
Sunday, February 08, 2009

Google: What is payment by Western Union Quick Cash?

Mau menggunakan AdSense nya Google? Jangan takut, kita pasti dibayar via Western Union

What is payment by Western Union Quick Cash?

Western Union Quick Cash is a payment method that allows you to receive your AdSense payments in cash using the worldwide Western Union money transfer service. Payments will be available for pick up at your local Western Union Agent the day after they are sent according to our normal payment schedule.

This means that you won't have to wait for a check to arrive in the mail. Choosing to receive your payments by Western Union can also cut down on the bank fees and long clearing times associated with depositing checks.

Your Western Union Quick Cash payment will be made in US dollars. However, at most Western Union Agent locations, you may have the option to receive your payment in your local currency. Conversion rates will be calculated according to the rate used by the Western Union Agent on the day you pick up your payment.

To begin receiving your AdSense payments by Western Union Quick Cash, simply follow our instructions. Please note that at this time, this payment option is only available to individual publishers.

Please also be aware that at this time AdSense does not charge you a fee if you choose to receive payments by Western Union Quick Cash.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Antara (E)ngineer dan (E)ntrepreneur

Menjalani hidup sebagai (E)ngineer memang mengasyikkan. Meng(e)ksplore hal baru terus setiap saat. Tapi setelah menjalaninya lebih dari 5 tahun, mulai menjenuhkan.

Ketika shifting ke dunia marketing, latar belakang (E)ngineer sangat membantu. Jadi kalo mau jadi marketing, alangkah baiknya kita mengerti tentang teknis yang kita tangani. So, kita tidak perlu orang lain untuk membantu kita menerangkan hal yang sangat detail.

Tapi anyway, no body perfect, you still need someone else to help you, to finish what you started.

Menjadi (E)ntrepreneur selanjutnya, memang melelahkan. Tidak hanya karena relly panjang yang harus dilalui untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Tekanan dari keluarga pun seringkali membebani, pantas saja karena mungkin 24 jam waktu yang ada sehari untuk seorang startup enterpreneur mungkin akan kurang.

Sudah 6 tahun menjadi (e)ntrepreneur, tetap saja saya merasakan kurang. Kurang bukan kekurangan materi. Tetapi kurang waktu. Ternyata jiwa (E)ngineer saya masih kerap muncul, dan itu cukup menyakitkan. Karena seolah jadi kurang waktu terus.

Tapi kedua posisi (E) tapi semakin mengokohkan saya, untuk mencapai cita-cita dan harapan hidup dan keluarga.

God bless All...