identity, and marketing
project, and speaks at technology seminars and conferences around the
world. He has received the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award
for his work in the technology community each year since 2005.

Mengenal ICT dalam Edukasi

Silahkan ikuti e-Learning yang disiapkan oleh UNESCO Bangkok ini,
sangat simple dan menarik, bahkan ada certificate nya.

UNESCO Bangkok with funding support from Japanese-Funds-In-Trust
(JFIT) has published an e-learning CD-ROM containing two modules.

* Module 1: ICT in Education Essentials: provides learners with
essential information about ICT in education and aims to promote
common understanding about the topic in the education sector.

* Module 2: ICT in Education Decision Making: helps learners to
consider the different factors involved in choosing the appropriate
technology to use in a particular education setting. The two modules
were especially designed for policymakers, educational planners,
school administrators, education specialist and educators, in general.

Both modules are lively, colorful and highly interactive. According to
one person's feedback: "I only planned to see a few screens to see how
it looks. Then I got hooked and ended up completing the two modules
which lasted for about an hour." Another said: "This is very
informative. Now I understand more about ICT in Education. I will
recommend this to my other colleagues." The rationale for producing
this CD is pretty simple; UNESCO Bangkok wants to promote and raise
awareness on ICT in Education but it is impossible to reach everyone
and invite them to attend workshops. The only way to do this is to use
ICT itself. Practice what you preach!

Friday, February 04, 2011

When Reality Hits ITIL - Implementations

Is implementing ITIL really simple? It is easy to hear about ITIL from a
consultant or read from a blog or even attend an ITIL course, but the
hardest part comes while implementing those processes in an environment.
Each and every organization is different; they vary with people,
processes, environment, type of support they provide, help desk and much
more. This white paper is intended to help the IT managers to self assess
their help desk and its maturity level in order to implement the right
process at the right time.

contact us for detail:

Fanky Christian
Business Development Director
IBEC Building 2nd Fl
Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim No.84-86
Jakarta Pusat, 10340, Indonesia
SMS: 62-21-98054359
Telp: 62-21-3924716
Fax: 62-21-3903432
mobile: 62-812-1057533

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Wednesday, February 02, 2011

New LMS from Instructure Goes Open Source

A Utah-based company has fired a warning shot across the bow of learning
management system (LMS) companies, including market leader Blackboard,
with the announcement that it's turning its new LMS into open source.
Instructure has publicly released the source code to its Canvas learning
management system, which was launched in 2010. Currently, 26 institutions
have signed contracts with Instructure, including 17 within the Utah
Education Network. The company said that more than 100 other schools are
currently evaluating its application.

"We're excited to offer an alternative to the current LMS options," said
Josh Coates, Instructure's CEO. "We want to open up the market to allow
for innovation so teachers and students can be at the forefront of

Canvas, a cloud-based application, provides standard course management as
well as newer features, such as learning outcomes, peer review, migration
tools, e-portfolios, screen sharing, video chat, and rubrics. The
SpeedGrader puts a video, blog, document, or spreadsheet into a format
viewable in a Web browser, allowing the teacher to grade the material and
make comments.

Above all, the product is being promoted as having an open architecture.
"We don't think we're going to predict what the next big shift is for the
Internet, so we've built an architecture that's easy to plug into," said
Coates. "Historically, LMSs have been walled gardens. They've been closed
and monolithic in their architecture. From day one, Instructure has been
designed to be open."

As a start, Canvas integrates with Web services such as Google Docs,
Google Calendar, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, and RSS. When a teacher changes
the date of a quiz, for example, the system automatically sends a text
message to students who want notifications sent to their phone, a Facebook
message to students who want notifications sent to their social network,
or an e-mail message to students who prefer that.

Panola College, a community college in Carthage, TX, began a pilot of
Instructure in January after using WebCT for multiple years. WebCT is now
owned by Blackboard. "Blackboard is going to eliminate WebCT altogether.
At first, I thought we would just make the natural transition to
Blackboard, but I found out quickly that that wasn't what a lot of our
faculty wanted to do. So that's when we began to investigate other
potential LMSes," said Ann Morris, dean of distance education.

Joined by Jason Gilbert, Panola's education technology coordinator, Morris
began evaluating alternatives, and that's when Canvas came onto their
radar. They attended an audio conference about the product in September
2010. "I expected not to like Canvas and was very surprised. They were
offering some of the very same tools for students and faculty that Jason
and I were wishing for," she recalled.

Those features include a multitude of options for faculty to communicate
with students, its social network integration capabilities, and the
SpeedGrader function, which will allow the college's online speech
teachers to request that their online students video themselves using
their Webcams and then upload it to Canvas.

Panola began its pilot testing in mid-January with 13 instructors--"far
more than I expected," Morris added. "We thought two, three, four
instructors would give us a good analysis. Then we had 13 come forward,
close to a third of our faculty that uses an LMS. We were excited about

Although Morris is hesitant to express any opinions about the product--"I
don't want the instructors to feel as though I'm guiding them in one way
or another," she explained--she noted that she's pleased with how open the
company is to taking feedback. "As our teachers who are piloting Canvas
request a feature, we pass that to the Canvas engineers who will
incorporate it. We're not just using it. We're providing them with a lot
of valuable feedback and helping them make their LMS better."

Morris said she expected Panola to be done with the first stage of its
pilot in April. At that point faculty and students will be surveyed to
develop a recommendation to the college's administration. If that goes
well, the school will bring on more instructors to try out the LMS during
the summer, and then more during the fall. "Our pilot will be a year-long
process," she explained.

"I think [Instructure] has some very intelligent leadership," Morris
concluded. "I think they're committed to surviving whatever may come their
way as they strive to become a real player."

Instructure started as a class project in a venture start-up course Coates
was teaching at Brigham Young University. "One of the assignments was:
List the top five worst pieces of software you use on a daily basis,"
Coates recalled. "Their No. 1 answer was Blackboard, which is what Brigham
Young uses. The follow up to that was to find out how really bad software
can be in the market." Two students who eventually founded Instructure
began studying the LMS market and, when they decided to start the company,
brought Coates in as an advisor and investor.

The company's move to open source may be a pre-emptive effort to avoid a
potential patent run-in with Blackboard, which had about 63 percent of the
market in 2009, according to the Campus Computing Project. In 2007 when
Blackboard was thick into a patent infringement lawsuit against
Desire2Learn, the company issued a statement that granted unrestricted use
of its patented technologies to open source developers. That pledge also
covered companies that service those systems, including hosting,
maintenance, support, and customization. The legal dispute between the two
companies formally ended in December 2009.

However, Coates insisted the move to open source will allow the company
"to penetrate the market quickly." And, he added, "In some sense it
inoculates us from a Blackboard buyout. We hear that so often: 'Your stuff
is so great. Blackboard always buys everyone out. What happens when they
buy you out?' Our response is, 'Well, no, that's not what we're in this
for. I want to change the market. That's why I'm doing this. Going open
source is the best way to do that. If Blackboard tries to buy us, we'll
rebuff the offer. And no matter what happens to Instructure, Canvas is out
there because it's open source."

Instructure is offering three editions of its product. Canvas Community
Edition (CE), available for a free download, will include an open source
AGPL license and community-provided support. Canvas Pro will have a
commercial license and will offer four levels of support, from basic to
professional service. Both of those editions are expected to be run on
institutional hardware. The third option will be Canvas Pro Cloud, which
will be made available as a service subscription and come with three
levels of support, from basic to premium.

As part of that last edition, Canvas provides for automated provisioning.
During peak usage periods, Instructure's hosting service notices traffic
jumps and automatically configures additional servers to handle the load.

Later this month the company will issue a version of SpeedGrader for the
iPad. In the third quarter of 2011, Instructure reported, the company will
release its entire application as an iPad app, with other mobile platforms
to follow.

"The LMS market is in transition," noted Panola College's Morris. "More
colleges and universities are leaving the big LMS systems and going with
[alternatives]. With constraints on budgets, we have to keep an open

About the Author

Dian Schaffhauser is a writer who covers technology and business. Send
your higher education technology news to her at

Contact us for details,

Fanky Christian
Business Development Director
IBEC Building 2nd Fl
Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim No.84-86
Jakarta Pusat, 10340, Indonesia
SMS: 62-21-98054359
Telp: 62-21-3924716
Fax: 62-21-3903432
mobile: 62-812-1057533

Online Store:


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|Kiosk System|
|finosMQS - multimedia queuing system|
|finosMDS - digital signage system|
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SMS Gateway
|SendQuick|OZEKI NG|

Enterprise Management
|OpManager|AppManager|ServiceDesk Plus|NetflowAnalyzer|
|Desktop Central|Firewall Analyzer|FacilityDesk|Solarwinds|

Database and Chart

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